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#228225315Wednesday, November 29, 2017 1:53 PM GMT

The Roblox client just having a never ending "Joining Server" isn't the only issue. Roblox Studio also has this issue if you're loading up a Team Create place. Just displays a MessageBox saying "Requesting Access" for about 5 minutes.. This most likely will be fixed within the next 24 hours because a lot of people are experiencing this, not a couple. A lot. (Hopefully will be fixed, i'm not saying it WILL be fixed within the next 24 hours. But it most likely will be). ok
#228225717Wednesday, November 29, 2017 2:20 PM GMT

Nice to hear.
#228227595Wednesday, November 29, 2017 4:01 PM GMT

Great cause this issue was like since 27-11-2017 and its 3 days after and i cant play roblox still so? what is roblox doing!!!! :ccccccc

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