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#227671979Saturday, November 18, 2017 4:53 PM GMT

Positions open for this project - Scripter (2): Needs a good understanding of ROBLOX's Lua and how to script anything from objects to give them actions, to the system were using. - Mesh/Union Model Artists: Since most of the game will involve meshes created in Blender or another 3-D modeling software, you need a proficient understanding on how to create meshes under the poly limit set by ROBLOX. (5000) - UI/UX Artists: We want the UI to be appealing to the eye. Backstory on my idea Well a year ago I decided to start a dungeon crawler/RPG game that will be enjoyable for any type of user, 'I' want it to involve numerous stages as well as bosses. Now I am not a scripter in any fashion, hence why I started out with a "Free RPG" plugin which isn't no where near what I want this projects path to go on. I create highly detailed models and textures but I need a scripter, and some other artists to assist me in this project. The project will have a Game Revenue payout, which the revenue that is earned from the game will be given out in percentages to those that helped depending on the amount of work you put out. Experience/skills desired... - Knowing how to work with meshes, animating meshes, and creating collision boxes for those meshes. (Since we don't have our own engine to an extent to say we have to use collision boxes for some building meshes, or just simple object meshes to ensure the players can't go through, or be blocked from certain areas.) - Takes criticism, I need people to have some tough skin because if you spent hours working on something and it doesn't meet the criteria it won't end up in the game, not only does arguing waste time but if you make things to specification it won't have to be redone. - Team work, this project is team oriented, we will have our own chat for our team to discuss and get help if you need something. I want this to be team-oriented, wouldn't be forming a team for this project if I didn't want a team. - Photoshop, GIM##### Pai#########owledge, scripters don't really need this but the UI/Union/Mesh artists need this for sure. We won't be using many in-game materials rather our own textures for meshes. - Ability to unwrap and create UV's for models/meshes that aren't stretched, and are easy to re-paint/edit. Good UV's!! - Scripters, since I don't have much knowledge on this matter but clean code is good code, and code that is organized is going to be important for the other scripters. So if your interested reply, or get in contact with me. The current preview of the game isn't really open as all of the work is old and won't be used and it will be re-created.
#227672611Saturday, November 18, 2017 5:09 PM GMT

For the project style, looking towards more of a Path of Exile look, but more 3D rather than a topdown/3d view.

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