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#228401097Sunday, December 03, 2017 9:58 PM GMT

Genres where something that help make roblox easy to find hidden devs and find the games just right for me. Genres are now removed and this can have horrible problems to the consumer. In steam, there are genres you can look through and can be a fun time just finding the right game to suit your taste. Looking for a game that is horror at night but a zombie sandbox? Dying Light... OH WAIT! You don't know what the name is, well just look through horror and you will find it, or look through zombie games. The genre tab can help people who want to find a game that suits them, but removing the tab can make many shy away from the fact that they cant find some other games in a genre that's not on the front page. This can cause a huge problems to how much consumers you will have, and make you lose MONEY! Another thing is that some people want to find other new games that have never been done before, but are too small for the front page, hate the games in front, or prefer to help smaller devs. But removing the genre button can lose or drive away possible new consumers, and even lose old consumers, which again... loses MONEY for roblox, even for the long run. So what I'm saying, this will drive away people who only came, or just like to use the genre button, and this can fall in the long run, making you lose people, of which you lose MONEY. So please for your fans, and MONEY... bring it back....

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