Remnant Corporation is pulling out of this war. Good game.
After we as a group have thought it all through, we have come to the realisation that this war does not benefit Remnant Corporation, and has only caused harm to the group. I initially accepted the war expecting it to be fairly relaxed and enjoyable, but that was the wrong assumption to make.
From the first raid, the battles were very dull and it continued like that. Same faces, same strategies. There was little variation to the fights at all, especially since the tunnels were removed from the map. Recently, even the better fighters in the group have appealed to not participate because they'd have more enjoyable events and such to be attending.
Remnant Corporation also sustains it's activity through heavy recruitment, and our source of recruitment does not lay within the clan community but through introducing it to people instead. This has caused a large dip in activity over time, as the raids were quite dull and repetitive plus victory in the war didn't yield a very large reward for either sides, not even 'glory' wise.
RC was not fit for a war when I accepted, I neglected that fact. Recently we'd dropped from 20 per event to 8, and then it has worsened from the war. I had expected the war to boost activity instead, though this was not the case.
Perhaps in the future, we can have a decent and significant war. As for now, that is that. Good job to Borazon Command.
"gg well played" - Beakil
"o rip" - Remnada
"This isn't a fun war in the first place" - Winterite
"SHAMAS YOU _ " - GeneralHaroon
"tell rc that i am dissapointed, thanks" - POLAR_OWL