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#2342185Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:14 PM GMT

ok i really really need help on trying to make a minigame script plz tell me how and/or give me the adress to the script
#2342376Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:28 PM GMT

i got one but dont know if works (never tested it)
#2342777Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:53 PM GMT

ok ill proboly try it for you and tell you if it works
#2342851Saturday, August 16, 2008 8:57 PM GMT

here it is: while true do wait(5) print("game1") local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Text = "push fight minigame!" wait(1) m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) m:remove() wait(3) Y = game.Players:GetChildren for i = 1, #Y do local a = Y[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") wait(1) a.CFrame = game.Workspace.game1.CFrame end wait(2) local b = Instance.new("Message") b.Text = ("START") b.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) b:remove() wait(40) local r = Instance.new("Message") r.Text = "Several or 1 winner(s)!" r.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) r:remove() wait(2) for i = 1, #Y do local g = Y[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") wait(2) g.Health = 0 end wait(5) print("game2") local j = Instance.new("Message") wait(1) j.Text = "sword fight minigame!" j.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) j:remove() wait(3) for i = 1, #Y do local f = Y[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso") wait(4) f.CFrame = game.Workspace.game2.CFrame end local h = Instance.new ("Message") wait(1) h.Text = "Fight with swords!" h.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) h:remove() wait(3) for i = 1,#Y do game.Lighting.Sword:clone().Parent = Y[i].Backpack end wait(40) local g = Instance.new("Message") g.Text = "End of fight!" g.Parent = game.Workspace wait(2) g:remove() for i = 1,#Y do local k = Y[i].FindFirstChild("Humanoid") k.Health = 0 end wait(5) print("game3") local t = Instance.new("Message") t.Text = "mushroom top minigame!" wait(1) t.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) t:remove() wait(3) Y = game.Players:GetChildren for i = 1, #Y do local v = Y[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") wait(1) v.CFrame = game.Workspace.game1.CFrame end wait(2) local z = Instance.new("Message") z.Text = ("START") z.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) z:remove() wait(20) local n = Instance.new("Message") n.Text = "Several or 1 winner(s)!" n.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) n:remove() wait(2) for i = 1, #Y do local x = Y[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") wait(2) x.Health = 0 end end RandomBrick ____________ msg = Instance.new("Message") msg.Parent = game.Workspace msg.Text = "NAME has begun to summon random bricks!" wait(3) msg:remove() while true do wait(5) brick = Instance.new("Part") brick.Parent = game.Workspace brick.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(-200, 200), 100, math.random(-200, 200)) brick.Size = Vector3.new(math.random(1, 10), math.random(1, 10), math.random(1, 10)) brick.Color = Color3.new(math.random(), math.random(), math.random()) end \___/ /_\ /_\ \ / \ / | (______)
#2445541Friday, August 22, 2008 6:46 PM GMT

#2445754Friday, August 22, 2008 6:56 PM GMT

that might be a minigame script but its not a true minigame script....
#2445778Friday, August 22, 2008 6:57 PM GMT

