#22992571Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

(ill go with corporal.) Coming back from a meal, John decided since he had nothing else to do, he might as well tinker around with some random metal peices. He went back to his room. (ill allow you to interrupt him if you want)
#22993003Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

(ok.) I ready myself and I straighten out my uniform. I leave my quarters and walk to the docking bay.
#22993368Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

(Alright, going to continue.) John, after reaching his room, opened up a trunk labeled "Mechanical" and put on his gloves, and then reached in and grabbed a random part. "Huh, this was the gear i was looking for," John said to himself. "I wondered where it went." John pulled out the project that happened to need that particular gear, pushed it in and welded it carefully to a rod, grabbed the nearby bicycle chain, and put it around multiple gears. He stopped for a few seconds to admire the improvised remote control vehicle he made. "Now all i need is a remote control," John thought John looked in the fragile trunk and pulled out a remote control with a cracked casing. "Gonna have to replace the casing in order to use it... but it will be worth it," John thought.
#22993681Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

(there is a civilian section of the station where you might be able to find some parts.)
#22994343Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

(I'm signing off for a while, feel free to keep roleplaying.)
#22994643Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:44 AM GMT

John pulls out some drawing paper and a writing utensil and a few more tools and starts making a detailed drawing of the front of the casing. After getting almost all of it done, John thought "I dont want to do this anymore," but seeing as he has almost completed that part of the drawing, proceeded to finish it up. He then checked that he had his pistol, and took his drawing with him. He decided to head over to the civilian area of the station to see if he could find a new casing, feeling way too lazy to make it himself at that point. (PS: Random gadget John has: A handle which you can mount a bayonent on on one side, and a decent sized wire on the other which is able to be plugged into John's battery pack. Useful when using a long sniper rifle would be impractical.)
#22995626Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

After a long walk, and almost falling up the stairs, John reached the civilian section. He looked over at the usual area for parts but didnt find anything he needed besides a small camera. "Might as well mount that on the remote controlled vehicle, and now i have a use for that huge flatscreen monitor i found," John thought. "Looking for something?" Nick, a person John frequently turned to when he couldnt find something he needed, and who had a very keen eye, asked. "Yes. Where can i find a casing like this one?" John showed Nick the drawing. "Well, your in luck. Some nutball unscrewed one of those casings and all the electronics fell out," Nick said, fetching the casing. He quickly came back, and handed John the casing. "Thanks alot," John said, giving Nick his usual tip. "No problem," Nick said. John then walked back to his room, and installed the new casing. He tested out the remote control on the vehicle. When he wanted it to turn left, it turned right, when he wanted to turn right, it moved backwards. "SCREWY PROGRAMMING!!!!" John yelled. He set aside that particular project in one of his lockable trunks and locked it.
#22996517Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:10 AM GMT

After a few minutes, John calmed down and proceeded to look through the programming, and realized that the programming functions were simply badly matched up with the controller functions. After fixing the problem on his laptop, John reopened the trunk and procceded to mount the camera on the remote control "Tank" and then realized that the small 3x4 in. screen was probably a better choice for the remote control he had, and so mounted it on the remote control. He then programmed the video functions for both the "tank" and the remote control. He proceeded to download the new programming onto both. (Lol i am tempted to have him take it for a test drive down the military hallways.)
#22999668Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

John tests the remote control tank. This time, everything works perfectly. He realizes the battery is low on power, so he gets out a power cord and plugs one end into his battery pack and the other into the vehicles recharging cord and decided to drive it down the military hall. He got alot of strange looks, and one guy whacked him in the face with the side of his arm. "What's your problem?" "Why do you always have to be working on some new thing-a-ma-jig all the time?" "You have a problem with that?" "Go away before i trash that peice of machinery." John picked up his remote control tank and half walked half ran a safe distance before setting it back down again.
#23014276Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:13 PM GMT

After a few hours of driving the remote control vehicle in a wide arc around that one guy who whacked him in the face, John finally got back to his room. He thought it might be a good idea to have the vehicle be able to recharge while in the trunk, so he drilled a small hole out and then placed the remote control vehicle inside it. He then lead the power cord he just used throught the hole and connected it to the power supply. John decided to head out to the firing range, picking up his sniper rifle, and a marker. "There is only so much distance in the firing range, so i have to make up for it somehow," John thought. (Just a little forshadowing, he basically fires a shot at a target, circles it with the marker very closely to where it went through, and then fires another shot trying not to hit where he marked the circle. After all, sniper rifles are long ranged)
#23025907Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

(Bump) While walking to the firing range, John notices something shiny in an air vent. He couldnt quite see what it was, so he thought about using his sniper rifle's energy bayonent. Then he realized that there was some sort of tool in his back pocket that he just left there, (He felt it while he was sitting) so he pulled it out. It was a wrench. "Useless," John thought, as it was not the right tool. John then realized he always had his welder on him, and thought about carefully cutting off the air vent covers and then welding them back on again. (This is my last post until somebody else posts, except for maybe a bump or two.) (Another random gadget John has, an alarm siren he can attach to any smooth surface and set it up to go off remotely. Great for distracting people. (IE: "WHY IS THAT ALARM GOING OFF?!?!?!?!"))
#23026360Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

I walk back into the firing range for some more practice.
#23027233Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

After a moment of pondering, and looking around, John quickly and carefully cut off 1 vent cover with his sniper rifle's bayonent and managed to grab the object. After welding the cover back on, he quickly walked away, managing not to get caught. On closer inspection, the item turned out to be an infered scope. "Well, that could be useful" John thought. He put the scope in his pocket and quickly headed off to the shooting range. Upon reaching it, John headed towards a realitively uncrowded area to do his sniping. He carefully lined up his first shot to hit his target's "eye". Bang! He then quickly walked up to it and made a tight circle around the bullethole, and walked as far back as possible.
#23027588Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

(i have add... bump.)
#23027719Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

I grab a shotgun and go to a target and line up my shot.
#23027938Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:31 PM GMT

(John has a sniper rifle and is firing from the back of the room, probably near a wall. I dont think he would be that hard to notice, especially being a corporal.) John lines up his shot from the back, aiming for the center of the last shot he fired. Eventually, he fires. He then inspects the circle with his scope. "Good," John thought. John lines up another shot.
#23028053Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:33 PM GMT

I fire then look behind me and see John and I watch him.
#23028282Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:36 PM GMT

John fires again. He stops for a moment, lifts his index finger off the trigger, and looks through the scope. He puts his index finger back on it, and prepares to fire. This takes a few minutes. (John is aiming for accuracy)
#23028442Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

"Wow." I say quietly.
#23028570Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:41 PM GMT

John repeats this for awhile without noticing that natilie is watching him.
#23028697Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

I had dropped my shotgun but I hadn't noticed.
#23028954Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

John eventually gets slightly tired of shooting the gun, and so looks around a little bit and sees somebody with a shotgun at their feet. John went over towards natilie.
#23029138Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

I saw him heading for me and saw my gun on the ground and I picked it up.
#23029483Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:55 PM GMT

John, holding his sniper rifle in one hand, which kinda looked like a mismash of metal parts everywhere except the ammo end of the barrel (He made it lighter over the years), prentended not to notice Natilie picking up her shotgun. He said to her, "Hi, I'm John, what's your name?" (I dont have a last name for him yet.)
#23029569Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:56 PM GMT

"Private Natalie." I say smiling.