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#227449705Saturday, November 11, 2017 8:28 PM GMT

hey ROBLOX did you notice a glitch thats like when you play a game the title of the game comes up or its just the title and the picture of the game but it takes so long to load then when it does the little square thing just keeps spinning does anyone except me have this problem?
#227452655Saturday, November 11, 2017 9:42 PM GMT

Hello horsefan765, Roblox connection issues are a bit hard to diagnose from text. Somethings you can try: * Rebooting your router (Routers may slow down for reason, try rebooting it.) * Check your GPU and CPU (make sure they are capatible/can run with Roblox) * Check Drivers (Make sure that they are updated) Remember: Anyone that ask for your account p@ss is trying to take your account! Hope this helped! This account in not associated with ROBLOX at all.. This account is owned by SimplifiedCode

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