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#25879567Monday, May 17, 2010 8:02 PM GMT

Once there was a town named Robloxia. It was a peaceful and pleasant town. Children were laughing, children were playing. "Hey Sly!"Said Jack "Hey Jack!", Said Sly. "So what ae you up to." "Really nothing much" "Do you wanna do anything?" "Sure! So what should we do?" "I don't know. Let's go to the park!" "Okay! Great idea!" 2 Minutes later. "So wanna play tag?" "Ok. Your it!" "Ok." 10 Minutes of playing. "I'm Getting so tired..." Says Jack. "Come on dude you can do it!" "Ok.." While playing there are cracks coming towards them.(Ground shakes) "Dude. Do you feel that?" "Feel what?" "The shake on the ground. Did you feel it?" "Your just Holusinating." (Big earthquake fills Robloxia) "Ah!!! JACK!!" "SLY!" Says jack while getting weaker. "Jack! No! DONT GO!!" (Jack faints while people are screaming) TO BE CONTINUED! What happened after Jack fainted? Who will survive? Check out the next part of The desserted Robloxia for all your questions. Next part probably 5/20/10
#25887376Monday, May 17, 2010 10:01 PM GMT

Good, just make them talk more modernized and realistic. People don't talk like that really... ~ Builderdude510
#25888790Monday, May 17, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

Yes, for instance: 'Sup sly? Nothing much. Wanna do something Sure
#25890427Monday, May 17, 2010 10:45 PM GMT

I know the game deserted island somewhere but the "survive a flood" game is way better to resist:The main caution about the game is to try to climb to the highest floor of a building/hotel and wait for a helicopter to arrive to pick you up and save you from the disaster.But the game gets pretty frusterating when you stay down in the town for 30 seconds.Find the tallest building to keep you from drowning,ok.The helicopter is the goal of significance,cuz thats how you get rescued.The movies of the epic world stories tell you how the flood is made like the movie.Like TITANIC,POSAIDEN {im not sure because I watched the movie back in 2007},BLACK SEA,2012,but the movie black sea is probably the wrong title so it might be MISPELLED wrong.Although I havent played an earthquake in robloia.The story is kind of interesting to hear....pt. 2 should work well.
#25945330Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:39 AM GMT

Story O' Meter Pure epic Epicly Epic Epic Awesome Middle Good Lame Bad ... Use in your comments!
#25952292Wednesday, May 19, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

Story O' Meter Pure epic Epicly Epic Epic <------ Awesome Middle Good Lame Bad Nice story, I'd like to se what happens next in ROBLOXia.
#25975058Wednesday, May 19, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

Would you be overly offended if I rewrote this? You know, according to my standards?
#25977506Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

There was once the little town of ROBLOXia. It was a small peaceful town located snugly between the Moderator Mountains and the Admin Ocena. All around players were happily playing games, cheerfully saying "ha, I pwned you" or "you got lucky". "Sup Sly?!" Inquired Jack "Nothing much!", replied. Sly. "Wanna do anything?" "Sure! Any ideas?" "I don't know. Hey, let's play Crossroads" "Okay! Great idea!" A few minuest later "Let's play" "Ok." Jack pulls out his rocket launcher and shoots Sly. Sly jumps quickly out of the way and startes slingshotting Jack. Jack pulls out a trowel and hides behind the wall. After 10 Minutes of playing. "I'm Getting so tired..." Says Jack. "Come on dude, or else I win!" "Ok.." Suddenly random explosions start appearing. "Dude. what's that?" "What?" "Those explosions, did you see them?" "Your just halucinating." Suddeny planes appear. In them are starter ROBLOXians. They try to shoot at Jack and Sly but miss, miserably. The two pulls out rocket launchers and take out a few, but there are too many "Ah!!! JACK!! Hackers!" "Report them, quickly!" Says jack while his health bar lowers. "Jack! No! DONT RESPAWN!!" (Jack wipes out while people are screaming) I tried given the material there, trying to stay true to the original story. I could have done better, but I was in a rush...
#26034651Friday, May 21, 2010 11:32 AM GMT

What happened after jack fainted? Did anyone else survive? All your question will be answered in this part of "The deserted ROBLOXia" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After jack fainted many people were screaming to death. "No jack no. Don't go. Just please don't go!" "Tsunmani!" "Goodbye, pal" (Wave washes out everyone in ROBLOXia) 5 Days later. " (Cough cough) Oh where am I? Is this still ROBLOXia? Is anyone alive? Hello? Hello? I gotta build shelter so nothing will happen to me." 7 Hours later. "Ah there we go." (Sits down on the side of house. Goes into memories) "Hi! Im jack! Are you the new kid?" '' Why yes. Yes I am. My name is Sly. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too" "Wanna be friends?" "Sure! So what do you wanna do?" "Let's get to know about each other!" "Good idea!" (Memories are over.) "(Crying)" "Hello? Why are you crying?" "Ah! Who are you!?" "I am Edward. And who are you?" "I'm jack" "Cool name! Well nice to meet you." "Just like what my friend said..." "What?" "Nevermind?" "Do you know what happened here?" "No. I think I passed out when it happened." "Weird. Me to. Maybe other people might've survived!" "Let's go look around ROBLOXia to see if anyone else survived. And I will be happy if my friend survived! Let's go!" TO BE CONTINUED Did Sly survive? Is anyone else tagging on there adventure? Tune into next week for all your questions
#39721036Tuesday, December 28, 2010 2:36 PM GMT

The Final Chapter... ----------------------- " Ahh... Wait.. I just realized something in my vision..." "What vision? Ahh.. My head.."said Edward.. "ummm... That was weird you said the same thing almost as me?!" "Nooo..." "Omg... Your mee! If you take off the glasses, the braces, and the ugly hair, it looks like me!" "Congrats Sly.. You found out who i was... I was once you. Well I still am you. I am your spirit. I will guide you through your adventure home...." "Thank you spirit.. I just wanna go and see jack one last time... I wanna pray that he will be ok.. Ok spirit.. I am ready to go.." " Ok lets go.." " wait spirit did you see that!" "See what?" "See that like... Big explosion!" "No.You must be seeing things..." "Oh yeah.. Ok. Wait there it is again and its closer!!! Run!!!" 5 Mins later. "Well its time for me to go... Not seeing jack... Goodbye robloxia... I am the last person on this planet... No more people.." Up there... "Hey sly! You made it here!" "Aint I glad to see you!" "Lets play..." Down in robloxia, everything was gone, extinction= everything and everyone, and let it R.I.P Robloxia.. Goodbye..
#46133799Monday, April 25, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

Ooooh, thats suuuuuch a happy ending.
#46144048Monday, April 25, 2011 3:37 AM GMT

Robloxia isn't destroyed! I know where it went! It turned into Dessert.
#46158585Monday, April 25, 2011 2:44 PM GMT

#52113339Friday, August 05, 2011 12:55 PM GMT

Whut? :3 I made the story my way i wanted to makez it. Lawlz.
#52126584Friday, August 05, 2011 5:02 PM GMT

tasty dessert

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