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#25731978Saturday, May 15, 2010 1:16 AM GMT

5 years ago a scientist named Vex tried to creat unlimated energy. The expirement back fired and destroyed half the city. Now he has returned and he is paying a scientist named Scar to creat a clone with the new complete expirement in him. If Scar finds out what the project is he'll destroy the city trying to get it, but if Vex's plan work the whole world will be destroyed. It's up to you to stop this madness along with the help of the people in the city. There are 4 specail people in the game. I'll give you a message saying if you're one of them. Here's the character sheet. ~Character Sheet~ Name: A.ge: G.ender: Weapons: Apperance: Bio (optional):
#25772793Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:58 PM GMT

Name:Thavidu A.ge:17 G.ender:Male Weapons:Duel swords Apperance: Blue shirt, white pants, white hair with a streak of blue, tall, blue eyes. Bio:Expirement #005. Has "Phrozen Flame" in him.
#25773361Saturday, May 15, 2010 7:08 PM GMT

Name: Yeairi (Pronounced Yor-e) A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Weapons: Ice Katana, Spirit Water, Ice Shards Apperance: Tidal Wave Vs. Tsunami-shirt, Blonde-black hair, Brown eyes, Slim figure, Ocean-blue jeanshorts (Jeans cut down to shorts), Sandals Bio (optional): Descendant of the legendary water spirit, has the power of water, otherwise known as the 'Ocean's Essance'.
#25773528Saturday, May 15, 2010 7:11 PM GMT

Could I join?
#25773676Saturday, May 15, 2010 7:14 PM GMT

Name: Claude A.ge: 18 G.ender: Male Weapons: Dual Knives, Katana, Claw-like weapons that go around my wrists. Apperance: Black hair, Reflective sunglasses, Black Trenchcoat. Bio (optional): Currently Unknown.
#25883007Monday, May 17, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

(Ok... I think this is enough people to start... START!!!) I wake up and see a white room. One a table are Duel swords. I pick them up and notice a book open to a page. It reads "Dear log, expirement #005 has just taken on a human form. I still don't know why Vex insits on giving it a name. Reminder, the code to the door is 54321." I look and see a door. I enter 54321 and it opens. I walk out and hear rumbling. A tank comes down the hallway. A man is on top of the tank. ???: Well I see your awake expirement #005. I am your creator, Scar. Unfortunaly your blood is valuble to me so i'm going to have to kill you now.
Top 100 Poster
#25883926Monday, May 17, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Name: Jimmy Kiln A.ge: 11 G.ender: Male Weapons: Nothing as of now... Apperance: Brown eyes, brown hair, 5, 2, blue shirt, dark blue jeans, sneakers, black gloves Bio: I'm not really sure where I am.... I am not sure what is going on here either. I'm lost & just a kid, what am I to do?
#25917707Tuesday, May 18, 2010 4:41 PM GMT

Yeari swam in the oceans waters. Right next to him was a dolphin, it was sort of his pet but he couldn't take him home.
#25921638Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:03 PM GMT

The tank fires a heat seeking missle. I jump extremly high and land on the missle. Now the only thing on its radar is Scar. The missle turns around and heads for Scar. I jump of at the last second and the blast from the window knocks me out a window. Somehow I survived the blast with no injures. A stone flies througth the air and I catch it. It's half of a stone with a flame carved in the center. I look down the road and see a city. I start to run twoards the city.
#25922096Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

Yeairi had to get out of the water now. "Ok bye guys!" He said to the dolphins. Yeairi then went on to the golden beach and walked over to town.
#25930071Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

When I got to the city I saw what looked like a cyborg walking out of a store. He seemed to be carrying something.
Top 25 Poster
#25930280Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:43 PM GMT

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Top 25 Poster
#25931201Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

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#25959256Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:14 PM GMT

(Oh I love the game, it's just that I can't beat Vex at the end!)
#25972129Wednesday, May 19, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

