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#228390128Sunday, December 03, 2017 6:27 PM GMT

In this day and age these unfortunately are more common in the very small percentage of ROBLOX's group storage and likely corrupt people in a very sad manner. These individuals who make these groups are seldom good individuals with a good mind on their shoulders. With that I state the following: Ladies, Feminism nowadays is not what it used to be nearly a century ago, it's not cool to be flopper nowadays because people take it to a degree where it's similar to "ugh! men are the source of all my issues as a woman!" No, stop. Just- stop. If guys were the case for your issues you would be able to tell and it would no longer be just a teenager on their phone screeching and crying into a screen about how much they hate how a man has a sword instead of a sheath and that makes us terrible. You get paid more at work by atleast a 50% average to dollars and cents despite less work according to most economics scale. You can flaunt yourself all day and basically get free positions everywhere most of the time because; men are either weak in their eyes, they feel sorry, or they just can't give more a care. In finality- I thought to post this as I've had a lot of old friends from this service come to me saying that they've been attacked by these Neo-Feminist Activist groups in the past and fairly recent at that, all I am saying here: Stop with this. Support your gender? Sure, just don't go around screeching that you hate all men or that they're a problem. They're not. It's in your head. (I'm in the working class and pursuing law and I'm currently moving to a very liberal territory of New York once I graduate and ##### ## ########## to study the phenomenon of todays feminism.))
#228391604Sunday, December 03, 2017 6:57 PM GMT

atleast they had sane minds
#228392407Sunday, December 03, 2017 7:14 PM GMT

Feminism nowadays is a joke. If they actually fought for equal rights for everyone it'd be different, but like you said, now it's mostly just women screeching and crying about how men are the reason things are bad. I like this post.

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