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#24156880Monday, April 12, 2010 4:40 PM GMT

You don't know what was before. all you knew was that once, you oppened your eyes, in a tube, with humanoids around you. you do not know whether they created you, found you or whether your memory was gone. all you knew was that you were always in your tube, being looked at by humanoids wearing clean, long white coats. you weren't like them. and you weren't the only one in the tubes. there were many different others. so, that's what your life was gonna be? being in a tube, stuck away from the others, always being stang, burned, cut and hurt by the mens in white? oh no, not for a long time. No one. No one had dared fighting back. but even though the mens in white which went by the name of "scientists" were tottaly sure of their superioty, on experiment failed. it killed a scientist. then was shot by a hand held device which sent some metal that made a hole in him, making an explosion when fired. due to this, they blew up the lab, hopping you would be eliminated. but no one ever stays unpunished. you get up, injured, tired, cold, scared, angry........you do not know what to do......all you know is that there are others different to the scientists....you are thrust with pain, but furious with anger....will your hunger for revenge be tamed? or will it lead to your doom? Either way, you still have to get out of these metalic ruins. we're underground. several killometers of metalic caverns. filled with armed soldiers. well, good luck Oh, by the way. not all scientist agreed with this madness. this is why you survived. some managed to stop the full scale explosion. be grateful or revengeful, your choice it is. chara sheet: name: ag.e: gender: race: appearence: ability (nothing big and not over 3 abilities) injuries (will heal, but pretty bad) bio/memories released by explosion of past:
#24156920Monday, April 12, 2010 4:42 PM GMT

rules: only scientists are human. may have human appearence no god mode you get shot, your dead unless you have a specific ability (armoured?) you listen to my words this is a serious rp no one get's out of an explosion with scratches.
#24157091Monday, April 12, 2010 4:51 PM GMT

name: Tommy ag.e: 14 gender: Male race: Unknown appearence: is human looking but has a tail and is blue ability: can teleport at will but only to wear he can see, can control most machines when he hacks them, can tap into machines and control them injuries: big cut down back bio/memories released by explosion of past: Saw his mother then blackness then screaming and a bullet shot and blood flushes over him
#24157190Monday, April 12, 2010 4:56 PM GMT

(take off machine control and you will be accepted) name:black ace age:unknown gender:believed to be male race:mechanical appearence:http://www.roblox.com/BLACK-ACE-item?id=19525926 ability:armoured body mechanical light body (fast, solid, strong), flesh hooks (cables with morphing end, which can extend move etc), nanobots injuries: armoured dented heavily but nanobots are repairing it memory:nawn
#24157650Monday, April 12, 2010 5:15 PM GMT

Name: Kloue (Claws in African) Ag.e: 19 Gender: Male Race: Lion Appearence: Blue eyes, long tail and tall Abilities: Ice Fist/Shards(Shards come from fist), Wings/Flying and Transform Into Elements (Water, Earth, Fire or Air) Injuries: No mane (Burnt) and scar Bio/memories released by explosion of past: In Savanna when giant earthquake and knocked out, only one left of his tribe
#24157751Monday, April 12, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

(ACCEPTED) (some more)
#24157795Monday, April 12, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

(:D I wasn't sure I would be accepted with ice fist or transform but thx)
#24158094Monday, April 12, 2010 5:32 PM GMT

on more and we start
#24158194Monday, April 12, 2010 5:37 PM GMT

(:D I'mma love this, someone make a chari!)
#24158259Monday, April 12, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

(oh the machine control just take that off)
#24159007Monday, April 12, 2010 6:14 PM GMT

okay guys i hope you are ready. please join ;D ---------------------- you wake up.....in front of ruins.....this is time.......revenge...escape....do it your way. ----------------
#24159161Monday, April 12, 2010 6:20 PM GMT

(i ll go ahead and be first) black was under a fallen rock. he pushed it off, then helped himself up using his flesh hooks as grables. he then looked at everyone around.
#24159215Monday, April 12, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

(should we do it in first person? it wolud be easier)
#24159237Monday, April 12, 2010 6:23 PM GMT

(do it way you wish. just story type)
#24159315Monday, April 12, 2010 6:26 PM GMT

(ok) I try and push the rubble off of me but i cant, sighing i decide to take a risk, normally i never teleport anywhere i cant see, its dangerous becuase i could land in a wall or something but i know the room i think about it, choose a bit and i appear there, luckily my foot just missed get stuck in rubble, "few" i say to myself and look around
#24159462Monday, April 12, 2010 6:33 PM GMT

(:D We can has start) Kloue pushed himself out of a pyramid of rubble, looking around the ruins for information. He looked down at the floor, only now noticing that he had no mane. "Eh? Uhhhh." Kloue groaned quietly, he was cautious if anyone, or thing, was around him. Kloue then sat down on the cold floor.
#24159588Monday, April 12, 2010 6:38 PM GMT

black ace cleared the way towards the exit. consumed by hatred, he ran through the corridor now cleared.
#24159666Monday, April 12, 2010 6:42 PM GMT

Kloue then noticed a broken window on the other side of the room. He slowly walked over to it, then climbed out into the open land. He was on the edge ofthe island and noticed sharks approaching. Kloue then climbed back inside, scared of what would happen if he didn't.

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