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#24226698Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

Over 1000 years ago on Earth. Monstrous creatures that looked like Giant rats with claws and Blood Blue and Red eyes appeared in a forest. A secret species also came. To organize a Treaty. This mystery species created a agreement that these monstrous "Rat creatures" ( As they are known) would not attack the humans and stay in hiding. The Rat Creatures were afraid of this species, because the species ruled over them, but the Rat Creatures were not going to do that without another agreement, or what they call a "Pact" in their life. The Pact was that if this Treaty against humans was to be agreed on, the species would have to agree a Pact that the species would not attack them and enslave them as they did in the long past. The species wanted to help the humans alot, they agreed. But now, in the present, the Rat Creature leader was corrupted and possesed by a mysterious form. The Rat Creature leader ordered to attack the species. For some sheer miracle, the Rat Creatures wiped out the Species, but the Leader died. The hier to the Rat Creature Leader is now Leader. But the Pact has been broken, so has the Treaty. You are a Marine, going through the mountains on patrol. But little do you and your friends know, these Rats are out for Blood, can you Survive? RULES COMMON SENSE NEEDED No Godmodding No Ubering Good Grammar needed I don't care for ROMANCE (You can be a Male or Female.) But don't go too far. Character Sheet Name: Ag.e: Appearance: Weapons (Modern Weapons please): Skills (Accuracy, Agillity etc. 2 Skills maximum): Gender:
#24226826Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

Name: Tom Slaig Ag.e: 21 Appearance: Marine Uniform and Armor, Medium Build, White skin, Brown Hair, 6'1, 105 pounds (I'm too light D:) Weapons: UMP45 With Red Dot Sight and Silencer/Supressor (If needed.) Skills: Accuracy, Agillity Gender: Male
#24226889Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

#24227096Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

(Mystery Bwamp.)
#24227176Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

Name: Marcus Anderson Ag.e: 23 Appearance: Medium Skinned, Short Brown Hair Weapons: Intervention w/ Suppressor, Spas-12 w/ Suppessor Skills: Accuracy, Stealth Gender: Male
#24227204Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

(Home Run, Accepted.)
#24227207Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

The rules say you cant repost threads
#24227273Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

(Well, Everyone else is doing it, I find it odd.)
#24227345Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

Before they made that rule, they should've made it possible to delete the previous thread.
#24227424Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

(Les Start) I walk through the Forests with my buddy Marus. I held my gun Tight, I heard mysterious Dissappearance were around this area. I was releived because I had 10 people with me.
#24227480Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

(Marcus* >:3)
#24227629Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:02 AM GMT

I walk passed Tom, urged to see what lays in our path. He immediately tries passing me as if it's some kind of race. We both end up bolting down the dirt path until we find a dead end. We turn around to find our men gasping for breath, and then hear somewhat of an odd growl.
#24227806Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:05 AM GMT

"What was that?" I say caustiously. I turn around and point my gun into the bushes. The suddenly A dark figure grabs another mate in our patrol called John. He yelled. The figure dragged him into the forest. I start shooting into the bushes. About a moment later I hear a scream. Then dead silence.
#24227936Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

"Everybody! Back up!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Almost immediately, the whole platoon slid down a small hill on the other side of the road. "Guns at the ready!" I remind them, and I look at Tom as if I expected him to give an order.
#24228273Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

"Hey Easy on the commanding Marcus." I replied to his Glare. "The Sarge is supposed to command, he ain't here." The A figure Jumped Nick. This time people heard what he was saying. "GET IT OFF!" He yelled. "FHSDKFWFBAJDBAWKJ" The Creature said (TRANSLATION: "You shall be our death trophy! Poor creature!") I manage to shoot the creature off. "What was that thing?!" I said in suprise. I was close to it and got a good look at the figure. It was Dark brown with fur. It had fiery blue and red eyes. "We can't let this happen again." I said cautiously.
#24228448Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

"If nobody backed up and just stood there in shock, maybe someone else could've been grabbed in. I doubt anybody would've said anything." I assured Tom. As I got up, I examined the dead corpse. The bullet wounds made it hard to imagine what it's face would've looked like, so I pushed it aside and sat down. "Do you think there's more?" I asked, trying to keep myself calm.
#24228638Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

"If one got John Dragged in the Forest, and one almost got Nick. There could be a whole pack of em." I replied "Then again, this could be the same one that got John, I'm not sure." I wiped the sweat off my hair. "I suggest we pull back, or we look for John.
#24228795Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:18 AM GMT

"Personally, I would rather not be putting my fellow soldiers in danger, but then again, maybe John is alive. We could be leaving him for dead. I say we split up in two groups and head back up this hill here, and cross the road." I looked at everyone else. They all seemed to be thinking this through as I was switching to my Spas-12.
#24229005Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:21 AM GMT

"Ok, I agree" I took out a bag and ripped it open. I handed all of them headsets. "We will communicate using these." I said "If we get lost, we stay in one position and camp out there. We have enough supplies. Also, to me I think these creatures are Nocturnal bags, So we would be safe in the day." I got up "Nick, Jerry, and Craig? Come with me. You take the others, Marcus." I said.
#24229187Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:24 AM GMT

"Tom, I'd rather work in a smaller group. Take an extra soldier with you." I nodded to one of the soldiers behind me, and started for the road. When I reached the road, I heard either a moan or a howl coming from the bushes where John had been yanked into. "Did anybody hear that?" Nick asked. "I'm pretty sure we all did." and I pressed on.
#24229359Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

I turned. "Lets go Guys." I said. I followed after Marcus in the Bush. I would have regretted it but Marcus was my buddy, and I would never Regret anything if I came along with him. Not ever.
#24229600Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

As I peared through the bush, I stopped Tom from passing. "Take your platoon right. I don't know where John was taken, so it'd be better if we started the split up here." I took out my knife and cut a gap through the branches and leaves to my left, and looked at Tom again. "Good luck, bud." A moment later, I signalled my men to follow me into the dark bush. Slowly, Tom and his platoon began to disappear.
#24229937Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

"Ok Guys, Stay Sharp. If one of us get creamed, we gotta save eachother." I cleared through the bush and found myself on a plain spot of forest, I saw myself face to face with about 10 of these sleeping monsters. "Should we shoot?" Jerry asked. "I don't think so." I replied. "If there are 10 here, there might be more metres ahead. We don't want to wake all of em, I say we walk over their legs." So my group was carefully walking over legs, careful not to make the slightest utter noise.
#24230173Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

My three followers, Will, Scott and Michael were right on me as we went through the bush. Every step was different. Different sounds, different movements. It was almost like there were things running around us and were using the land to hide when we looked. I turned to my men and said "Put your suppressors on and turn any lights off. Last thing we want to do is shine a light in one of those thing's faces." They did so, and we kept walking until we found a clearing.
#24230417Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

My Team managed to get into a clear bush. "Put Supressors on. We don't want any scum bags to hear us if we NEED to shoot. Why not before? Because we don't know if there could be another group of these RIGHT beside us." We Turned our lights off and put suppressors on our guns. I then spoke into the head set. "Omega Team, This is Alpha Team, do ya copy?" I whispered.

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