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#22898520Monday, March 22, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

Wow I've done this alot. Well this time im going to try not to lose it. NOW LETS GET TO THE STORY!!!! This is somewhat based on my Rareonce roleplay. You can sign up for a character sheet in the story, or join the roleplay and ill use your character. Name: RPAge: Appearnce: Gender: Personality: Bio: Race:(Elf, demon, dwarf, angel, human, etc) Weapons:(Modern) Prologue The year is 2014. Already a giant discovery has been made. There are different races. One we have already conquered, which are the elves. We met all these other races, nations hoping to conquer them all, but now we must all unite to defeat a threat that might destroy us all. Its more than one threat honestly, I thought that back then that I would easily make it through all of this…hah, how wrong was I. Very wrong.
Top 50 Poster
#22899448Monday, March 22, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

Prologue Fixed The year is 2014. Already a giant discovery has been made. There are different races. One we have already conquered, which are the elves. We met all these other races, nations hoping to conquer them all, but now we must all unite to defeat a threat that might destroy us all. Its more than one threat honestly, I thought that back then that I would easily make it through all of this…hah, how wrong was I. Very wrong. My name is Nathanael Reyes I am 16 with dark brown hair that people would call shaggy, but I cut it sometimes. People call me anorexic just because my high metabolism stops me from gaining much weight, my pale white skin led people to call me “Extremely white“ which was actually pretty funny. Now this is my story of how I rose, fell, and lost.
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#22901344Monday, March 22, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

(Note this is a fighting story, it just starts out like an average day) Chapter 1 I woke up with a yawn. I sat up in my bed as my blurry vision fixed itself when I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes. I looked around my bedroom. It was painted black and had a desktop computer on a glass desk in the corner of the room. There was a sixty four inch plasma screen on my wall and a play station three setup. I got out of my bed and walked up to my dresser, pulled out a white t-shirt, some black jeans, and put them on. Then I took my Nike black sneakers with crimson trims and put them on. I was an athlete, a pretty good one at running track. It was all a normal day today. I got out of my room, ate some waffles for breakfast, brushed my teeth, then jogged to Astoria park. That was where we were having our first track meet of the season. Track practices and meets are different. Since track meets are where we race another team. I was the oldest, and fastest on our team. The second tallest. The tallest person was also eight days younger than me, and she was the tallest, yet, she was the slowest. When I reached the park I rested. I jogged to prepare, but I got here an hour early so I could rest. I fell asleep on the grass. This was going to be a fun race. We wouldn’t lose this.
#22901794Monday, March 22, 2010 10:36 PM GMT

Name: Luke Tyler RPAge: 305 Appearnce: White Robes, A stunning White Wings, Red Hair Gender: M Personality: Kind, But if anyone trys to killl him he will kill you Bio: Is a well know angel but is worried about the New nation trying to conquer us Race:(Elf, demon, dwarf, angel, human, etc) Angel Weapons:(Modern) Fal,M-16, Uzi (who said i had to Be unarmed)
Top 50 Poster
#22901842Monday, March 22, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

(Luke. Angels dont use modern weapons, they use enchanted swords.) I woke up. It was time for my track run. This was the first one. Everyone but two people had to run. So I convinced the coach to let the two slowest people not run. Their job was to hand out flyers to the parents about the next track meets. It was a baton race. 200 meters, three rounds. I was in the last round so I didn’t have to worry for now. I sat down and opened a can of Mountain Dew. I drank some, watching the first round. I didn’t exactly know the names of the kids on our team. Jose, a person on our team held the baton, waiting for the whistle. When they blew the whistle he took off sprinting, staying ahead of his opponent, speeding towards the next runner. He handed it to a girl on our team. I didn’t know her name, but she got it and sprinted off. The next enemy runner caught up to her quickly. I didn’t even have to watch. They put their best runner in the first round. We lost it and I knew it. When the round ended. I was proven right. I went to the bathroom during the second round, I came out just in time to see our runner cross the finish line. Looks like we won the second round. Now it was down to the last round. The one where I was the last runner on our team, and I wouldn’t loose.
#22901912Monday, March 22, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

