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#23879191Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

first of all the comment are 4 what faction, sub_faction, ect... is your favorite, if you like it, polling new ideas, ect.. plz no negaitive comments/spam on my comment board on here or my places comments (and if you didnt catch this this IS FOR MY PLACE NOT A FORUM RP) if you do you will get a warning then a ban (AGAIN A BAN FROM MY PLACE) this forum is also very long though you really should read it if your coming to the place if you someone else you see that doesnt follow the rules report. repoting format will be stated later -=THE BASICS=- no Gmodding period (QUOTE) "ive got lazR vis1on and im indu$tructib!e zap! ur de@d zap! ur de@d h@@w h@@w! (UNQUOTE) use approprate chat (___) = outside of plot. [___] = thinking. *___* = actions. ~name~____ = someone else talking (usually an imaginary person). and ___ = talking no insta kills AT ALL it makes plots fall apart really fast no randm attacking this place has no tools that hurt people its not a brick battle map no godly powers like flying, time travel, spawning minions, ect... -=WEAPONS=- the only weapons you may have besides the ones in the game are melees if you want something not put in post suggestions in the comments in the bottom of the page no using out of class weapons like i dont want to see a faery using the vicegrip tool (unless specified in your bio) -=CLASSES=- don't have too many of one class (example) 9 humans only 1 alien. have a few of each classes no mod-classes like mummys, vampires, zombies, werewolfs, industructible people ect.... do not randomly switch classes its very annoying and i am very strict about this -=MONEY SYSTEM=- 1 cent = this goes about 1.5 modern cents 1 dollar = about a dollar fifty from the real world fazigmite ore = about 15 dollars from the real world fazigmite sliver = about 150 dollars from the real world refined fazigmite = about 500 dollars from the real world -=REPORTING FORMAT=- this is if you see someone not following the rules use this. subject: REPORT text: I am reporting *state users full name* for *give a detailed description of what he/she did* if this player has already had a warning he/she will be banned. if one of the admins are breaking theese rules Post/PM me right away and he/she will be stripped of admin and possibly banned -=RECCOMENDING FORMAT=- this is if you see someone following the rules, your having a real fun time plotting with them, and they seem like admin material use this; subject: RECOMENDATION text: I am recomending *state users full name* because of *state that you had a great time with them and why they should be admin ect...* if this player has already had a few recomendations or ive seen them before he/she will get one of the admins -=BIO FORMAT=- bio:name-(your characters name) | age-(how old you person is) | faction-(ill exlain what the factions are later) | sub_faction-(ill also explain this more) | gender-(either male or female) | height-(?ft/?inch) | appearance-(what your person will look like based on the previous information) | personality-(what your characters like evil? insane? kind and caring?) | occupation-(what your characters job is if there is one normally the sub_faction is also your occupation) | pets-(what animals you have if there is one animals are usually not the best fighters they are usually dogs cats birds ect... if you see someone who you think is abusing the "pets" then report it and i will decide) | weapons-(what weapons you have) | status-(sick? weathy? poor? basicly how your character is doing) -=CLASS FACTIONS=- first of all factions are like the racial groups of today. were all people but there are different races like chineese, american, ect.. this part is class specific. this is where most suggestions will be,(not classes unless they are really good and im willing to make it) there are no "good" classes and no "bad" classes but good factions and sub_factions and the specific people who play here [HUMANS] background information: a few weeks after the aleins attacked the total casualties reached a high of 14 billion. now there are only about 14 million people on earth. the global warming situation is gone because of the fact that your dead body puts off less harmful gasses than your hybrid car but they are still socially unsound crime is at a world high and there are mutants from radiation and even from inhumane expariments on their own embryoes; genetically and mechanically from when they were desperately looking for a way to fight off the aliens human = the normal human being nothing special exept they are a dying breed very strong willed from surviving the war mutant = no special powers just something phyically strange about them like a