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#24143248Monday, April 12, 2010 2:48 AM GMT

Hey guys! GameHelp here with the SECOND Pirate's Life! Not read the first? GO HERE! http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=24079962. Narrator: Now our favored pirate Bealler is on a quest for gold. Little does he know that the Navy have struck a deal with a band of pirates to end Bealler. Let's see what happens. Bealler: Alright, Druumb, I want those barrels positioned over there and - you! New pirate! C'mere! New pirate: Y-y-yes? Bealler: Don't feel frightened, I just wanted to ask if you liked going to treasure hunts! New pirate: Y-YES SIR I LOOOOVE TREASURE HUNTS! Bealler: Good! Now help me prepare the ammunition! We're heading out to Fladisk Island! Druumb: Fladisk? I heard skeletal warriors hide there.. Bealler: Did you also hear on the ridiculous Channel 9 News that Captain Bealler is not afraid of such warriors? Druumb: ... Bealler: That's the spirit! Now let's get moving! *Bealler steers ship and glances at compass* Bealler: *Mumbling* Due north, yess, we'll get there if - yes, hard-a starboard! *Ships turns* Narrator: Meanwhile... Naval Commander: Alright, I need your men to help us wipe out this pirate: Bealler. And his companion Druumb. Rogue Pirate: What's in it for us...? Naval Commander: 10,000 shillings and all the gold you can get your hands on. Rogue Pirate: *Eyes light up* It's a deal! Naval Commander: So how many men d'you have? Rogue Pirate: 1,000. Naval Commander: Ah, good. We brought an extra 3,000 from other ports, so 4,000 men against... Bealler: ...1,000 good pirates. I hope that's enough to defeat the entire Navy. Druumb: Worry not, me lad. Bealler: Anyways, we - Lookout Pirate: SHIP! SHIP!! She's raisin' her colors! Bealler: *Looks at ship* Duumb: The Jolly Roger! PIRATES! Bealler: Hard-a starboard! Prepare for battle and boarding! Narrator: In the deep cave of the Rogue Pirate... Rogue Pirate: Hopefully my 5 ships of 500 men in total have reached the small garrison of Bealler's by now.. Bealler: Ready! Bealler: ...AIM! Druumb & Bealler: FIRE!!!!!!!!! *Cannons fire* *BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!* *On the Rogue Pirate's ship, 79 men get knocked off from the first shots of the 50 cannons by the "Allthrowt," and do a lot of damage* Rogue: FIRE! *Rogue Pirate's cannons fire* *The twenty cannons of the "Frueldomcre" do half as much damage as the "Allthrowt," and kill 47 pirates* Bealler: PREPARE TO BOARD! *All pirates prepare grapple hooks* *All pirates launch grapple hooks* Rogue: They're coming! Rogue: WE KNOW! The next time I get hit be sure to point it out! *Pirates of the "Allthrowt" fire their revolvers and kill about 21 rogue pirates, thus destroying the entire garrison of the first rogue ship* Bealler: Druumb! Fly to the second ship! I'll tackle the third, pirates attack the fourth and cannons attack the fifth! All: AYE, CAPTAIN! Druumb: *Flies to the second ship and shoots three while slicing at two* Bealler: *Slices three and kicks another* Pirates: *Makes a battle happen on the third ship* Pirates at Cannons: *Heavily bombarb the fifth ship* *The fifth ship fires back at the "Allthrowt"* Narrator: The battle rages on, while the Naval Commander discusses with the skeletal warriors on Fladisk Island. Naval Commander: Look, if you would but help us we - Skeletal Commander: We do not suffer the living to pass. We ally with no one. So begone! Before we kill you all! *Naval Commander glances at the 3,000 men he brought with him and the 1,000 skeletal warriors* Naval Commander: Enough talk. Let's fight! *Slices at skeletal warrior and, in turn, navymen fire bayonets at skeletal warriors* Narrator: Meanwhile, the second ship has lost 57 out of 100 rogues, the third lost 79 out of 100, the fourth lost 100 out of 100, and the fifth is down to 86 rogues left. 347 pirates of the "Allthrowt" have died. Bealler: Time to wrap up you 21! *Slices net and shoots at five gunpowder barrels, exploding and killing 15 rogues* Rogue: YAH! *Slices and misses* Bealler: Wow, you suck. *Whacks rogue on head and rogue falls into water* Bealler: 5 left! Who wants some? *All five charge* Bealler: This is just like before...*Fires at three and kills the other two with cutlass* Druumb: You 43 should be easy to defeat! I haven't used my barrel powers yet, so here goes! *Throws barrel at 20 rogues, knocking six off and killing the others with an explosion* Druumb: 23 to go! Eat this! This is a Bealler technique! *Slices at mast and mast falls killing thirteen rogues* Druumb: DAH! *Slices at seven and fires at three* *On the fifth ship, 50 pirates invaded to keep the cannonfire at bay* Pirates at Cannons: *Shouting* GET AWAY FROM THE FIFTH SHIP! SHE'LL SINK AFTER THIS BLAST! *Cannons fire and 37 pirates arrive back safely at the third ship with Druumb* Druumb: There: We lost about 400 men. Not too good, but not too bad. Now, let's go. Bealler: Yes, we must advance. *Steers ship due east* Narrator: On Fladisk Island, the skeletal warriors fight fiercely although being severely outnumbered. 