(ok thats fine ORANGE BLADE OF MIGHT :P)
Top 50 Poster
#22901958Monday, March 22, 2010 10:39 PM GMT

(Dude..can you be like...realistic please?)
#22902004Monday, March 22, 2010 10:40 PM GMT

(Ok a Enchanted blade that look faintly orange but is almost a dagger and i conceal it :D happy)
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#22902048Monday, March 22, 2010 10:40 PM GMT

(K. Ill add your char when the war starts)
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#22903143Monday, March 22, 2010 10:56 PM GMT

I had done some stretches during the intermission between rounds. I was ready in my spot. I had the last hundred meters of the race. Two runners per round. We had this in the bag. The first two runners waited. Our team and the other team. On our team was a girl, I didn’t know her name but she was a freshman. She held her baton tightly, waiting for the whistle. It rung out as she sprinted off. Her opponent was an eighth of a step faster than her. She pushed herself, running beyond her limits. We both didn’t want to lose our first track meet. She raced up and handed me the baton, one second after my opponent got his. I sprinted full speed, catching up to him easily, and getting ahead of him. He pushed himself really hard that he just almost matched my full speed. He tripped and fell down as I crossed the finish line. Our team cheered. We had just won our first track meet. This was the greatest day of the track season so far. Tomorrow, would be much different.
#22980690Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

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#22980733Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Yeah I didnt lose it dude lol.
#22986341Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

gonna post anything else to the story ;-;
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#22986389Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

Yes, not now though. Lol.
#22986553Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

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#22988411Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

I woke up the next day. I turned on the news and watched for about ten minutes like I normally did. I was shocked to see that it said the human race was invaded by the dwarves. Apparently we ticked them off by mining in their tunnels. I really hoped this wouldn’t take any part in my life. I was more of a pacifist than anything. I really always tried to hold in my anger. That was the only good part of the whole week.
#23020377Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

Any more?
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#23020401Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

God dangit you ever heard of writers block? Im slowly compiling it.
#23020590Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

mk just wondering
#23021198Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

Name: Natalie Storm (I know stupid last name) RPAge: 24 Appearance: Pink Tee, Blue Jeans, Long Brown hair w/ Blond highlights and a black rose in it, 5,6; Thin, White Sandals w/ rose pattern. Gender: Female Personality: Sweet, Kind, Shy Bio: A shy -just-out-of-college girl with a fighting skill she doesn't like to use Race:(Elf, demon, dwarf, angel, human, etc) Human Weapons:(Modern) A Glock 20 and a dagger,
#23021543Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

Name: ??? "Soul" RPAge: ??? (Appears as 17) Appearnce: A dude in all white with blue eyes, Blonde hair, And hidden white wings. Gender: M Personality: Energetic, Kind, Generous, Etc. Bio: Has a sister... That he is mortal enemys with but travels with. Race:(Elf, demon, dwarf, angel, human, etc) Angel Weapons:(Modern) None.
Top 50 Poster
#23021607Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(Darkian i NEED to know the name and age considering its a story)
#23021685Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

Name: ??? "Abyss" RPAge: ??? (Appears as 17) Appearnce: A girl in a black dress with crimson eyes, Black long hair, A inviting attracting look that invites guys to her so she can KEEL dem. Hidden bat like wings. Gender: F Personality:Evil, Mischevious, Trigger-happy. Bio: Has a brother that she hates that she travels with. Race:(Elf, demon, dwarf, angel, human, etc) Demon. Weapons:(Modern) Machine gun, Dual pistols.
#23021735Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

(Ok. Their real names are Messosoniya (Soul) And Arondaiyous (Abyss).) (Ages are 458 For both.)
#23022470Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:06 PM GMT


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