adminchose = game.Workspace.MinigameAdminChosen gameplaying = game.Workspace.MinigamePlaying checkfordeath = true points = 0 platamnt = game.Workspace.PlatformAmount.Value platleft = 25 removethisplat = 0 platwaittime = 0.15 check = 0 everybodylost = false checkingpeoples = false function givetool(tool) local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value == gameplaying.Value) then local newtool = tool:Clone() newtool.Parent = p[i].Backpack else print("p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value ~= gameplaying.Value!") end end end function teleto(x, y, z) local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value == 0) then p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value = gameplaying.Value local newx = x + math.random(-5,5) local newy = y + 5 local newz = z + math.random(-5,5) p[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(newx, newy, newz)) end end end function rewardwinners(amnt) local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1, #p do if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value == gameplaying.Value) then p[i].leaderstats.Points.Value = p[i].leaderstats.Points.Value + amnt p[i].leaderstats.Played.Value = p[i].leaderstats.Played.Value + 1 showtwomsg("Message", "The round winners are: " ..p[i].Name.."", game.Workspace, 5, "Hint", "You have won " ..points.. " points!, Congratulations!", p[i]) end end end function hidemsg(parent) local p = parent:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i].className == "Message") or (p[i].className == "Hint") then p[i]:remove() end end end function showmsg(type, text, parent, time) hidemsg(parent) local m = Instance.new(type) m.Parent = parent m.Text = text wait(time) hidemsg(parent) end function showtwomsg(type1, text1, parent1, time, type2, text2, parent2) hidemsg(parent1) hidemsg(parent2) local m = Instance.new(type2) m.Parent = parent2 m.Text = text2 local m = Instance.new(type1) m.Parent = parent1 m.Text = text1 wait(time) hidemsg(parent1) hidemsg(parent2) end function findpoints() points = 0 local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1, #p do if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value == gameplaying.Value) then points = points +1 print("Points is " ..points.. "") points = math.random(points * 2, points * 3) print("Points is " ..points.. "") end end end function resetpeople() local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value == gameplaying.Value) then p[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = p[i].Character.Humanoid.Health -100 end end end function everybodylosthaha() if (everybodylost == true) then check = 0 checkingpeoples = false print("Everybody Lost!") showmsg("Message", "Everybody lost!", game.Workspace, 5) if (gameplaying.Value == 1) then gameplaying.Value = 0 everybodylost = false wait(5) checkpeoples() end if (gameplaying.Value == 2) then gameplaying.Value = 0 everybodylost = false wait(5) checkpeoples() end if (gameplaying.Value == 3) then gameplaying.Value = 0 everybodylost = false wait(5) checkpeoples() end if (gameplaying.Value == 4) then gameplaying.Value = 0 everybodylost = false wait(5) checkpeoples() end else print("Everybodylost == false!") end end function checkplayingpeoples(p) if (checkingpeoples == true) then checkingpeoples = true local playpeoples = 0 check = check +1 print("Check is "..check.."") local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i]:findFirstChild("leaderstats") ~= nil) then playpeoples = playpeoples +1 if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value < 1) then playpeoples = playpeoples -1 print("Play Peoples is " ..playpeoples.. "") if (playpeoples < 1) then print("Everybody Lost!") everybodylost = true everybodylosthaha() check = 60 else print("Play Peoples is bigger then 0") end else print("Play Peoples is " ..playpeoples.. "") if (playpeoples < 1) then print("Everybody Lost!") everybodylost = true everybodylosthaha() check = 60 else print("Play Peoples is bigger then 0") end end end end else if (check > 60) then checkingpeoples = true local playpeoples = 0 check = check +1 print("Check is "..check.."") local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i]:findFirstChild("leaderstats") ~= nil) then playpeoples = playpeoples +1 if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value < 1) then playpeoples = playpeoples -1 print("Play Peoples is " ..playpeoples.. "") if (playpeoples < 1) then print("Everybody Lost!") everybodylost = true everybodylosthaha() check = 60 else print("Play Peoples is bigger then 0") if (check > 60) then check = 0 end end else print("Play Peoples is " ..playpeoples.. "") if (playpeoples < 1) then print("Everybody Lost!") everybodylost = true everybodylosthaha() check = 60 else print("Play Peoples is bigger then 0") if (check > 60) then check = 0 end end end end end else print("Either CheckingPeoples == false or check is bigger then 60") end end end function endgame3() check = 0 checkingpeoples = false showmsg("Message", "Game over!