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#24693932Friday, April 23, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

Story: If today was an original day you would have good skys and steady seas. But that "good day" was ruined by enland when they bombed all of the major countries in the world. These countries have decided to create kings if they dont have one. The problem is:england stole the other countries bombers and THEN bombed the countries reapeatedly with different bombers and strategies. Now, the countries are declaring war with those countries they THINK bombed them. It is impossible to make an alliance with any of them exept The U.S.A,because england forgot to bomb them sometimes. Unless the U.S can pursuade the countries that england bombed them and they should turn all of their attention to england,england will conquer the world. List Of Countires: United states France England Iraq Spain Russia Austrailia Japan Germany Ireland Canada Mexico China, and India ~(CS)~ Na.me: Coun.try: Wea.pons: A.ge: B.io: mine Na.me:John Golden Coun.try:United States Wea.pons:M16A, Dragonov, Magnum, Flash bangs and C4 A.ge:18 Stat.us(cause i made this):King of the United States and Army General B.io:I was on a trip to Moscow when I saw British bombers in a differant bomber. The President got bombed by them. after i learned that a war had broke out i became the king because i was the only american to know the truth about the bombers.
#24694005Friday, April 23, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

May I join? Na.me: Daniel Jackson Coun.try: England Wea.pons: M4A1, .50 Cal Sniper, .44 Magnum, x2 Flashbangs, x3 C4 A.ge:24 B.io: N/A
#24694465Friday, April 23, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

ok. you are king of england get ready for a fight when everyone haz joined
#24694631Friday, April 23, 2010 9:03 PM GMT

I dont wanna be king, Just a soldier. And this RP is pretty fake. England would never do such a thing lol. You should make Iraq do it.
#24723400Saturday, April 24, 2010 3:42 AM GMT

to tell you the truth a stupid friend loged in as me and made this

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