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#228043882Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:28 PM GMT

Unfiltered paste: 6mB27Mct ARCERIAN REGIME NOTICE OF SHUTDOWN As of 11/25/2017, Arcerian Regime is deemed officially defunct. Here’s your generic group shutdown thread. The group has been in a sorry state with no sign of redemption. Without a clear direction for the group with an inactive leader in a changing platform, it has been decided to shutdown the group permanently. Special thanks to all the weebs that endured a raid to our sorry excuse of a fort. Despite the fact that our fort had been 7 years due a successor, it’s the fairest fort on Roblox. Anyone to tries to argue against that needs the enlightenment of Christ. Another special thanks to the very special nutcases who have stuck around with AcR for this amount of time. AcR’s legacy will carry on in the Remnants ######## Just to reiterate, as someone who did not actively participate in AcR, you are the biggest nutcases I can think of. Thanks for a good few months when I saw AcR in the aftermath of its prime (I’m talking a few years ago if you’re confused), and I’m sure many veterans are thankful for a good few years beforehand. Ok that’s it 👌 god bless 🙏 HEYDUDE261 AND HIS OVERLY SERIOUS WORD WALL It’s been time for a whil AcR’s had its ups and ###### but it’s been a hell of a ride. In spite of the fact that the overall performance of the clan’s been on a steady decline, one thing has kept this clan special for me: its community.y. Conversing with the wonderful people in our community reminds me that prominence in the overall community’s never been our goal. We’ve had our share of incidents and we’ve had our share of fun. But what we’ve done transcends the game that bonded us together. I’m proud to say that as a community, we’ve succeeded. Despite my conflicts with others, and despite past conflicts of the community as a whole, we’ve done our job in creating an enjoyable platform in which everyone is welcome and everyone feels welcome. Shutting down isn’t a consequence; rather, it’s a part of our journey as a community. I’m proud to say that as an Arcerian, I’ve invested myself into furthering our already strong community. Our fun times and silliness aren’t emblematic of our weaknesses, they’re emblematic of our strengths. I call on every member of our community to remember that no matter what happens to our clan from this point onwards, the most important thing that’s kept us together is ourselves. I’m proud to say that as a group, we’ve made a name of ourselves. Not long ago were the days of strength and prosperity. I call on everyone not to worry about the past, though. We’ve got great things in store over the next few years as a community. Our group may be gone, but our communal values will always remain intact. Many of us have moved on to greater things. Many of us will be moving on to greater things. However, I’m still certain that the memories we’ve sustained and the memories that’ll come will remain in the minds of us all. Remember the past. Remember the things we’ve built as a group. But continue to strive towards building our community; that’s what’s most important, in the end. FINAL WORDS “ar clan was the coolest” ~Azarix “Thanks AcR for the great times. I really came to appreciate the toxic-free community. Hehe :P” ~ AngeryAlvin “Fortress Arceria is still to this day a fair base.” ~ Cipheraxz “AcR was not a clan that I was supposed to like but things never turn out perfectly and sometimes things turn out better than you expected. Bittersweet destiny for an awkward but spirited clan.” ~ Guges “Hehe :P” ~ Heydude261 “Needs more cover” ~ Heydude261 “AcR used to be good then Shiro got it :/” ~ pepemoo7 “Deputies, Men of the German Reichstag! A year of events of historical significance is drawing to an end. A year of the greatest decisions lies ahead. In these serious times, I speak to you, Deputies of the German Reichstag, as to the representatives of the German nation. Beyond and above that, the whole German people should take note of this glance into the past, as well as of the coming decisions the present and future impose upon us. After the renewed refusal of my peace offer in January 1940 by the then British Prime Minister and the clique which supported or else dominated him, it became clear that this war-against all reasons of common, sense and necessity-must be fought to its end. You know me, my old Party companions: you know I have always been an enemy of half measures or weak decisions. If the Providence has so willed that the German people cannot be spared this fight, then I can only be grateful that it entrusted me with the leadership in this historic struggle which, for the next 500 or 1,000 years, will be described as decisive, not only for the history of Germany, but for the whole of Europe and indeed the whole world. The German people and their soldiers are working and fighting today, not only for the present, but for the coming, nay the most distant, generations. A historical revision on a unique scale has been imposed on us by the Creator. Shortly after the end of the campaign in Norway, the German Command was forced, first of all, to ensure the military security of the conquered areas. Since then the defences of the conquered countries have changed considerably. From Kirkenes to the Spanish Frontier there is a belt of great bases and fortifications; many airfields have been built, naval bases and protections for submarines which are practically invulnerable from sea or air. More than 1,500 new batteries have been planned and constructed. A network of roads and railways was constructed so that today communications from the Spanish Frontier to Petsamo are independent of the sea. These installations in no wise fall behind those of the Western Wall, and work continues incessantly on strengthening them. I am irrevocably determined to make the European Front unassailable by any enemy. This defensive work was supplemented by offensive warfare. German surface and underwater naval Forces carried on their constant war of attrition against the British Merchant Navy and the ships in its service. The German Air Force supported these attacks by reconnaissance, by damaging enemy shipping, by numerous retaliatory raids which have given the English a better idea of the so charming war caused by their present Prime Minister. In the middle of last year Germany was supported above all by Italy. For many months a great part of British power weighed on the shoulders of Italy. Only because of their tremendous superiority in heavy tanks could the English create a temporary crisis in North Africa. On 24th March a small community of German-Italian units under Rommel's command began the counter-attack. (Dates on which certain points fell.) The German Africa Corps performed outstanding achievements though they were completely unaccustomed to the climate of this theatre of wa Just as once in Spain, now in North Africa Germans and Italians have taken up arms against the same enemy.” ~ Shiro ### # MAMA” ~ Sidelight SIGNED DevChris; General Heydude261; Former Generalal
#228043918Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:28 PM GMT

RIP AcR. Glory!
#228043936Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:29 PM GMT

General* nani
#228043963Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:29 PM GMT

#228044046Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:31 PM GMT

AcR had a good run Sylvious/Perma_frost
#228044089Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:31 PM GMT

#228044190Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:33 PM GMT

#228044215Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:33 PM GMT

RIP :(
#228044247Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:34 PM GMT

ice never on to sign
#228044383Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:36 PM GMT

signed ice in his name
#228044509Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:38 PM GMT

It's worth noting ice himself hasn't signed this, since he's extremely inactive..
#228044569Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:39 PM GMT

i am ice108010
#228044650Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:40 PM GMT

shut up fake heydud
#228044659Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:41 PM GMT

ice gave up back in august and logged out of roblox permanently lolol
#228044703Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:41 PM GMT

no talk bad about ice.........
#228045370Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:52 PM GMT

#228046667Saturday, November 25, 2017 11:09 PM GMT

who u
#228049261Saturday, November 25, 2017 11:47 PM GMT

#228050315Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:03 AM GMT

ur mom a weeb lol owned
#228050519Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:06 AM GMT

#228050594Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:08 AM GMT

#228051928Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:30 AM GMT

acr come to roa we have cool base where defenders spawn inside the base just like you! Confidence is silent. Insecurity is loud.
#228052200Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:34 AM GMT

no quote for nooBS
#228052639Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:42 AM GMT

warmaster wanna tussl
#228052731Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:44 AM GMT

Ice is probably off playing jailbreak somewhere

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