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#24646364Thursday, April 22, 2010 7:43 PM GMT

[I know. I know, you're like "OMG make something NOT vased on a movie already, zachzab!"] [And I'm like "But... If I made this titled 'Super people' no one would join"] [Hey, you got a problem with it don't join, and besides I'm only using the title BECAUSE OF THE FACT that there's that epic room that can find people, and the professor is awesome too] Well, just like the movies. Just take out all the characters, and insert YOUR characters. Sure, you can have powers like the ones the main characters have, just you can't actually BE the characters. The first two Admins get to be the professor or the main villain. Everyone else who is NOT an Admin gets to be a person within either the 'Heros' or 'Villains' section. Admins who are not the Professor or Villain Leader get to be high ranked, like 'almost always used.' -Rules- No ubering [So, no mega super ultra beam of death. ALL POWERS HAVE A LIMIT] Admins are people I trust, so you MUST PM ME to see if you're an Admin. Anything AND everything I say goes. Same for Admins, only my word is higher. If you break any of these rules more than three times, you'll be banned from the RP. If you're joking, then make sure you put 'I'm joking' somewhere. -Character Sheet- Name: Hero/Villain Name^: [Like, Logan is Wolverine [May have spelled wrong]] Ag.e: [Anything 6+, but try to not go over 50] Gender: Appearance 1: [For 'School/Street' look] Appearance 2^: [For 'Travelling/Under cover' look] Appearance 3*: [Most Villains have a 'costume', whereas the X-Men only have the one suit] Power: [Admins can have two] Power Limit: [As in, what can turn your power off temporarally, or what the most powerful thing you can do is] Side Effect to Power^: [Like how Rogue can kill people, and steal their powers. Also, anything that you can't do because of your powers. Rogue can't touch peoples skin with her skin][May be subtle, but HAS TO EXIST] Extra*: Bio^: -Decoder- No mark means required. ' ^ ' It means it can be added later in time, and not needed from the beginning. ' * ' means optional. In the case of 'Appearance 3,' it can be the same as 'Appearance 2.'
#24646779Thursday, April 22, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

Name: Mark sulien Hero/Villain Name^:Shocker A.g.e: 18 Gender: M Appearance 1:Black jeans, spiked hair, red no sleeved shirt, Grey eyes, Pale skin, white sneakers. Appearance 2^:Black hoodie, blue jeans, Spiked hair popping out of the hood, grey eyes, pale skin, sunglasses. Appearance 3*: He hasn't been recruited by the x-men or villans yet Power:Can shoot out electronic blasts Power Limit:Magneetos power can channel my electricity to a different whay than i want. Side Effect to Power^:If i touch people they usualy get k.o'ed like a taser Extra*: N/A Bio^: He was born abandoned Kid calling him freaks, He ran to new york to see if he could start a new life.
#24646929Thursday, April 22, 2010 7:57 PM GMT

(Joining mostly out of boredom.) Name: Isaac Asholt. Hero/Villain Name^: (Required?) Ag.e: 25. Gender: Male. Physical Appearance: Isaac is pretty average on first glance. He is of normal height, and has the typical build of a modern human; not muscular, but not fat, just normal. His hair is dirty blonde, and his facial features are small. The only thing that appears... abnormal, is his eye colour; black. But not just part of his eye. The entire eye. He covers this up with his sunglasses, which he is ALWAYS seen wearing. His skin is also fairly pale, but not to the extend of albino. If you ever saw him without a shirt, you would also notice four black bumps on his back. These will be explained under 'powers'. Appearance 1: A white t-shirt, with a hoodie or sweatshirt on top. Blue jeans. Running shoes. Black sunglasses. Appearance 2^: (May I just use the same appearance for everything?) Appearance 3*: (Same query as above.) Power: Corruption. This power allows Isaac to absorb the genetic material of a fallen foe and use it at will. This is done through killing the enemy, and within a certain time, using the tentacles that will extend from the black spots on his back to absorb what remains of the life of the enemy. This form, or parts of the form, can then be used at will, allowing Isaac to manipulate his own form. The form can also be 'corrupted', and turned into a more twisted version of it's original. He also does have a 'corrupt' basic form. This has never been revealed though, because he is afraid of what he may do with it. Power Limit: Sunlight weakens the power, and the speed he can use it at. He cannot absorb matter in the sunlight. Side Effect to Power^: Black eyes, pale skin, aversion to sunlight. Extra*: N/a. Bio^: Will come later.
#24647048Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

