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#23057688Friday, March 26, 2010 6:08 PM GMT

Running. You're running. There's... something chasing you. Something grotesque. All you can make out are those long, sharp claws. Those massive, rending fangs protruding from the creature's mouth. You can feel yourself moving faster than your legs can move. You overpace yourself and fall, face first. The floor feels soft. You fumble for your flashlight and flick it on, and you realise you've fallen across dead bodies. Thousands of them covering this massive dark void. You scream and try to scramble forward, but the beast is upon you. You try and shine your flashlight at it, but the light seems to bend around the creature. It's almost as though the thing is made of pure darkness. Panicking, you throw your flashlight at it. The flashlight is absorbed into the creature, leaving no trace behind. The beast growls at you, and you know it's the end. It lunges at you, sinking its teeth into your outstretched neck, ripping open your gut with its claws. Slience. You open your eyes, and panic for a moment. Are you alive? A quick inspection of your surroundings says yes, you are. Thank God, it appears to have all been a dream. You look around your quarters. You remember where you are. Orbital Station A328, in a slow orbit around Mars. The date? You look at the holographic calendar. May 2nd, 2318. Everything seems to be in order. You think about your situation. The future. Spaceships soving the problem of Earth's overpopulation by making colonies for people to live and prosper in. New mining technologies ensure everyone has a chance at making a living. Genetic engineering, making new subspecies of humans and superpowers possible. You admire the view for a moment. Ah, space. A beautiful and dangerous thing in equal measure. Who knows what exists out there? What may already be looking for you? What may already be on the station, hunting you down... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIES As I said before, the future brings us the power of altering the base codes of the human body. NOTE: If you choose to have a power, you have to be a human. Genetic engineering has allowed the following species to exist: Anthro: You should know what this is. If you don't it's basically an animal with human qualities, E.G. walking on 2 legs, talking, intelligence, etc. Avian: A human with bird DNA mixed in. A weakened, ultra-light skeletal structure and tendency not to live beyond the age of 60 are offset by the ability to fly using a set of wings on your shoulder blades. Neko: A human with the ears and tail of an animal. Nothing much else to say. Draconic. You should also know what this is if you know about a certain RP of mine. If you don't, it's a human with the ability to transform into a human-sized dragon. Comes complete with flight capabilities and a breath power of your choosing (e.g. fire, water, electricity). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POWERS If you want to stay human, you have the opportunity of having a superpower. You can't be a non-human and have a power, I'm afraid. Just to balance things out. You can only have one of these powers if you choose to have one. Fira: Allows you to make and control fire. Watra: Allows you to make and control water. Electra: Allows you to make and control electricity. Aira: Allows you to make and control air. This might seem stupid at first, but you could breathe in space in a pinch. Eartha: Allows you to make and control metal, e.g. bending it without touching it and stuff. Telekina: Allows you to move any physical object without touching it, but not make any objects. Telepatha: Allows you to read minds, speak to people through their thoughts and hypnotise people. Transmogrifa: Allows you to transform into any animal. Not any of the species listed above, just a feral animal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES ~ No ubering (saying stuff like 'I dodge all your bullets' or 'I kill all the enemies' is ubering). ~ No godmodding (controlling the weather or anything else your character can't control by him/herself). ~ No controlling other people's characters (saying '[your character] sat down and [someone else's character] sat down beside him/her' or something along those lines). ~ Story roleplaying only (Story roleplaying is 'Bob eats an apple'. Chatroom roleplaying is 'Bob: *eats apple*'. Don't use chatroom). ~ If you have a race other than human, you can't have a power. ~ If you have a power, you can't have a non-human race. ~ One power only. ~ Use your common sense! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Ag.e: Gender: Race (Must be human if you have a power): Appearance: Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'): Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns): Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Bio (At least two sentences):
#23058606Friday, March 26, 2010 6:35 PM GMT

#23058862Friday, March 26, 2010 6:43 PM GMT

Name: James Hexsurfer Ag.e: 16 Gender: Male Race: Draconic Appearance: -in human form: http://www.roblox.com/Tokarief-s-ID-by-Tokarief-item?id=24417231 -in dragon form: Red eyes, grey horns, black body, grey paws, blue feather on the tail. Power: None Job: Young security guard Equipment: Stun baton, pistol 9mm Likes: Free time, kind people. Dislikes: All-day work, rude people, troubles. Bio (At least two sentences): His parents sent him to get a job. He's still learning how to be a good security guard.
#23058989Friday, March 26, 2010 6:46 PM GMT

Name:Volcan Ash (Normally called as Ash Volcan.) Ag.e:15 Gender:Male Race:Human. Appearance:Quite ragged overalls, dusty light orange skin, Brown and Black checkered hat on, blue eyes. Power:(Nucear, could you pick between Fira and Transmogrifa? I'm not sure what would best suit my job.) Job:Engineer. Equipment:A backpack full of various tools for fixing or making generators and such. Personality:Kind, laidback, funny, encourager. Likes:Doing his job, Making new friends. Dislikes:Having enemies, monsters. (Note: He is not scared of monsters, just thinks they are so Cliche.) Bio:Volcan was quite worried when he woke up, he screamed and ran around in circles. Volcan was born on the ship when his farther and mother died. His father was an engineer and the other engineers told him the tricks of the trade.
#23059807Friday, March 26, 2010 7:11 PM GMT

Name: Dean Inusan. Ag.e: 22. Gender: Male. Race (Must be human if you have a power): Human. Appearance: About 6'1, with shaggy black hair that gets in the way of his eyes alot. His eyes are blue, and he has normal facial features. He wears a standard Engineer uniform. Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Electra. Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'): Engineer. Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns): Wrench, ratchet, a few other tools. Personality: He's kind, but not very talkative to the people he doesn't know. Can be encouraging. Likes: Working, talking to someone he knows. Dislikes: Being idle, when a circuit fries. Bio (At least two sentences): He's been on the station his whole life. His parents went back to earth after 10 years on the station, leaving him with a good friend who died not too long ago. Report Abuse
#23060041Friday, March 26, 2010 7:18 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23060313Friday, March 26, 2010 7:26 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23107229Saturday, March 27, 2010 2:39 PM GMT

#23107320Saturday, March 27, 2010 2:41 PM GMT

(Sorry about not starting this earlier. Also, I won't be making a character. I'll control... something else.)
#23107713Saturday, March 27, 2010 2:47 PM GMT

(Can you answer my question Nucear? *Points to my CS*)
#23108542Saturday, March 27, 2010 3:00 PM GMT

(May i join? Also you sshould give out some more examples of jobs ._. Couse havent you noticed everyone is either a security or Enginear?) Name: Mike Foxtrot Ag.e: 20 Gender: M Race (Must be human if you have a power): Human Appearance: Brown hair , Jacket , Jeans , Gloves And Blue eyes. Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Transform Job : Engineer Equipment : Map , Basic Repairing kit , Small Radio/Computer , Gum . Personality: Relaxed , Working hard. Likes: Repairing , Space , New things Dislikes: Death , Broken stuff, Complete lockdown. Bio : Came to the station as a engineer since he loves space and Repairing , Helps allot with repairing the pods and computers , Has a basic understanding of repairing Doors Computers Systums ..
#23108914Saturday, March 27, 2010 3:07 PM GMT

(Bugi, use your imagination for jobs. Ratchet, I know this doesn't help, but it's your character, and so you should choose.)
#23109042Saturday, March 27, 2010 3:09 PM GMT

(Fira then.)

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