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#24177321Monday, April 12, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

Arnhem was a German held town in WWII,at least until us 82nd Airborne came. Rules: No Godding No Ubering No Text Talk Proper Grammar No Future Tech (If you wish to be a German you may) Character sheet: Name: Rank:(Private to Sergeant unless Admin,Admin are Private to Major) A.ge: Job:(Support Gunner,Rifleman,Radioman,Etc.) Weapons:(WWII Weapons)(You get 2 Grenades to start) Items:(WWII Please) Heres mine: Name: Harrison Smith "Smitty" Rank:Cpl. Job:Support Gunner Weapons:BAR,Colt .45,Ka-Bar knife Items:Extra ammo,Binoculars,Extra Rations (Admins are first two people to sign up besides me)
Top 50 Poster
#24178155Monday, April 12, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

Name: Nathanael Reyes Rank:Corporal A.ge: 18 Job:Support Gunner Weapons:Grenades, Geweher 43 (Sniper), MP40 Items:Extra ammo.
#24178327Monday, April 12, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

(Accepted,are you German or an American that picked up German weapons?)
Top 50 Poster
#24178413Monday, April 12, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

(German) ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24178557Monday, April 12, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

(Ok lets just wait for a few more people before we start.)
Top 50 Poster
#24178675Monday, April 12, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

(Waaiiting..) ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24178800Monday, April 12, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

(Come on people join already!)
Top 50 Poster
#24178935Monday, April 12, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

(JOIN! Or I vill kill zou with mi wunderwaffe!) ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24179066Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:00 AM GMT

(Join the danceing bsnnana kills you!!)
Top 50 Poster
#24179127Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

(Wunderwaffe D.G.2! My greatest invention!!! Lol..) ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24179335Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:04 AM GMT

Top 50 Poster
#24179627Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:08 AM GMT

(We should just start or somethin.) ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24179731Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:09 AM GMT

Oh hai. Name: David Branch Rank: Private A.ge: 19 Job: Support Gunner/ Alternative Medic Weapons: M1 Granard, Colt M15, Tompson Items: Medic Kit
#24179953Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

(Ok) "Hey Smitty,the 1st British Airborne is taking a beating in the town,we gotta make sure our tanks make it."My Sarge said to me as I climbed out of my jeep with my friend Dylan and my CO Captain Peterson."Well this should be a milk run!"One of the guys in my squad said to us."I'll believe it when I see it I said back as I started moving with my squad.
#24180010Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

Top 50 Poster
#24180096Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:13 AM GMT

I was in a building with many windows, I was a sniper, a lone sniper, a german technique, i was where german troops were near, but never in sight of them. I saw the enemy squad starting to head to the city. I grinned. Easy targets. ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24180285Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

"Hey Sarge,are we first in?"I asked my Sarge as we went just ahead of my the convoy and the rest of the squad."Ya,we are the front for the convoy,keep an open eye."He said to me in the back seat.I was riding shotgun.
Top 50 Poster
#24180385Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:17 AM GMT

I wasnt spotable unless I fired and they saw the flash and new exactly what window and floor I was on. I was on the 8th floor of a building now. I was at the left edge and i aimed out the window at the convoy, I aimed at a soldier. "Say goodnight." I shot and he fell dead with a bullet to the head. ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24180566Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:19 AM GMT

"Stop the jeep."The Sarge said as Dylan stopped the jeep and we got out."Shooter!"I yelled as I saw a dead soldier from our convoy die."The CO is down!"Dylan yelled.
Top 50 Poster
#24180617Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

I grinned at their shouting. When I stopped I sniped a soldier through a jeep's window. A driver. Not sure which one though. ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24180756Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:22 AM GMT

"where is h-ACKK!!"Dylan yelled next to me."Dylan!They got Dylan!"I yelled in anger searching for the sniper behind my jeep.
Top 50 Poster
#24180891Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

I snickered, the german infantry would be here soon with those loud snipes ringing out. I grinned and picked a new target, I saw a soldier in the open running to cover and sniped him down easily, hiding behind the wall as I fired through the window. ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24181013Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

I walked through the building, trying to find some enemy soilders. I stop next to a window after I hear some yelling, and see a convoy with people retreating. I quickly get out my Granard and look for a sniper, for there would be no other reason everyone would be running like that, and there to be a dead body. (No, I'm not in the same building as Nathan. I'm at the left of them, like this: ------------------------ ------------------------ SP= Sniper Point, C= Convoy, and MP= My Postition. --------SP------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ --------C-----MP------
Top 50 Poster
#24181054Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

(That whole map seems like godmod to me yui. Especially cuz I DECIDE WHERE I AM. Not you.) ~Deutsch Phönix~
#24181071Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

"Everyone get to cover!"Sarge yelled as a Panzer crashed through the street."Panzer!"I yelled as me and the Sarge ran as the jeep behind me exploded.

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