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#227686319Saturday, November 18, 2017 10:24 PM GMT

Hey there, I'm trying to make a game, sometimes you have to swim to get somewhere, but it seems like Roblox added a drowning system, so when I am underwater for a few seconds, I die. Is there any way to disable this? Looking forward to replies :D R$17,933
#227686418Saturday, November 18, 2017 10:27 PM GMT

I don't believe that they did. sounds like a free model is doing this to you.
#227687294Saturday, November 18, 2017 10:50 PM GMT

sounds like a free model is doing this to you.[2] #code print("lol hi")
#227687339Saturday, November 18, 2017 10:51 PM GMT

Roblox doesn't have a "drowning system" mechanic built in. You have either a free model or a plugin that does this.
#227709385Sunday, November 19, 2017 10:33 AM GMT

I don't have any free models in there, never had. R$17,933

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