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#25463018Sunday, May 09, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

(This is based on 358/2 Days.) The Master Heartless have formed a group to eliminate the Orginazation and all people.Although many Heartless are appearing,Like Ruler of the Sky and LeechGrave are popping up, Many people have aquired Keyblades.Roxas has died while fighting many Heartless,The Orginazation has fell,But civialans have made a rebellion against the Heartless.A select few has two keyblades.(A.K.A Admins)And have them upgraded to their choice of Gear.All others have the maximum of a Maverick Flare +,but they still can figth.Recently,The Heartless have ruled WonderLand and C.O.All other worlds are under heavy siege.You are one of the many in the Rebellion.You have a keyblade and are in one of the worlds. RULES No Ubering People I trust and first 10 joiners are Admin You may have magic. I can kick Admins,Admins may kick you. No Godmodding No Romance(No one does it anyway..) You may have up to 4 characters. CS: Name: A.ge: Units: Type of Keyblade: Apperance: Healing Items? Which World? Bio: My CS is coming.
#25463433Sunday, May 09, 2010 3:41 AM GMT

Name:Justin A.ge:13 Units:4 Abilty Units. Type of Keyblade:Zero Gear,Omega Weapon. Apperance:Looks like Roxas before he joined the Orginazation. Healing Items?:2 Hi-Potions,4 Potions,One Elixir. Which World?:Neverland Bio:Nah.
#25464460Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

Name: Marx Ag/e: 15 Units: 5 Type of Keyblade: Oblivion Appearance: Looks like Riku Healing Items: 1 Potion Which World: Agrabah Bio: Is the coolest guy around.
#25464840Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:08 AM GMT

Name: Cecil A.ge: 26 Units: ??? Type of Keyblade: ??? Apperance: Usally has a hood over face, very shadowy-looking. Healing Items? Which World? Final Fantasy (is this acceptable? =\) Bio: A young man with amensia (I'm a little clueless about KH, so excuse me if I don't understand any questions)
#25464899Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:09 AM GMT

Oh, forgot healing items: 3 HI-Potions, 10 Potions
#25464934Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:10 AM GMT

(I don't think it is lol how about Traverse Town?)
#25464964Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:11 AM GMT

(Eh, alright. I said Final Fantasy scince there are Moogles 'n' stuff in KH =\)
#25465238Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:16 AM GMT

(Oh yeah Marx can also use Oathkeeper)
#25477945Sunday, May 09, 2010 1:50 PM GMT

(Kenpo,Ill just say you have 2 power units,Have Oathkeeper,(AKA 2 Keyblades)And a potion.)
#25478630Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:07 PM GMT

Can I join but My char has no Key?
#25478647Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:08 PM GMT

(Sure,but you need a weapon.)
#25478669Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:08 PM GMT

Can I have it Later?
#25478687Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:09 PM GMT

(Sure,but you'll need to abadon your current weapon.)
#25478753Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:10 PM GMT

Name:??? A.ge:??? Units:??? Apperance:Stole a Clock of XIII Healing Items:1 potion Which World:Radient Gardens Bio:N/A
#25478768Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:11 PM GMT

I wanna use Magic and then get a weapon
#25478803Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:12 PM GMT

(Raident gardens isnt in 358/2 days.What about the The Games?)
#25478852Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:13 PM GMT

Well can we Include it if not then I'll choose Halloween town where I RESIDE not born in
#25478899Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:14 PM GMT

(Halloween town it is.)
#25479025Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:17 PM GMT

Magic:Blizzard,Thunder and Cure
#25479045Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:17 PM GMT

So start?
#25479110Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:19 PM GMT

(K,Imma start.) "GRAAAH!!!"I said,as I used Limit Break against a Zip Slasher.(My Limti Break is frenzily slashing,and when it goes down,I thurst down.)
#25479218Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:22 PM GMT

???:Hmph (Shoots blizzard at 1 creepworm) ???:only Creepworms today....where are all the other heartless?
#25479267Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:23 PM GMT

I killed the Zip Slasher.I flew towards the ship,where Shadow Globs were everywhere.
#25479464Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:27 PM GMT

O_OI just noticed I'm Admin that means my future non-keyblade weapon can be dual>:) ???:I can't seem to go to other worlds anymore(Tries to make dark portal) (Dark portal appears and heartless come out of it) ???:Close enough (Sprints to dark portal into------Neverland) ???:ughh(Gasping for air) (Looks around) ???:guess I'll try to lay off the heartless until my powers regenerate
#25479611Sunday, May 09, 2010 2:30 PM GMT

A comrade has died to a Phantomtail.He asked me to wield his Keyblade.I accepted it as he froze and died.I went and killeda ll the Shadow Globs,but there was a Gigas Shadow,Lots of Nova Shadows and an Orcus.

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