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#24420681Saturday, April 17, 2010 10:53 PM GMT

(This is based of the game on Kongregate. If you have not played it yet, I would be grateful if you played it at least for a few minutes on http://www.kongregate.com/games/FliplineStudios/remnants-of-skystone just to get to know the attacks, the classes, and the areas.) Rules: No ubering/ God-modding Be respectful (Your character can be disrespectful, but please, you yourself be respectful to other players.) Put 'I understand' Under your character sheet to show your read this. You HAVE yo be one of the three classes I must approve your character sheet before you play. Romance is allowed to a degree, but do not go overboard. And most important of all...Have fun! Character sheet: Name: A.ge: Gender: Class: Type:(Adventurer or Nidarian Guard)(Must ask to be a Nidarian Guard.) Appearance:(Clothes from the game) Level:(You can only have 1-10 unless I say otherwise.)(If you are a guard your could be level 20-30.) Bio: Mine: Name:Eyrie A.ge:16 Gender:Male Class:Ferric Type: Nidarian Guard Appearance:Ferric basics Fringe pants, Ferric basics sleeved tunic, Ferric basics slip on-A, Ferric basics ankle socks C, Mid hair 4 that is mid brown. Deep blue eyes. Level: 40 (Level cap for N.G`s.) Bio:The envy of all Ferrics. He kills Mimics at an insane rate and performs his tasks in the swiftest manner possible. He is basically a legend in Nidarai (The city).
#24422034Saturday, April 17, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

#24450983Sunday, April 18, 2010 12:30 PM GMT

(Another bump for the morning.)

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