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#23854682Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:08 PM GMT

"Welcome to Camp Mono Lake, California! We like to think that each and every child has a chance to rebuild their lives, despite problems in their living, health and families! We will be looking after you until your 21st birthday, when you can either leave, or stay as an instructor!" Said Heather, an overly-enthusiastic, skinny, blond instructor with too-big white teeth. She couldn't really talk, everyone at camp knew she had the perfect family, the perfect life, and didn't understand why the kids here were so messed up. Behind the instructors backs, the campers called it 'Camp Misfit'. They were supposed to be there to learn social skills, study stuff and find out what jobs they would want, and when they were deemed 'Cured' by the instructors, they were sent back to their families. And some of them ended up coming back to the camp anyway. It isn't all work. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the kids have a load of activities to choose to do: Paintballing, fishing, athletics, yoga, tennis, football, art, free-climbing, archery, dance, drama, band and textiles. They even have mini dances and concerts, for the kids, to show the other other campers what they can do. Rules: 1.Regular forum rules 2.!f yUh t!ype Lyk3 Dihs, DON'T JOIN 3.Only Admins/Mega Admins can be Archangels. 4. Admins/Mega-Admins, don't abuse power 5.Only Mega-Admins can ban permanently. Admins can only ban temporarily, until a Mega Admin decides. 6.Nothing creepy, weird, random or unnecessary. Only post if you will join. 7.Admins/Mega-Admins give three warnings before a ban. 8.No ubering/ godmodding/ character controlling. 9.No super powers/ magic people. 10.Only Admins/Mega-Admins can be instructors. 11.Romance is allowed, don't go too far. Admins MikaVerLeth Zinmango Drumkid11 SargeantKiller8789 (And alts) Mega-Admins Kyundi (And alts) Goldrunner Padrona Me (If I ever come on) CS: Name: A.ge: Bio: Appearance: Reason: (Why are they here?) Type: (Instructor/camper)
#23855002Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

(the no archangel is a big punition for me T_T) name:deimos seraphob a.ge:16 bio:a kid really gifted with the science of electronics, engineering and physics. it's incredible what one can do with some metal junk.... appearence: blue sweatshirt top with hood, black jean, snickers shoes, a backpack with tools type:camper
#23855021Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

Name: Genna A.ge: 16 Bio: A tomboy, brave. She comes from Britain and has a British accent. She doesn't have any friends. Genna was struck by lightning on the hand when she was 13, running inside from falling asleep on an outside bench. Appearance: Search up "Gennargh" on Youtube and look at the picture. Not me in real life though xP My character also has a scar on her hand. Reason: She's an orphan and her uncle Jade thinks she's messed up. Type: Camper
#23855072Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:19 PM GMT

(Oh man... I use the same rules for each roleplay I make, so the rules are usually a bit dodgy. Just ignore that one T_T)
#23855121Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

*gives hug* *destroys deimos seraphob* name:deimos seraphis a.ge:15 (in appearence and actions) bio:a kid really gifted with the science of electronics, engineering and physics. it's incredible what one can do with some metal junk.... oh and he has some abilities as well..... appearence: blue sweatshirt top with hood, black jean, snickers shoes, a backpack with tools .white long haird and light blue eyes. type:camper
#23855123Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

(Okae. Can I start?)
#23855146Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:21 PM GMT

(yeah, can we?)
#23855194Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

#23855229Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:23 PM GMT

I sat in my cabin at Camp "Misfit". I thought there was something wrong with me, but Uncle Jade didn't see it. When I got struck, something changed me..everyone forgot me and I seemed to control the lightning.
#23855240Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:24 PM GMT

