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#24921667Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:41 PM GMT

Chapter I: The Home. I woke up out of the terrifying darkness. The dreams. The nightmares. I shook my head out of the black sight. I ran quickly to the sink and washed my face. Cold wind shivered my skin. I look to the window, it was open. I quickly closed this without looking outside, because I know what happened. I went upstairs to my room. The door creaked, and I shivered. I grabbed files about the zombies. I read through this quickly rereading what I wrote. It seemed all right. I tucked all of my information files into my backpack, along with ammunition, guns, food supply. I kept a tight grip to my shotgun. A chainsaw was strapped to my side. I kept a Desert Eagle holstered. I checked all windows. I built barricades with strong oak wood. I peaked out the window looking at the zombies. They had a german sign on their shoulder. Their chin was ripped. Their eyes were orange. Someone knocked on the door. I peaked outside again. All the zombies were down. I opened the door. Cold wind came in. I shivered with fear.
#24922326Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:51 PM GMT

Anyone reading this?
#24922393Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:52 PM GMT

I did. I might join later. :)
#24922644Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:56 PM GMT

Join what? Trailer: "STAY AWAY!" I sprayed the zombies with my RPD. Blood splattered my face but it did not bother me. "This is a tough world..." I remarked. I ran to my ammunition supply. More of them came. I did not think I would live much longer. This might be the end...
#24922736Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:58 PM GMT

Isn't this a RP? This is the Role playing forum
#24922814Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:59 PM GMT

Roleplaying means serving a role or a character you create but not your self.
#24922863Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

This is a role-play! I have a character that is trying to survive the Apocalypse! Stories are in the role-playing forum
#24922904Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:01 PM GMT

ok.... in that case good story
#24924056Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:20 PM GMT

Chapter II: Victoria When I looked up into the eyes of the person I knew who it was. Those eyes, were sparkling blue, shimmering in the sun. I pulled her hand in. I immediately closed the door. I saw her holding on to her Pistol. "Ow! Why did you do that?" she said. "There zombies out there, I don't want them to bite you!" I yelled. She smiled. I knew her. Her name was Victoria. I couldn't believe she still survived, but I was glad. "Take this," I handed her a spare Desert Eagle with clips. I also handed her an axe. "Just stick by my side," I said. "Thank you so much!" She yelled thankfully. She took my axe and put my Desert Eagle in her other holster. She kept her grip on the axe. "Stay here and keep guard, I got to check something." I ran upstairs and searched everywhere to look for a gun I made. I called Kammerjäger. It was a big gun. It was electrical atoms formed together inside a tube, which was used as ammunition. It would electrify every thing it touched into ashes. I took this out and put the shotgun in the backpack. I kept grip to my Kammerjäger. I ran down stairs to check on Victoria. "Okay thanks." I said. "What gun is that?" She questioned. "Kammerjäger" I answered. "Never heard of it." She replied. "Thats because I made this myself." I said smiling.
#24925018Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

So what do you think of the story so far?
#24925111Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

good. :)
#24925136Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

Ok since I forgot to list his name here: Name: Joseph
#24925191Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:37 PM GMT

Victoria is his High School Best Friend.
#24962969Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

Chapter III: The Outdoors "Wanna go fight off the zombies now?" I said. "Sure!" She replied. I got hold of my chainsaw and was ready to kick the door open. I kicked this door open. The handle broke and was not able to close. I then looked around without a zombie in sight. I turned right and Victoria followed me guarding my back. "Isn't it odd for a girl to be fighting like this?" She said. "Yes. But you are strong" I said smiling. I then kept on walking down the street without a zombie in sight yet. I took a quick look through the buildings and windows and no zombies. Then the jets flew by, zooming through the sky. They released bombs into the streets. It was about a Klick away so I was not scared or frightened. I looked through the fog and blood splattered everywhere. The jets bombed zombies. "Woo, those jets helped us even though they don't think were here." Then the jets flew above me. "QUICK INTO THE HOUSE!" I ran to the nearest building and jumped through the window. Then Victoria jumped. I caught her before she touched the ground. "Thanks." She said. Then the house shook. Bombs were dropped above us. After it stopped I opened the door safely looking around then a zombie was insight. He ran after me. I turned on my chainsaw and was ready. I put this infront of my. I then swung this neck level. His head fell to the ground although disturbing but Joseph was used to it. Blood splattered on his face but it did not matter to him. "1 Down Millions to go." I said. Victoria agreed.

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