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#227582347Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:52 PM GMT

I just need a brick that folows you and when you touch it it ##### ### (last thing I can do myself) it has to folow someone slowly, they don't need to be running all the time and it has to be multiplayer compatible, if you don't want to make a script no problem, just tell me how I should do this kind ofstuff, I won't use free models tough.
#227583636Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:46 PM GMT

you can get the direction between the part and the player with a simple unit calculation. [i think its something like (torsopos - partpos).unit but i may be wrong] move the part based on the direction multiplied by the desired velocity. this will need to be done on an iteration basis, likely every 1/16 of a second for multiplayer compatibility, you will just need to do a magnitude check to find the closest torso.

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