sixth finger ect.. just for those reasons thier shunned from society but they're very peaceful deformed = completely deformed by radiation and other means very emotional, not many humanoid features about them always very stupid and unstable mentally and physically filth = mutated or insane who live in the sewers, swamps, ect... they're very dumb (normally have a 1st grade intelegence) in the ways the're different from mutants / deformed are that they've shunned themselves and they're WAY more violent than mutants human half_breed = if they're half alien then they have stronger muscles and a poisonous spine on their wrist. if they're half faery then their bodily fluids will have its slight healing powers they will always keep their generally smarter mindset and their will to survive (but will lose some of that). (admin) human_pure_bread = those who have shunned mechanics (even though they're half machine but they dont know it) they use only fists as such thats theyre only weakness everything else about them is perfect; very smart, extremely strong, strong willed, ect... [ALIENS] background information: they're the ones that invaded earth two years ago. there are many breeds of them because they've sent over OTHER conquored alein races to conquor us most of them are large (8ft) and strong physically most have been genetically engineered with a barb on thier wrist that is how you tell their social status dont hate the other two classes but dont like them either grey alien = your "little green man" from roswell they're actually not green and violent like what people depicted they're actually bluish-grey and peaceful in nature the only problem is there are very few normal ones due to their simplistic genetic design lust = your normal really dark purple alien; exoskeltons, four arms each with naturaly forming barbs, semi-bipedal jets = the largest (10-13ft) and tied in strength with the male nightingales but extremely stupid,are often used as mounts for hussars thier skin is virtually bullet proof to low power weapons they walk on four legs long necks, and jet back teeth suit = the most humanoid aleins of them all they look human exept for their black scaly skin and their large translucent teeth smarter than most aliens and usually appeals the most to the other classes alien_half_breed = if they're half human then they are generally smarter and stronger willed. if they're half faery then their bodily fluids will have its slight healing powers they will always keep their almost dark skin and stronger muscles (but will lose some of that strength). (admin)nightingale = theese ant like creatures are the leaders the enslavers of planets and the parents of the "lust" the males are small but immensely strong and great assassins because of that. can send morse code-like vibrations into other aliens wrist barbs for alerts ect... , while the females have large purply-red thoraxes whenever needed thier thoraxes will shrink and their heads will enlarge and spit out a pale green egg the longer the incubation period (how long the egg stays an egg) the stronger the alien inside will be. [FAERIES] background information:faeries are the humans from long ago who've crawled underground and since then have flourished in thier mineral rich subterrainian world they have evolved into several different humanoid groups in which of whom normally have natural powers with nature. theese peoples are the ones who have saved the humans from the aliens 6-7 years ago with their clever gorella tactics, and stealthy weapons. many of them think of what a wreched place the overworld has become and what the human race has done to itself and that they shouldn't have had to sacrafice thier peoples lives to save the filthy humans. so they still dont like each other edhel = theese people have a natual talent with plants so they may grow plants twice as fast (which is still slow) and their bodily fluids have SOME healing proporties (that they cant use on themselves) they have pointy ears and normally wear green ghobkin = theese people have a natural talent with fire they can sprout fire balls from the methane producing hole on their wrist, if you drink thier bodily fluids you will be a little more cold resistant for about a day after you drink the fluid they also have pointy ears but they're always a pale greenish coulour and they have gill like appendages looking ears and hunched appearance mongers = theese people have a natual talent with fazigmite they know how to handle the fazigmite for different purposes they're bodily fluids that affect fazigmite in a positive way they have large jaws that they can dislocate and pop back into place at will while dislocated it vibrates quickly making their jaws handy mining tools, they're shorter than other faeries (3-4ft