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#24237310Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

-PROLOUGE- A 19 year old boy Zoran Ichigaru had the best life. A great Ninja Training School, a great home, and most of all his brother he loved dearly. See, his brother was there for him... always he felt like he could share his deepest feeligns with him. But this all was about to change. One day, walking home from Sword Practice he noticed his house door was unlocked... 'Hmmm... that is strange' he thought to himself. He opened the door and saw a thick row of scarlet blood smeered on the floor. He ran upstairs quickly trying to find his brother, but only that remained was his empty, bloody bed, with a single note on it. 'Young man, I have your brother... you will do what I say at all times to rescue your brother or you know what will happen. Under the bed is a special box, if you open it I will see you do, and you will be gone to the afterlife before you can say your name. Take this box to the Town Square at Noon, look for the man in the Purple Robe... and he will give you a reward for the box, a Special Sword, and a wad of money, I don't care about the sword- keep it, but bring the money to me at the top of Crystal Tower understood? Good.' Zoran was ready for the signs that tackled him, and he wanted to prrove to this man that he would not stop until his brother was safe. With fire in his eyes, adrenaline surging, mind bubbling, he headed out the door wondering what risk he must take to save his sibling...
#24237642Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

-Chapter 1- Zoran was always a freaky boy, everyone was shocked at his appareance, except for his brother who looked almost the same as him. Zoran had blazing red eyes, and spikey jet black hair, with streaks of bright red shining through it. He was somewhat muscular, and weighed a normal weight for a 19 year old. However, hsi brother was like this except his brother was 15 and instead of red.... his brother had Deep, Shining, Cyan Blue eyes and hair streaks. Zoran had always been a good fighter, always protecting his brother from any dangers that faced him. Bullies, Injuries, you name it. But, Zoran seemed to be most skilled in Swords. Unlike most people holding a sword with 2 hands in front of them with there sword sticking straight out, Zoran had held his Swords with one hand, putting the blade behidn him letting it stick up, so when he turned his arm sideways it would slash the enemy, and he kept one arm in fornt of him to keep blood out of his eyes. Many tried this technique, all but Zoran failed. Zoran went to ZeBril' Town, lookinf in the square of town, right by the foutain for this strange man, but he was nowhere to be seen. Zoran clinched the box tight to himself making sure no one tried to steal it. Suddenly, out of nowhere a man took the box from Zoran. 'Hey! That was for a special person! You cant take thi-' The man handed Zoran a wad of Gold and a Shining Bright Sword. Zoran looked up the man notciing this time, he had a purple hood. 'Th-thank you... sir' Zoran said to the man. The man just turned and left, leaving no sight or knowledge of what to do next. Zoran seemed not to care of the Gold, but more of the Sword, he was shocked by it's beauty and the rays of it's power.
#24237711Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:47 AM GMT

lolololololololol generic bio for char. generic ninja bah
#24237972Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

-Chapter 1 Continued- Zoran fealt something moving in his pocket, carefully he smushed it, 'SPLAT!' It crumbled, it was a meer piece of paper, with fast and ink stained writing. 'Hello Zoran, glad to see you have completed your first task, now I wask of you- to climb Crystal Moutain, then climb the stairs of Crystal Tower- before Noon of tommorow, if you dont, I let you watch as your brother is flung off the edge......... Gooday.' Zoran screamed in anger. 'Tommorow huh?' Zorain whispered, 'That seems do-able....'. Zoran got on his gloves, a wuthered holster for his new, amazing Sword- not knowing of it's mysterious powers of wonder, a belt to carry the bag of gold and some food. He knew this would be hard and a challenge, and there would be blood, but he had to do it- for his brother. Zoran headed out, walking to the peer stop of Crystal Moutain, he looked up, only to see the Tower go beyond the clouds. Zoran sighed. 'Oh boy...' As he started to clibm up the rugged Moutain peak. Zoran staggered up and up, minute after minute climbing this old, worn moutain, being climbed only one other time. He looked up to see a pretty loose rock, but he didn't care, he was tired and needed a break from a cave up above, so he grabbed it. 'CRACK!' The rock slipped, and Zorran slowly began to fall, he tried to grab a ledge with his hands but he couldn't reach in time, quickly he pulled out his enw sword and stuck in the rock of Crystal Moutain like it was jell-o. He stopped falling, he had fell... about 300 Feet, but that wasn't much for a moutain like this. He took a deep breathe and continued to go on even farther.
#24238165Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

-Chapter 1 Final Part- Zoran reached the top of the moutain, only to face the tower only as half as long, but no one has ever entered except the Crystal Tower Wizard, who summoned the Tower with the snap of his fingers. Zoran, looked up at the Tower, and headed in stumbling over the door. He ran up the stiars quickly, fast, up and up and up he went, but he couldn't carry on for much longer, he had to stop and take a break. Looking up from the Crystal Staricase he saw the sight of something magnificent... something no other human had probably ever seen before... Zoran starred at the creature, as it roared at him, he gasped and brang out his new Sword, hoping he could even dealt a scratch to this magnificent beast!

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