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#25036154Friday, April 30, 2010 7:07 PM GMT

Yep. But heres the twist...(the very overused twist.)ZOMBIES attack and I will keep you updated on stats of the city (POPULATION, WEATHER, ETC) ______________ A few city stats City Name: Cierna, Sienna County Population; 16,184 Weather: Sunny. 81° Problems: Small fire in a house on the east side ___________ Character Sheet Name...(Try to be realistic): RPAge (10 to 70): Weapons(1 main. 2 Backup) Gender: Bio(Required but can be short): Job(Feel free to use one.): ____________ MY CS Name: Kirov Sienna (County not named after him.) RPAge: 34 Weapons: SMG, Pistol, Katana Gender: Male Bio: Formerly in the Military. Was originally positioned in Europe and moved to America. Job: Mayor of Cierna (Since I run the RP I will be mayor. Just cause usually someone messes up when in positions like this. So there.) Eh. (This is TEST)
#25036485Friday, April 30, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

AAAAnd like always. Mine fall. ALWAYS.
#25036755Friday, April 30, 2010 7:21 PM GMT

*reads* Cool! Stats! Weather! Realistic! Zomb- I Am not joining
#25036973Friday, April 30, 2010 7:28 PM GMT

Name...(Try to be realistic):Chris Xavier RPAge (10 to 70):22 Weapons:Main:MP5 Back up:Dual Katanas Gender:M Bio(Required but can be short):Has been moving around the world and is part of the Bio army, goverments needed zombies to be quickly eliminated but due to over population in some places it spread too fast, is currently working in the city. Job(Feel free to use one.):BioArmy soldier. (A.K.A anti zombie soldier.)
#25037359Friday, April 30, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

Ya know. Zombies are usually supposed to be overused Hana... (@ Last. Accepted.)
#25037785Friday, April 30, 2010 7:48 PM GMT

#25037865Friday, April 30, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

Our chopper lands on the hospitals heli pad and a nurse takes us to the infected patients room. "Commander I don't believe it, the patient has a swollen brain and a huge fever." she says nervously "Well that nice to know" the commander says, "Chris go ahead!" I walk up the the patient and use my Katanas to get him in the heart so its a painless dea.th. "Sorry" I say to the patient. The nurse starts to scream but the commander covers her mouth and explains the situation before giving orders.
#25037970Friday, April 30, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

Last. Its just a normal day first. (I update weather and time. And when the zombies come (Like 25 minutes.) Kirov: Ah. A beautiful day. :D
#25038106Friday, April 30, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

Name...(Try to be realistic):Destined RPAge (10 to 70): 29 Weapons(1 main. 2 Backup)M16a4 W/LazerSight and Silencer.(Hes still on work.Hes at a desert base.)And a pistol and a combat knife Gender: Male Bio(Required but can be short): He is a agent of the military.His codename:Eagle 102. Job(Feel free to use one.):Military
#25038217Friday, April 30, 2010 7:57 PM GMT

(Fine forget my last post.) I drive to BioArmies HQ in London. Researchers are examining infected samples and the commander asks what caused it. "Well we think that someone took out a bite from a burger that had mad cow disease its evolving sir. At a alarming rate, we could face the end of the world." At those words the scientists stopped. "Ok" the commander says "how many do we know are infected?" He asks. "Three sir and we have them detained, but who knows how fast this can spread..."
#25038980Friday, April 30, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

Better. They aren't in the county yet, @Wreslingforme Accepted.
#25039223Friday, April 30, 2010 8:20 PM GMT

(Yay.)(Also can I be the designer of the zombies?)
#25039239Friday, April 30, 2010 8:20 PM GMT

Along with me yes.
#25039366Friday, April 30, 2010 8:23 PM GMT

(Okay..I have a idea for a zombie.How about a boss zombie that is bigger then a swingset.It has 2000 health and can attack for 70 damage.)
#25039530Friday, April 30, 2010 8:26 PM GMT

(Ok. Kinda like the Tank from L4D2...) (Another idea is a crawler zombie. Its legs have been severed from the body and it crawls along the ground swinging and biting at your legs. 10 damage and 50 health.)
Top 100 Poster
#25074346Saturday, May 01, 2010 8:49 AM GMT

Name: James Eagle RPAge: 21 Weapons: Double-barreled shotgun, Desert Eagle, Katana Gender: Male Bio: I've always been quiet, loyal, friendly to others... A great fighter also, as I kid was always stuck up in those zombie games... But who ever knew this could actually happen? It's time to load up & kill these idiots. Job: Technician but has a old trainer background.
#25074499Saturday, May 01, 2010 9:03 AM GMT

Ohai masterdylan (Accepted. Hurray for the Leeroy Jenkins (fun times remix) song. It r win. :D)
Top 100 Poster
#25074510Saturday, May 01, 2010 9:04 AM GMT

#25074598Saturday, May 01, 2010 9:12 AM GMT

(Ok the virus isn't here quite yet...It will be about 2 posts that I make before it starts. Not counting this one.) City Name: Cierna, Sienna County Population; 16,183 Weather: Cloudy. 65° Problems: 2 car crash TIME: 4:16 PM Kirov: A civillian was killed in an accident in downtown.
Top 100 Poster
#25074695Saturday, May 01, 2010 9:23 AM GMT

(I've got work & some other important stuff in the morning... I won't be on all day, so I'll be on some other time. Bye for now friend.)
#25078241Saturday, May 01, 2010 12:14 PM GMT

I go to my room in the HQ. Armour is on racks in a wardbrobe and ammo boxs are in a cubboard, along with a few daggers and small side arms. I get ammo for my M4A1 and lock my door.
#25188391Monday, May 03, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

Bump. City Name: Cierna, Sienna County Population; 16,183 Weather: Rainy. 43° Problems: Slick conditions TIME: 4:19 PM (Around 10 minutes to invasion) Kirov: Whoa...it got cold fast...
Top 100 Poster
#25201308Monday, May 03, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

James I sat in my house, in my room. I was on the computer, researching some things... My Double-Barreled Shotgun was under my bed, my Desert Eagle was lying on the desk & my katana was up on the wall. I kept my weapons in my room, and besides... No one really ever came over.
#25201654Monday, May 03, 2010 4:12 AM GMT

Name...(Try to be realistic): Dani Reumass RPAge (10 to 70):19 Weapons(1 main. 2 Backup) Gender: Bio(Required but can be short): So well.Moved from Mexico City 10 years ago. Now is well-known in his neighborhood for the guy that sells the Cds.Lives in a small apartment. Job(Feel free to use one.): Music Store
Top 100 Poster
#25203443Monday, May 03, 2010 6:01 AM GMT

James I closed down the window & shut my laptop, I got up out of my office chair. I walked out & went downstairs, I looked outside when I passed a window. "Hmm? Rain..." I mumbled to myself. I went into the kitchen & got myself some grub, eating a snack.

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