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#227677682Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:05 PM GMT

Im new to scripting, elseif plrStats.Value < 1.9 then script.Parent.Visible = false how would I make that check if there have enough yet every five seconds?
#227677897Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:10 PM GMT

while wait(5) do if plrStats.Value < 1.9 then script.Parent.Visible = false end end // ASUS GTX 1070 STRIX / i7 6700K
#227678022Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:12 PM GMT

I tried that, i dont know if it just doesnt work because the game is Fitlering Enabled
#227678386Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:20 PM GMT


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