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#25497112Sunday, May 09, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

Its The Year 1400, Its The Medevil Times, Day And Night, Warriors Are Fighting For Courge, Strengh, And Pouplarty, Its YOUR Turn CS: Name: Gender: Age: Class:[Warrior Mage Archer Wizerd Minon] Side:[If You Choose Minon You Always Have To Be Evil] Apparnce And Armor/Clothes: Weopons: Bio: Now Talk About Your Chartcer When You See This
#25497354Sunday, May 09, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

People, Start talking about your chartcer when you see this, jeez...
#25497496Sunday, May 09, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

Guys, Start Posting
#25503975Sunday, May 09, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

Cmon Join
#25505530Sunday, May 09, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

#25508591Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:20 PM GMT

Name: Rhaine Gender: M A: 37 Class:[Warrior Mage Archer Wizerd Minon] Minion Side:[If You Choose Minon You Always Have To Be Evil] Evil Apparnce And Armor/Clothes: Black plated armor Weopons: Long Fine silver sword, black book Bio: When i was born my family owed debt to a mean man,so my father sold me to the man. I worked hard for years till the man sold me to a Darklord since then I stand as his minion [I guess thats good..]
#25508686Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:21 PM GMT

Accepted, You can start, And Then More People Will Join
#25509080Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:28 PM GMT

I walk through the market "Time to collect downpayment" I say with a sigh I come up to a stall. a fat man with a green hat and stripped shirt stands there. He looks up at me and says"Yea? can i help you?" he looks at me for awhile and then his eyes start to get big I look at the man"I think you know why i am here." he quickly says"Of course of course Sir,So how is the man in charge?"I grab hold of my sword"I'd like to do this without you crying." He quickly grabs a sack under the stall and hands it to me "And its all in there..You know I can come back I just love visting your stall what really makes it great are these flowers you set out" He starts getting pale. He grabs another sack and gives it to me "Thank you for your bussiness Fine Sir."I say as i walk back to the castle.
#25509104Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:28 PM GMT

Josh Male 12 Sorcerer Good Sword/Sacred Wand Josh is a sorcerer in training.
#25509111Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

Name: Ruby Gender: female A.ge: 15 Class:[Warrior Mage Archer Wizerd Minon]: (whats the difference between a mage and a wizard?) Side:[If You Choose Minon You Always Have To Be Evil] Neutral (she will go on either side) Apparnce And Armor/Clothes: long straight blond hair and brown eyes. Long black dress and black cloak. Weopons: silver dagger Bio: unknown
#25509240Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

[Both Accepted] A Mage Uses Elements Only A Wizerd Uses Magic Got that?
#25509321Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh lol k I choose... give the definition of "Magic" plz lol
#25509474Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

*Facepalm* Magic Is One Of The Most Storngest Moves For A Wizerd, There Are Over 200 Spells To Use {I Just Made This Up] Star Strom:Summions A Rain Of Stars. Sleep:Makes The Enemey Sleep, And More...
#25509884Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

Hey Arnet You Going To Start?
#25509913Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:43 PM GMT

*laughs* Ok I'm a wizard
#25510253Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

I enter the Castle and walk to the throne. I kneel down"I've gotten the payment,Sire" I left the sacks up and they float out of my hand to him. he dumps the gold onto a plate. he inspects every piece then throws a sack to me "Buy something good Dear boy." I look up in surpisement and i bow my head "Thank you,Sire" I stand up and walk out into town
#25510305Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

Ruby: *sits in her room*
#25510433Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#25510655Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

Josh It was a lonely, sad night. Josh was in his uncle's hardware store. "Josh! Vat is this?" His uncle asked angrily. "Uncle, I swear I didn't..." Josh began. Uncle Wyatt picked Josh up and smashed him against the woodchop table. Josh groaned as his uncle stepped on him and abused him with a hammer. "Now do it right!" Uncle Wyatt demanded loudly. Josh sobbed sadly. Josh hated working for his uncle. His parents were dead and his grandparents were dead. He was stuck with his mean aunt and uncle who always abused him. "I wish I could destroyed them how they destroyed me life." Josh sobbed to himself. "Vat is this? You were suppose to clean table, eh?" His aunt complained. "I didn't get to it..." Josh began. His aunt got a stick and beat Josh with it. "Do it!" His aunt demanded. Josh grabbed his aunt's dress and clobbered her on the head. "No!" He threw his aunt onto his bed. He pounced on the bed and punched his aunt. "Vat is this nosense?" His uncle complained. His aunt was bleeding uncontrollably. Josh's anger built up. He struck a beam at his uncle that destroyed their whole cottage. "Whoa." Josh said in shock. His two mean guardians were wounded or dead. His aunt was dead and so was his uncle. The police came to the house. "Oh shoot. I could go to jail." Josh murmured. Josh fleed from the house. The police didn't catch him.
#25510751Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

(woah!) Ruby: *yawns and uses a kind of telekinesis to bring a big heavy book to her*
#25510805Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

#25510864Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

this is garas unbanded main
#25510941Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

Josh woke up the next morning with cops hovering over him. "Vat is this?" The angry cop said. "I'm Josh." Josh said sadly. The cop grabbed Josh's ear. "Ow!" Josh yelled in pain. The cop threw Josh against the wall and Josh got a bruise on his whole face. "You're under arrest for murder." The other cop said. Josh didn't wake up. "Look at this wuss!" The cops said. Josh's anger built up and struck a beam at the officers.
#25510975Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

(u know this is mid evil right?)
#25511020Sunday, May 09, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

No, duh...

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