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#24411993Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

I could not find any propper section for my request so I am going to post it here. I was the "Issues" section wrote about 60 lines of message tried to post if but a message poped up saying "Please use different words" When I clicked back there was no message left. So this is gonna be a shorter version of the message before. I'm writing a request to R Team about getting my Character Name changed If possible. Only if possible I would like to give a mission to R Team about changing my name which now is KAMIL55 so and why; It was a simple day when I was creating my Robloxian and I didnt know a lot about ROBLOX and stuff. The numbers in my name are jst random "55" and my name Kamil which makes KAMIL55 why capital leters ? Becouse I had some technical issues with my "Caps Lock Key" And thats all about my name for now. My new name I would like to say something more about me which I would like to be "GapZero" Still "Why?" Gap is a gap in the world or a simple hole in a wall. And zero a "0" Gap is going to say that I am a empty and normal guy. Zero is going to say that it is my favourite number and that I saw a lot of zeros on my geography tests but I like the word "zero" and not "0". OK But to thread I would like R Team to change my name to "GapZero" and allso Inform me about when or if its possible somehow to change my character's name. If my name is going to be changed anyday just send me an message informing me about the change becouse allso my User might get changed so I'll be ready. Please do not inform me through e-ail I do not read the messages on it My inbox has about 700+ messages in it so please inform me through ROBLOX message. Remember: ( GapZero ) Thanks if you read this request or not. , KAMIL55

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