799 navymen have died already, compared to the 431 lost skeletal warriors. Skeletal Warrior: Huah! *Slashes at three navymen and kicks another* Navyman: *Dodges bullet fired by skeletal warrior and stabs a skeletal warrior* Skeletal Commander: Bring up the cannons! Heh heh heh. *Cannons are brought up at a large number of 100 and fire* *350 navymen die from explosion by cannons* Naval Commander: CANNONS?! THOSE CHEATERS! Rogue Pirate: WHAT?! My ships failed?! SEND ANOTHER BARRAGE! *Sends another barrage of five ships with 500 men in total towards the "Allthrowt"* Bealler: Jeez! ANOTHER rogue ship! No wait, five more! Druumb: I've got a surprise for you, Bealler! *Unwraps covered object* Bealler: Oh my God! A SUPERCANNON! Druumb: Can fire up to ten cannonballs at once and they are all super-powered. Bealler: Thanks, Druumb! *Hugs* Druumb: Err.. Bealler: Err. PREPARE THE CANNONS! Pirate: Prepare the cannons! Bealler: Ready.. Bealler: AIM!.. Bealler & Druumb: FIRE!!!!!!!! *All 50 cannons and supercannon fires at rogue ship* *Rogue ship gets hit in a weakspot and immediately sinks* Bealler: GRAPPLE HOOKS! Launch! *Grapple hooks launched* Bealler: Take over this ship! *All pirates fire revolvers and down about 88 rogues* Bealler: Druumb! To the third ship! I'll take the fourth and the pirates will help you at the third! Druumb: Shouldn't the pirates go to the fifth? Bealler: The fifth's a command ship, and we need full force for that one. So get crackin'! *Bealler, Druumb, and pirates launch grapple hooks* Narrator: Meanwhile, unbeknowst to the Rogue Pirate or Bealler, a battle rages on Fladisk Island. 1,467 navymen have been killed, compared to the 766 of the skeletal warriors.. Skeletal Commander: We retreat once we have lost 900! I hope this helps the band of pirates trying to take over the Navy! Skeletal Warrior: It will! *Slices navyman* Naval Commander: Jeez! I hope I still have enough men to kill Bealler! *Kills skeletal warrior and then gets hit by a cannon* Navymen: OH MY GOSH! THE NAVAL COMMANDER HAS BEEN INJURED! *Rushes over to Naval Commander* Naval Commander: D-don't worry about me....kill the skeletal warriors...and Bealler... Navyman: But s - *Dies* Naval Commander: *Looks up to see Skeletal Commander standing above him* Skeletal Commander: Well, well, well...look what we have here... Naval Commander: Ugh...RE -*Dies* Skeletal Warrior: Sir! We have downed 2,000 of their men! Skeletal Commander: Good. They're retreating now. But to where? We sabotaged their ships. Heh heh heh. Narrator: Meanwhile Bealler and his fellow pirates sail in triumph towards the command ship, which they expect to take over quickly. Bealler: Attaaa-aack! *Grapple hooks launch* Pirate: DAH! Bealler: Die, outcast! *Stabs rogue* Narrator: At Fladisk Island.. Navymen: *Surrounds Skeletal Commander and three skeletal warriors* Navyman: You have fought bravely, but now it is time to come to an end. Navyman: You have slaughtered over 2,500 of our men, but now we will end you. Druumb: YA! *Slices navyman* Navymen: What the?! Skeletal Commander: *Grins* Druumb: Eat this, outcasts! I'm the Barrel-Man! *Throws ten barrels of gunpowder at 100 navymen and fires at each* Skeletal Commander: Prepare to die! *Stabs* Bealler: Druumb would of gotten to the island by now, to kill the navymen. Pirate: That battle going on over there is so vast someone in China could see it! Bealler: Ah, yes. But now, I face my toughest enemy yet, the Rogue Pirate. Rogue Pirate: Ahem. *Slices* Bealler: *Dodges* Impressive. Rogue Pirate: *Rolls eyes and stabs again* Narrator: On Fladisk Island, Druumb (aka The Barrel-Man) has secured a victory over the navymen and is talking with the Skeletal Commander. Skeletal Commander: You saved our undead lives. We offer you our highest gratitude. We offer you our allegiance, but you cannot be alone. Druumb: True, in a few moments my ship, the "Allthrowt" shall launch a boat here to take us back. Narrator: And thus it was. The "Allthrowt" launched a ship, and the Rogue Pirate was dead. Later that evening the pirates had a sincere feast, in honor of Bealler and Druumb. The Skeletal Commander needed time to rebuild his army, but he knew exactly where to start. Hs army was created out of dead bodies. What about the 3,000 dead bodies lying on the shore of Fladisk Island? Ah. Now Bealler was the most feared pirate in the 7 Seas, but little did he know another type of trouble was brewing...muahahahaha! The End Liked it? I hope you did! Don't start a flame war, I won't flame you. Bai!

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