Name: Warren Snakeweed A.ge: 18 Bio: Nehro is known, and feared by most. He has met no person like himself, so he is lonley. He is reclusive, intelligent, and quiet. Appearance: He wears a long, black overcoat, which covers his body, apart from showing his black skinny jeans, with 3 loose-hanging studded belts. Wool black and white stripe sweater, and underneath a silver Omega necklace, made of beaten gold. He has pale skin, ghostly, which contrasts against his pinkie red eyes. He has elfin features, thin lips, and an aristocratically formed nose. He has long white flowing hair on to his waist, with a black bang over his left eye, and a black stripe down his back. He has black tribal symbols over his wrists. Finally, he has black denim converses, and high black and white striped socks. Reason: Warren killed a bully, who was hurting his brother. Type: Camper
#23855249Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:24 PM GMT

(*tobi voice* i am a good boy*) anyway, i'll go ahead. deimos was in the park, with some metal sheets, cables various tools and some motors. he was, as usual, working on his stuff away from the workers has, after all, that's why he was sent here. he had made a helicopter and almost crashed it while parking in school.....
#23855277Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:25 PM GMT

(WHAT IS WITH MY AGE!? Typo. It's 17.) I looked out the window of my cabin. People were gathering by the counselors to get their cabin. I still had no one and I was here for an hour.
#23855320Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:26 PM GMT

Nehro sat on in a cabin, drawing. I looked up at the girl looking out of the window. I looked back at my work, drawing quickly.
#23855352Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:27 PM GMT

I saw the boy, and I looked down. What's wrong with me? I walked out of my cabin, and started heading for a forest. It was raining. Rain calmed me down.
#23855399Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:29 PM GMT

deimos had finished his work. it was little, 50 cm robot with a big alien like head with big cams as eyes, with normal arms and legs. deimos raised his hand and a zap of lightening went into the robot, giving it life. yep, that's his ability. he's really gifted with mechanics. robot name: White card 1 (wc1) type:slave/security strentgh:small, noiseless, somewhat "smart"
#23855480Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:32 PM GMT

deimos was settled his legs in cross, on the grass, looking at the robot. he had spent a month gathering the parts, and another weak preparing them in secret. if the worker found it, they would most likely take it. and so he was thinking. the robot was also looking at him, waiting. it sometimes looked around him.
#23855757Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

Name: Emma Meadows A.ge: 17 Bio: She defys the rules of being blond; she isn't dumb. She is very clever, kind, but somewhat anxious, and flinches easily, ehich is why she never chooses an activity like tennis on Friday-Sundays. She usually expresses herself through music, as she is a very good singer. She can also play guitar and piano. She is quiet if you don't know her. Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Another-Character-item?id=24719154 Reason: Her father used to beat her up :L Type: Camper
#23855810Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:39 PM GMT

(lol @ padrona) (i was actually thinking of a blond joke DX) deimos got up, and the robot followed him. they ran towards the sleeping house, and deimos hid WC1 under his bed.
#23855922Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:43 PM GMT

I looked down when the girl left. I hated making people upset. But then, I was me. I hated myself. I glanced at the razor blade on the shelf, which was on a very, very short chain, so I couldn't bring the razor to my wrist. Plus, the cahin set off a Tanbun gas machine, which sent me to sleep. So I didn't use it. But I longed to.
#23855963Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:44 PM GMT

After a while I came out, my hair as wet as can be.I sat on the wall side of my cabin, watching the boy. He seemed to be devastated like me.I wished I could bring ymself up to talking to him.
#23855985Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:44 PM GMT

deimos was in his room. surprisingly, it smelled of tanbun almost all the time. he wondered if he should check who lives there. but after all, someone could snitch on the robot.
#23856050Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

("Omega necklace, made of beaten gold". Reminds me of a girl in a book. When her parents died, she got their wedding rings beaten into Omega, because she decided that was the end of her family :L) I sat in my room, playing my guitar softly
#23856069Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

My eyes dragged upwards again. "You like looking at me. I should be in a cage." I half mumbled.
#23856070Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23856080Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:48 PM GMT

deimos pulled the robot off under his bed and put it on top, opened the back and started working on it.

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