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#227549854Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:40 PM GMT

Is it ok to signal a RemoteEvent (from the client) in a RenderStep loop? It's for a simple script I've made that rotates your head/torso/etc accordingly to look in the mouse direction
#227549913Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:43 PM GMT

servers act on a tickrate of 12 so 1/5th of those steps would be redundant. i'd make the iteration time slower and send the information back to other clients where you then interpolate it to make it look smooth.
#227549977Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:46 PM GMT

I never thought of that.. good thinking I keep confusing myself on what remote event signals what, and how to :FireAllClients() and all that
#227550053Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:50 PM GMT

are you rotating using welds, bodymovers, or cframe? whatever you're doing can probably be done locally as spamming requests is bad and can cause network lag
#227550149Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:57 PM GMT

Rotating Motor6D's, joints in the Character's Torso, from a localscript ( which doesn't replicate to the server )
#227550213Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:01 PM GMT

I've no clue how to get it to replicate to the server so other clients/players can see what direction youre looking at

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