(Lol epic fail. How can you not beat Vex he's easy? You can't be expirement #004 that's a guy named Jonny in the second game. Yes you can be a specail person you can be... Cap, unless someone else wants to be Cap.) When a person wearing a red cap comes. (He's Cap.) He see the cyborg leave. Cap: Wow. Another creation from Scar Co. Thavidu: Maybe he's trying to finf out who he is... like me. Cap: Your a cyborg!?! Cap circle around me realy fast trying to find out if i'm a cyborg. Thavidu: I'M NOT A CYBORG!!! Cap: Oh, ok. My names Cap. Thavidu: Well, see ya. I walk into a store. (Going to have to change the story a little here.) I see someone talking with a robot and a squirrel boy. Thavidu: Hi! Human: Hi. I'm Captin Leader and this is Robo-bob and Stan.Do you think you could do a favor for us. We'll give you this peice of junk. He holds out a rock like the one I have. Thavidu: Sure! What do you need? Captin Leader: Well, our space ship works on kool-aid, but the soda machine is broken. I think that cyborg had a gear. Thavidu: Ok! I'll go get that gear! I go after the cyborg.
Top 25 Poster
#25972894Wednesday, May 19, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

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#25980303Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:08 AM GMT

(numbers 1 and 2 died. 3 is the cyborg.)
Top 25 Poster
#25981834Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

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#25985152Thursday, May 20, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

(...riigghht... no there is no number 6... ! I got a brillant idea! u can be Jonny... no thats a horrible idea cause he doesn't exist yet... or at least we haven't meet him yet... well u can be scar... definetly not Vex unlessu want to die. you can be a failed expiement... no that won't work... ! u can be Jesse Dark. He's a bounty Hunter that works for Scar. here's his character sheet. Name: Jesse Dark A.ge:18 G.ender: Male Weapons: His fists can light on fire, but it doesn't burn him. Apperance: A black shirt, red eyes, meduim hight, black jeans, black and red hair. tell me if u want to be him.)
Top 25 Poster
#26007608Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

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#26044096Friday, May 21, 2010 7:11 PM GMT

(...What? Nevermind.) I find the cyborg. Thavidu: There you are now give me the gear! Cyborg:... Thavidu: Umm... Hello? SCARISINTHECYBORG!?!: (Scar's voice) THERE YOU ARE NOW GIVE ME BACK THE KEY! Thavidu: Ahh!!! Scar?!? Why are you in a cyborg!?! Scar's voice: I'm not in the cyborg. I'm just projecting my voice through it. Thavidu: Well... You know there's this thing called a phone and- Scar's Voice: SHUT UP! I'm going to crush you! Protoman attack! Protoman: Enemy spotted. Engaging attack mode. The cyborg's arm turns into a flamethrower. Thavidu: That's not fair!
#26044257Friday, May 21, 2010 7:17 PM GMT

Yeairi dried himself quickly by pulling the water off of him.(That sounds so wrong.) He then walked into town.
#26050186Friday, May 21, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

Cap walks up to Yeari. Cap: Are you a cyborg? I just saw a cyborg and someone else who could be another cyborg. Cap points to where Thavidu is. Back at the edge of town I'm being destroyed by the cyborg. All of a sudden my skin turns blue and I start to fly! Then my swords fly out of my hands and stab the cyborg. When i'm back on the ground I take the gear and head back to town.
#26053623Friday, May 21, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

#26063830Saturday, May 22, 2010 1:04 AM GMT

I bust through the doors of the soda shop and just happen to run into Cap (I litteraly ran into him.) Thavidu: I GOT THE GEAR NOW GIVE ME SOME KOOL-AID!!! I put the gear in the machine get a kool-aid and give it to Captin Leader. Captin Leader: Thanks! Here's your useless piece of junk. He gives the stone to Thavidu. The to stone glow then fused together. Cap: Is that the phrozen Flame!?! Thavidu: The frozen what? Cap: The Phrozen flame. About 5 years ago a scientist named Vex tried to create unlimited energy, but it back fired and destroyed half the town. That's the key to his castle. Thavidu: Hmm... Maybe I can get some answers there... Cap: I'll come with you! Thavidu:...sure... why not... Cap and I set out for Vex's castle.

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