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#23495560Friday, April 02, 2010 10:23 PM GMT

This is Rockland isle, A community 20 miles from Britain, essentially a large concrete block with rocks piled around the edge. It was built as a prison compound, but a community grew up on the other side, with a small port, gradually growing to city status. Not a particularly nice city, and the tallest building was an apartment complex. There were many storms, but the artificial island was built to last. After recieving reports of a viral outbreak on the mainland, one widespread and fatal, easily contagious, the poeople of Seafield burned down the pier leaving the island isolated. But the fact that the rest of the island was a barrier oof rocks wasn't going to keep thge virus out forever... Character sheet: -Name: -A.ge: -Gender: -Appearence: -Weapons: -Bio: Rules: -No romance. This is a life/death situation. -No starting with rifles, you can only get them from prison guards, unless of course you ARE a prison guard. -Yes, its a zombie virus!
#23495998Friday, April 02, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

-Name: Kenneth Sayer. -A.ge: 43. -Gender: Male. -Appearence: tall, grey eyes, brown hair and blond streaks. -Weapons: VP70, nail gun, battery drill. -Bio: Moved to Rockland twenty years ago because he couldn't find a place to moor his boat, and house prices were so low there at the time he could afford to replace his RV with a flat. Small arms were allowed on the island, though all had to be registered. He imported a VP70.
#23498791Friday, April 02, 2010 10:51 PM GMT

Kenneth was drinking a diet coke. It was day three now, no sign of any mutagenic virus, so he assumed he was safe. How wrong he was. North Sea. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gareth Seng was lying in the driver's seat, coughing. He was headed for Rockland, he wasn't entirely sure why. Glancing down at the bite mark on his arm, he suddenly felt elated. He had escaped. This used up the last of his energy, and he succumbed to his headache. After collapsing into the padded seat, he shivvered. The boat took no notice, and stormed onwards towards the unsuspecting residents of Rockland. Gareth died five minutes later, alone in the East Atlantic, before waking up again, hungry.
#23555422Saturday, April 03, 2010 4:29 PM GMT

The can clanged as it hit the recycle bin, and Kenneth lay back and watched the TV. Though there was nothing on but static and a small news channel for the island which served as a newspaper. The weather came on, telling of a storm edging around the west side of the island and dark clouds surrounding it for almost twenty miles. Good day, he thought. It was usually raining at Rockland.
#23558579Saturday, April 03, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

As the boat crashed against the rocks, the hull scraping and breaking, something grey climbed out, heaving itself over the side and crawling onto the equaly grey wavebreakers of Rockland. Sensing food over it, it pushed up and out of the cold, dark sea. "uuunnnggghhh..." it moaned, hungry. Hungry for living flesh.
#23559123Saturday, April 03, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

Name: Nathan E. -A.ge: 29 -Gender: Male -Appearence: Prison Guard Cap, Prison Guard Suit, Black Shoes, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes -Weapons: Scoped Winchester Rifle -Bio: Nathan stood on one of the prison's towers, Keeping watch over the inmates.
#23559860Saturday, April 03, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

Kenneth changed the channel to AV4. He had hooked it up to the island CCTV system, not nescasarily legal, but he wanted to make sure the island was safe. And so, he was surprised to see a boat he didn't recognise on the western island wavebreak. What was it doing there? Well, it was something he would need to report. He picked up the radio, and sent a message to the city hall. "Hello, this is Kenneth Sayer. Id like to report a possible danger off the west coast. An unidentified boat, i can't see anyone in it. Though that doesn't mean there was no one in it ten minutes ago. Bye." And with that, he walked over to a cabinet, and took out his VP70, placing it in his pocket. Kenneth also took a nail gun and battery powered drill from the tool cupboard.
#23708663Monday, April 05, 2010 4:12 PM GMT

The firt screams rang out from the streets below. Had the authorities been too late? No, it was just a drunk guy crossing the road. After seeing that the man had a bottle in his hand, that was pretty much certain. Besides, he wasn't attacking anyone. If reports from the mainland were to be believed, they simply went straight for food, no messing around. But then... The man collapsed. Kenneth ran straight for the door, turned all the locks, and slid every bolt. There were only two of each, so itdidn't take long. As a precaution, he walked out onto the balcony. This was for three reasons. One, He would have further between himself and any zombie. Two, he could close the doors if they got too close. Three, if he was bitten or in immenant danger of being mauled, he could jump. Hopefully number three would never happen.

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