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Winners recieve: " ..points.."", game.Workspace, 5) rewardwinners(points) resetpeople() gameplaying.Value = 0 end function repickplat() pickplat() end function pickplat() removethisplat = math.random(1, platamnt) print(removethisplat) local platname = "Platform"..removethisplat.."" print(platname) local findplat = dissplatbackup2:findFirstChild(platname) if (findplat ~= nil) then local findval = findplat:findFirstChild("Value") if (findval ~= nil) then if (findval.Value == removethisplat) then wait(5) print(findval.Value) removeobj(findplat) end else print("Error at function pick plat!. Findval returns nil!") print("The platform without the value is " ..plat[i].Name.."") print("Oh Noez! This means that the world is becoming a lie! First cake, now FindVal!") print("Lolz0r!") end else print("Platform doesn't exist!") removethisplat = math.random(1, platamnt) print(removethisplat) local platname = "Platform"..removethisplat.."" print(platname) local findplat = dissplatbackup2:findFirstChild(platname) if (findplat ~= nil) then local findval = findplat:findFirstChild("Value") if (findval ~= nil) then if (findval.Value == removethisplat) then wait(5) print(findval.Value) removeobj(findplat) end end else repickplat() end end end function removeobj(obj) obj.Color = Color3.new(0,0,0) wait(.5) obj.Transparency = 0.1 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.2 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.3 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.4 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.5 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.6 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.7 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.8 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 0.9 wait(platwaittime) obj.Transparency = 1 obj.CanCollide = false platleft = platleft -1 checkingpeoples = true repeat wait(1) checkplayingpeoples() until (check == 1) checkingpeoples = false check = 0 if (platleft > 1) then pickplat() else endgame3() end end function game1() game.Workspace.MinigameAdminChosen.Value = 0 findpoints() local playpeoples = 0 gameplaying.Value = 1 wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Minigame 1!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Sword fight!", game.Workspace,5) wait() teleto(game.Workspace.SwordFight.Base.Position.x, game.Workspace.SwordFight.Base.Position.y, game.Workspace.SwordFight.Base.Position.z) givetool(game.Workspace.LinkedSword) checkingpeoples = true repeat wait(1) checkplayingpeoples() until (check == 60) checkingpeoples = false check = 0 if (gameplaying.Value == 1) then showmsg("Message", "Game over!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Winners recieve: " ..points.."", game.Workspace, 5) rewardwinners(points) resetpeople() gameplaying.Value = 0 points = 0 end end function game2() game.Workspace.MinigameAdminChosen.Value = 0 findpoints() gameplaying.Value = 2 wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Minigame 2!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Tilting platform!", game.Workspace,5) wait() teleto(game.Workspace.TiltingPlatform.Position.x, game.Workspace.TiltingPlatform.Position.y, game.Workspace.TiltingPlatform.Position.z) checkingpeoples = true repeat wait(1) checkplayingpeoples() until (check == 60) checkingpeoples = false check = 0 if (gameplaying.Value == 2) then showmsg("Message", "Game over!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Winners recieve: " ..points.."", game.Workspace, 5) rewardwinners(points) resetpeople() gameplaying.Value = 0 end end function game3() game.Workspace.MinigameAdminChosen.Value = 0 findpoints() gameplaying.Value = 3 wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Minigame 3!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Dissepearing Platforms!", game.Workspace,5) local plats = game.Workspace.Platforms:GetChildren() for i = 1, # plats do if (plats[i].className == "Part") then plats[i].CanCollide = true plats[i].Transparency = 0 wait(.01) end end local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #p do if (p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value == 0) then p[i].leaderstats.Round.Value = gameplaying.Value local x = game.Workspace.Platforms.PlatformCenter.Position.x local y = game.Workspace.Platforms.PlatformCenter.Position.y local z = game.Workspace.Platforms.PlatformCenter.Position.z local newx = x + math.random(-5,5) local newy = y + 5 local newz = z + math.random(-5,5) p[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(newx, newy, newz)) wait(.1) end end pickplat() end function game4() game.Workspace.MinigameAdminChosen.Value = 0 findpoints() gameplaying.Value = 4 wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Minigame 4!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Jump the platforms!", game.Workspace,5) wait() teleto(game.Workspace.Jump.Start.Position.x, game.Workspace.Jump.Start.Position.y, game.Workspace.Jump.Start.Position.z) checkingpeoples = true repeat wait(1) checkplayingpeoples() until (check == 60) checkingpeoples = false check = 0 if (gameplaying.Value == 4) then showmsg("Message", "Game over!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) showmsg("Message", "Winners recieve: " ..points.."", game.Workspace, 5) rewardwinners(points) resetpeople() gameplaying.Value = 0 end end function findadmingame() if (adminchose.Value == 1) then game1() end if (adminchose.Value == 2) then game2() end --if (adminchose.Value == 3) then --game3() --end if (adminchose.Value == 4) then game4() end if (adminchose.Value == 3) then adminchose.Value = 0 pickgame() end end function pickgame() if (game.Workspace.MinigameAdminChosen.Value ~= 0) then findadmingame() else local minigame = math.random(1,4) if (minigame == 1) then game1() end if (minigame == 2) then game2() end --if (minigame == 3) then --game3() --end if (minigame == 4) then game4() end if (minigame == 3) then pickgame() end end end function checkpeoples() if (game.Workspace.Players.Value > 1) or (game.Workspace.AutoPlay.Value == 1) then showmsg("Message", "Minigames started!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) pickgame() elseif (game.Players.NumPlayers > 1) then showmsg("Message", "Minigames started!", game.Workspace,5) wait(3) pickgame() else wait(5) showmsg("Message", "You need one more player to play the minigames", game.Workspace, 5) beep() end end function beep() everybodylost = false checkpeoples() end while true do wait(5) beep() end
#2836300Wednesday, September 17, 2008 2:49 AM GMT

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