Ash1835Join Date: 2013-09-21 Post Count: 413 |
By the power vested by Section III of the Firestone Bill Of Rights I hereby petition for the removal of County Executive iSchwenzer.
Over the last month County Executive iSchwenzer has shown incompetence within office and extreme inactivity, I shall explain why.
From the time he was sworn into office, last month he has done next to nothing, and not even having a council quorum of 4, he's had nearly a MONTH to get a new council elected, neither is there a County Chairman, which these parts are vital to having a functioning County Government. I know this because I served as County Executive for 8 months.
As a former County Executive I can hereby say the county government is at a new low, I've never seen it this bad, never. I've completely lost faith in our County Executive who is a a power hungry lazy Executive that has done nothing for us citizens!
Sign and Support this petition to remove the inactive County Executive. Sign and support this petition to stand up and be heard, and if you do we might be able to fix this, together.
Fmr. County Executive Ash1835 |
KasterixJoin Date: 2012-11-06 Post Count: 173 |
Signed |
Signed and supported.
I tried an election once and barely anyone ran. To fix this issue, I have sent a bill to Congress which will make county council a secondary position, which will in return allow for more people to run for county office.
While I wait for that bill to pass, I am conducting my full review on the Sheriff’s Office.
I am in no way inactive. I am just fixing what you failed to. |
Ash1835Join Date: 2013-09-21 Post Count: 413 |
You held elections during senate elections, of course no one is going to run, and review on the sheriff's office? I've heard no such thing no action is being taken. |
Sergeant M4SST3RM1N4T0R, SCSO
Signed, Deputy Speirs SCSO.
Signed, Speirstheamazimg3d. |
MythricJoin Date: 2011-02-24 Post Count: 291 |
sorry ash but i highly recommend not to sign this petition
schwenzer is competent and he's doing a good job with his position
Deputy AuthorizedSteiner |
He just made it mandatory for all SCSO HICOMM to use Grammar in DESCORDS. He is overstepping his power. Support.
~Lieutenant skullGutGuy |
DrTypleyJoin Date: 2014-01-26 Post Count: 32 |
Signed and supported.
I hear by sign my name as a participant in removing the County's Executive. |
I agree with this, as he has done nothing at all to fix the county council. He has also been lazy, and just power hungry. I would prefer having Ash back then have this man as County Executive.
Signed and Supported,
Firestone Department of Justice
State Prosecutor
@mythric that is what you would say about yourself, at this Petition says "power hungry" really sounds like you |
Signed, GoopTrigger |
Citizen of the State of Firestone
SamuelPuppy, HermannMainz, SamuelMcGuigan, SamuMartinez, |
Deputy Pure_Games