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#24230531Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

(Bumpy Bump Bump)
#24230663Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

(:D No..)
#24231183Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:50 AM GMT

Michael tapped me shouler, pointing to an abandoned shack. "Maybe we can rest in there for a while and then continue." I looked at him, trying to break a smile. "Last thing we're going to do is walk into some random shack. If anything, we'll sit outside of it." A couple minutes later, as we're sitting up against the shack walls, I hear buzzing from my headset. "Tom? Is that you? Alpha Team, are you there?". Scott decides to speak up. "Judging by the amount of trees in the area, this is a deadzone. I looked at him and said "I guess we have no back-up for anytime soon, then. Let's stay here for a bit and then continue our search for John."
#24231495Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

"Omega? Do you copy? Through these trees I can only hear buzzing!" I said "We just passed some sleeping Creatures over here, I don't think they are Nocturnal. I'm just warning you, if you make a sound, all of these Creatures will wake up. These creatures also look like Rats, Big rats." I say. "Lets go" I say to my team. We move up.
#24231760Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

The fact that we're in a deadzone worried me. I wasn't sure wether something might've already happened to them and that was just something walking over the headset. I couldn't help but wonder. Moments later, I saw movement in the bushes to our right. "Please, I hope I'm seeing things." Will pushed up against me, trying to form a box out of us. "You're definately not seeing this, Marcus. I see a couple things moving over there." Will points to a gap in the trees on the other side of the clearing. "Guns at the ready." I told them, and we waited for them to strike first.
#24231942Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:59 AM GMT

"The are definitely in a Dead zone" Nick piped up. I hear a sound of cracking twigs in front of us. "Make sure your guns are off Safe mode, check Suppressors." I said. I was sweating. I also bet through that Headset, Marcus was Sweating also.
#24232195Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

"Maybe they are just watching us incase we do something to harm this area or themselves." Scott says. I watch closely as the beast moves through the grass and the bushes, vanishing and reappearing in the same area. "These things are good. If they do attack us, I don't think it'd be pretty." When I say this, it sends shivers down my spine. All I could picture in my mind is a massacre from this creatures.
#24232416Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:06 AM GMT

All of a Sudden the Rat Creature scumbag popped out of the bush and clawed Jerry in the face, almost ripping half his face off. "AUGH!" Jerry screamed before thumping on the ground. I fired. "DIE!" I screamed. I didn't care what happens if these creatures wake. It just matters if I kill all of em. The killed Jerry. The creatures organs ripped in half. It hissed in a high pitch before it got shredded throuh his chest. He fell of the barrel of my gun. Dead Silence.
#24232820Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:13 AM GMT

I turned to Michael, and said "Get inside the shack. Maybe there's something inside we can use. We'll stay out here and watch the door." He then immediately gets up and slams the door open, scanning the room with his rifle. I hear a sound of metal on metal, and I hear him yell to us "Guys! Come look at his!". We all slowly back into the door and turn around to see him pointing to a picked chest filled with food, ammunition and a shotgun. "Nice find." I say, and push it into a corner. "Will, take this board here and put jam it into the door. Oh, and Scott, see that gap in the wall over there?" .. "Yeah?" .. "I want you to lay your gun in there and scout the creatures walking around the shack. As will jams the board in the door, the 4 beasts burst out of the forest, charging at the wall. "Engage!" I yell. Scott picks off two before they reach the wall. One smashes against the door as the other one nearly makes it through the gap Scott had been shooting through. "Grab that shotgun, if they get inside, they'll get nothing but it!" I kick the door open, shooting the creature scratching at it with my personal weapon, and yank it closed again. The remaining creature is sprawled across the roof, trying to get in. I pull out my Intervention, aim at him, and shoot him directly through the chest. Blood spilled down from the roof, on to the floor. Scott says "Wow, what a crazy thing. He almost scratched my face through that gap."
#24233289Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:20 AM GMT

Jerry was dead. The guys were scared. I wondered were Omega was. "OMEGA? DO YOU COPY? DO YOU COPY? WE HAVE ONE DOWN ONE DOWN!" I yell. 10 Beasts Surround us. "FIRE!" I said to everyone. They start Firing. One pounces on Wiley and tries to rip at his chest. Nick Takes the Beast off while shooting it. Me and Craig shoot the other beasts off. "TAKE EVASIVE ACTION! RETREAT!" We run backwards, almost doing moonwalk while sprinting. We shoot them while we ran for a moment, Making sure nothing gained on us. We then ran straight ahead, not wanting to not see a tree behind us. I then do a desparate attempt to contact Omega. "OMEGA! DO YOU COPY! WE NEED HELP! NOW!" I yell while breaking into a super run.
#24233508Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

I pulled a table in the middle of the room and stood on it. The creature's body was dangling above me. I used my Intervention to push it off the beam that it'd been resting on, and it slipped off and tumbled to the shack floor. Will examines it. "Unlike the other one we saw, this one is actually a visible face. Wow, it looks messed." I pulled the board out of the door and pushed the body outside. "Will, jam the door again. We'll rest here for about a half hour and then head out in search of a signal. We need to get hold of Alpha."
#24233709Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

We then Stop, almost slipping and hitting the trees blocking our path. A pile of downed trees blocked our path. The Creature knew we were here. We turned from the Pile, to hear hisses and growls in the bushes. "Wiley, Craig. Crouch down and aim." I say calmly. "Nick? Stand with me." We did a type of formation that looked like it was used in the Revolution. The first pouncing beast jumped out of the bush. We fired.
#24233940Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

After a couple minutes of silence, Will looked at me and said "Why don't you climb on to the roof and scan the area with your Intervention. Maybe that was the only pack in this area, and we can leave early to find Alpha Squad." .. "Sounds like a good plan, but I'd need someone to cover my back, wouldn't I? We mine as well just on a slant towards their side of the search until we see a sign of them." With that, Michael stood up and grabbed the chest full of equipment after placing his personal weapon in it and the extra shotgun. Will lead the way as we opened the door and walked almost the exact route we came from.
#24234376Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

We continued to fire until one of us, Craig had run out of ammunition. A Creature spotted him without his "Shooting arrows" and pounced on him. It was not just a regualr one. It had a bigger build, stronger body. By the time we pulled it off Craig, He was gone. But the good news was that the Creatures stopped attacking. "I think we should camp here for the night." I said. "Someone has to keep watch. I will do it." We set camp and Nick and Wiley went to sleep. I haven't got a reply from Omeg Team yet. I just hope they were doing better then us.
#24234723Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

As we travelled through the bushes, we finally reached the beggining of our journey. "Well, we may be closer, but what we're heading to might be a lot worse." I try to use my headset once again, but still get no signal. "Alright, let's keep moving." Shortly after, we reached another clearing. Will nearly fell to the ground as he saw an Alpha member dead on the side of a couple creatures. "Michael, give me the chest and pick him over your shoulders. We will not leave a man behind." To that, we continued our walk. Moments later, we found another soldier dead, several bodies, but no sign of living. "Will, take him. I hope we don't find anymore on the way". Just then, I spotted a group of soldiers down the path ahead.
#24234748Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

(Continuing Tomorrow)

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