tall) faery_half_breed = they keep they're bodily fluids healing properties along with one of the physical features. if they are half human then they are generally smarter and stronger willed. but if they're half alien then they have stronger muscles and a poisonous spine on their wrist. (admin) faery_pure_bread = those who have shunned mechanics they use only bows, staves and low tech weapons. as such thats they're only weakness everything else about them is perfect; very smart, extremely strong, strong willed, ect... they look a bit of everything mostly edhel though -=SUB_FACTIONS=- this is basically your occupation but a little more general. all of the following can be used as any faction and/or class. if specifically marked then it will be a class specialty [example: (human)ninja<---this is not a usable sub_faction] marked as shown so they can beat any other different classed sub_faction in a fight, more comonly found, smarter or generally better at thier job and in your bio you dont need to specify thier specials (human, alien, faery) militant = your average military personel they carry any weapon they are given but they do have weapon specialties always are commanded by a higher rank (admin)ranked_militant = this is an admin only sub_faction they carry the newer weapons designed by the government they order arount their grunts have a higher standard of life than most people they are the best people who can handle weapons (alien)mercinary = they are better than your average soilder but they only follow your side if you pay them the most, use small arms and snipers (human)thief = theese people earn livings by stealing and other unlawful ways they are like mercinarys exept they are less confident with weapons and they are quite a bit more stealthy ambassador = theese people travel to different lands while working for a different class to adopt one factions customs learn thier traits and try to earn the respect of the culture that thier trying to get into (alien)tinkerer = theese people fix odds and ends that they think will be useful to them or they invent new things that would interest the large powers then they test their inventions at sometimes great costs they are generally smarter and they are generally liked among most people raider = theese people raid forgotten towns and cities for scrap materials and such they are often lower class forger = theese people forge the weapons and basicly everything that the inventors make dont harass them because they have an arsenal behind the counter (faery)miner = theese people desperatly mine for gold and silver veins but not-so-desperatly in the fazigmite mines (faery)natualist = theese people still take the enviroment and nature over their lives they use old ways and fight with bows, swords and such but are very stealthy and fast (alien, human)labist = theese people work long hours in labs working with mostly mechanics, weapondry or genetics with advanced technology imported from the other classes (human)lab_rat = theese greedy and gullable people have been paid big money to take a single test for the labists after a while if not dead they are wealthy but mentally or physically ill goodman = theese people are the ones who make and ship all material poesetions (if your not sure if your a goodman or a servicer ask people in the server) servicer = theese people are the ones who supply you with the emergency sevices and your modern conveniences (raido, television, ect...) (if your not sure if your a goodman or a servicer ask people in the server) (faery)nomad = theese people roam the world with motives or not they still roam they are poor. period. homeless = like the nomads exept they dont roam. nuff said. (admin)politician = this is an admin only class theese people use their high socal status to get almost whatever they want they normally dont need weapons due to thier elite gaurds that gaurd them 24/7 (admin, faery)prowess = this is an admin only class theese people have mastered the powers of PSI as a side effect of studying so long they have low physical stanima (admin)pilot/driver = this is an admin only class they are geniuses when it comes to mechanics they drive and/or fly with extreme skill they often have an elite crew of weapon wielders along with their custom built vehicle ============================ -=FINAL COMMENTS=- please dont spam its really annoying. any questions will be answered via where your question was. comments at the bottom are for polling ideas what you liked about the game ect... any loop holes in theese rules will automaticly result in a ban from the place also if an admin is RPing as a normal class he/she may "power up" their characters abilities so their almost as powerful as the admin classes
#23904221Thursday, April 08, 2010 12:15 PM GMT

