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#23018655Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:05 PM GMT

Story(YOU MUST READ!): This town, the town that borders reality and the dream realm. This story is about kids who entered the dream town awake. It all started on a trip to vancouver, in the middle of the drive your car broke down and your parents seemed to have dissapeared. you get out of the car and look around. "There's a desert out here?!?!" You think. All of a sudden a old broken down factory appears on the side of the road. "whoa," you say out loud. You head toward the factory because there was no where else to go. As you walk into the factory a shrill voice comes out of nowhere," Hello! Welcome to Dream town!". The room began to change, everything morphed into one big town, the roads looked like they were pollished every nano second and different styled building were planted on the sides of the streets. A clown walks up to you and says, "Come with me! I'll show you to your house,". You began to tug away but the clowns grip was to strong. You continued to walk with him and ended up at a blank property. " think of your dream house, it will appear" The clown says. "your crazy..." you mumble but you follow along anyway, you think of your dream house then, WHAM. There it is right in front of you. CS: Name: A.ge: appearance: personality: Bio: (how you entered the Dream town) inventory:(imagine anything you ever wanted, and you'll get it :3) There's also a twist in the story, it isn't all fun and games, soldeirs have entered through the reality gate and are trying to destroy the town for no apparent reason, somehow the soldeirs are cirrupting citizens minda and turning them crazy, you have to stop them. Rules: No Godmodding No uberness( super over sized gigantic lazer things, anything that powerful) Romance is allowed, but as everyone says... DON'T TAKE IT TO FAR!!!!!!!!!! Roblox rules apply
#23018885Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

CS: Name:Jake A.ge:19 appearance:long black hair, freckles on cheeks, black tuxedo. personality:Nice, can get good revenges so you don't wanna be admins with him... Bio: entered through the factory. inventory:Choclate and candy :3
#23022626Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

(SUGGESTION:since your in the land between reality and DREAMS....surely people have dreams where they sre something compleatly different? cool or otherwise?) Name:Garrith A.ge:13 appearance:brown hair, blue eyes, red or dead designer glasses, overweight, school uniform(school Jumper, Shirt and trousers), white well worn trainers/sneakers. Bio:The school suddenly fell silent. Garrith walked around,scared....because everyone in the school had frozen still. Litterally. You wave your hand in front of their face and they still wont move. Garrith tried the school doors but they were locked as if frozen in time. around the rim of the stationary cupboard door a blue light shone through. It was the only way to go...... inventory:technological stuffz :3

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