(I have a question before I fill out the CS)
#24647064Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

#24647156Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:02 PM GMT

[You can use the same for everything. You will need a second name, but not from the start] Name: Zach Kulav. Hero/Villain Name^: Radonium. Ag.e: 17. Gender: Male. Appearance 1: Black pants, grey shirt, white 'mask/visor' with several buttons on it [stretches from top of forehead to mid nose, and from ear to ear], white hair [anime styled]. Appearance 2^: White shirt, dark grey jacket, black pants. Appearance 3*: [May be filled out later] Power: Can affect things like the two [real] elements 'Radium' and 'Radon' can, and sometimes beyond that, like changing one thing into another of the same size and shape. Power Limit: Can affect an area of 3 miles in a radius, and up to 12 miles in one direction. Side Effect to Power^: Can have random effects on things, and not always reversable. Like turning a ice cube into a cube of [deadly] mercury. Extra*: Unknown currently why he wears a visor/mask. Currently unaligned, so may turn good or bad... Bio^: Tries to be nice, but does not like giving away personal information. Rather smart, though.
#24647254Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:04 PM GMT

[Whoa. Just whoa. I didn't expect THIS MANY PEOPLE TO POST HERE WITHIN 10 minutes!][Oh, and yes Digi?]
#24647256Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:04 PM GMT

-Joining, one moment :D-
#24647308Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:05 PM GMT

(Do we live at the institute?)
#24647408Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

(Am i accepted?)
#24647436Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

Name: Morgan Weir Hero/Villain Name^: Waterfall Ag.e: 19 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin (not pale), skinny, tall Appearance: 1: Brown t-shirt, blue jeans, black Converse Appearance: 2^: White collar shirt, black scarf, black pants, black Converse Appearance 3*: Blue collar shirt, skinny, blue jeans, black Converse Power: Can control water Power Limit: He can only create big tidal waves when there is water around. Side Effect to power: Eyes become lighter Extra*: N/A Bio^: N/A
#24647537Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

Bio^: A happy and cheerful boy who has lots of friends and loves to hang out. He's also into music and he has good fashion sense. He is also known for getting really good grades in school. (That stuff is all true. ^_^)
#24647630Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

Si Effect to power: (Just adding another thing.) Eyes become lighter AND if he uses a very powerful attack it is likely for him to get dehydrated.
#24648062Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

(Are we going to start?)
#24648322Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

[You don't start in the institute, but anywhere within 30 miles from it][So, it could be your house or anything][Actually... We can start now]
#24648387Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:26 PM GMT

I Sat In an allyway fireing bolts of electricity at a wall infront of me. I almost cryed...."No family....."I muttered
#24648550Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

-Zach Kulav- I was pushed into an alley [where Mark is] and landed on my back. Some punk kids had attacked me, again. "Uhg..." I tried to sit up.
#24648602Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

I Ran over to him Making sure not to touch him "Are you okay sir?"
#24648690Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:31 PM GMT

-Zach Kulav- "...Err... Yeah... I think... It happens every Saturday..." [Time in game is Saturday]
#24648726Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:32 PM GMT

Name: Sam Henry Hero Name:Vapor Ag.e:13 Gender:M Appearance 1:White tee,grey jeans,brown toussled hair ,green eyes Appearance 2^: Black tee and jacket,black trousers Appearance 3*: Dark blue (head to toe) with silver X on top half Power: Can turn transparent Iam intangeble then (like water vapor) Power Limit: (dunno) Side Effect to Power^: can't hold things when intangeble Extra*: Bio^:Likes his powers
#24648745Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:32 PM GMT

A Bolt came off of the tip of my finger and hit a wall. "Sorry about that...."
#24648762Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

Wind blew at me as I sat on the edge of a tall building. I had been sitting there for hours, simply contemplating the events of the last few days. I had known about my... condition... for a long, long time, but it had never done anything like this before. I had been in an alleyway, avoiding civilization as usual, when a gang attacked me. I was thrown to the ground, and kicked to the point of almost passing out. Something snapped, then. I instantly 'passed out'. When I came to, everyone around me was dead. The only possibility was my powers overcoming me. I sighed aloud. How I would love to be normal.
#24648853Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

-Zach Kulav- "That? That's normal to me" I stand up, and dust off. I push a button on my visor.
#24648908Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

"Really?!......Everyone usualy calls me a freak...."
#24648962Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

(my house is right next to where you guys are ) I open my window and step out onto the (balcony thing with the ladders)I slip through and hurl towards the ground I suddenly stop metres from the ground but my body isn't there I..am ...vapor...

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