Good 10/10 New SubFaction Idea Troublemaker: Pretty Much A Common Rebel Who Does Gorella Hit-and-run tactics on aliens
#23997149Saturday, April 10, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

sounds idk a little TOO specific not really what i wanted so thats a no
#23997226Saturday, April 10, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

If this is for a Game. Go to the Forum labeled "Look What I made"
#24118777Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

i've posted mny rules pages like this on the "look what i made" part people say something like "go post it on the Role-playing because your place is for roleplaying". but if i post it on the roleplaying section people say what you say so deal with it that its in the roleplaying section =\ 7_7
#24707541Friday, April 23, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

these are rules for a game
#24963290Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

the males also have clear leathery wings enabling them to jump high distances (but not fly though)
#24966245Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:21 PM GMT

#25032714Friday, April 30, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

with the "half_breed" factions whatever class you are you get your main power (ie. im a faery_half_breed with human so i keep 2/3's of the healing powers but i only get 1/3 of the will power inherited by the human half
#25223392Monday, May 03, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

Gnat = a punch action melee weapon built for overloading the muscles and and paralysing along with high pain. low damage output but is used by anyone due to its simple design and having no battery power. Tazer_Bat = a Swing action melee weapon a maxed out version of the gnat it paralizes the whole body simultaneously high damage output. it is used by military and others with the intent to kill but because of the high voltage the solar power-panels have been lost and replaced with batteries flip_blade = a versitile melee weapon built for any marine with any combat preferances it flips beetween blocking mode, knife mode, and claw mode. its reliability is the best and its simple design makes it easy to produce. its only setback is it doesnt carry an electric shock like the others Baseball_bat = a swing action melee weapon built for well playing baseball. medium damage output but its solid frame and bouce-back make for a great "get away from me" type weapon MK_XXIII = a magnum style weapon built for taking down people hiding in buildings high damage output but its hilt and trigger makes for lower accuracy and its low clip intake makes this not the best weapon in taking down multiple foes Colt_L07 = a pistol style weapon built for taking down multiple foes medium damage output but its a very high maintenance weapon and has low penetration. Lancer = a pistol style weapon built for long range combat its accuracy is unmatched in the pistol world it has a medium damage output and meduim clip intake but it is less than amazing in close quarters Burn_Bow = a low-tech medium ranged weapon for taking out a clump of people its really low tech it will ALWAYS fire and the incindeary fluid at the tip makes for a people bon-fire but its low rate of fire makes it not the best close range weapon Striker = a full-automatic weapon built for spraying several shots at multiple foes low damage output but its rate of fire makes up for it and it has a high clip intake. its main setback is that you need to keep in pristine condition or it will definatly jam many soilders ditch this weapon because of this. G_49 = a full-automatic weapon built for penetrating walls medium damage output. its main setbacks are the awkward way of holding it makes for it hard to aim, it has alot of recoil upon firing and it has a low clip intake. Pertrifier = a automatic/sniper type weapon built for long range combat very low damage output its high accuracy, high clip intake and low recoil makes for a great sniper. its drawbacks are it completely fails at close range and it takes way too long to reload. AA_12 = a semi-automatic shotgun built for close quarters combat at point blank it has the best stoppage power and it has a fair clip intake. but it takes a long time to reload and its long range capabilities are none Shark = a semi-automatic rifle built mainly for iron-sight snipers it has a fairly high damage output its main setbacks are that it produces alot of recoil upon shooting Type_1023 = a semi-automatic rifle built for all purposes no real advantages, but also no real disadvantages either Dual_Lancers = like the lancers but X2 everything (rate of fire, clip intake, reload time) its drawback is you cant look down the sight making for much less accuracy Vicegrip = a hip-hold anti-armour weapon and the largest of the portable lazer devices built for destroying slow moving, large targets it has an amazing damage output to everything for the power it uses, it has a massive clip intake its very low maintenance and its reciol is low due to its hip-hold design but because of tht its very hard to aim and because of the large size of the clip it takes a really long time to reload Little_John = a anti-armour weapon built for destroying slow moving targets it has a very high damage output but because of its rate of fire and low clip intake not reccomened for 1-on-1 combat Fraggers = a impact grenade weapon built for taking down large groups or vehicles medium-high damage output but you can carry several fraggers at once and fire them off quickly and because they're natual and little manufaturing required they're cheap will ALWAYS explode and because of the wings will go farther than a frag grenade its setback is it does much less damage than the contemporary heavy weapons.
#25901018Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

just wanted to post something on my alt..... see the date......
#26777843Friday, June 04, 2010 7:06 PM GMT

another major rule in this is "NO UNCANNY KNOWLEDGE" so you wouldn't walk up to a random person and say "hey (oi whats your name)" like they know you if theyve intorduced themselves then, yeah its fine. Report it if used (the example would be a VERY small offense) but still report it
#28213072Monday, June 28, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

(ALIEN)Piggie = a harmless humanoid looking creature were concored when they were just a developing species. they hve hooves, flattish noses; like pigs-and a very thick, rough strip of cartalidge down the insides of their thighs to help them scale trees they are a darkish brown colour. they are very ritualistic and violent in the same sense. to them being disembowled is like being blessed by a pope
#28993631Saturday, July 10, 2010 8:31 PM GMT

[HUMAN](admin)half_mutant = kind of like frankenstein made of of several people AND animal parts they have an animal instinct about them. thier successful expaiment with great power normally and look fairly normal so they can blend in with society easily
#33072994Friday, September 03, 2010 2:10 AM GMT

[Faery](Admin)Emohawk = Have the ability to shapeshift after years of evolution they are not physically strong though as well as being not the brightest.
#33102708Friday, September 03, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

They also have five "Hooks" in which they telepathically attach themselvs to their hosts in which only then can they shapeshift into the host's desires

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