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#25906793Tuesday, May 18, 2010 3:20 AM GMT

Hi, it's Glaringdragon. I came up with a theory to prove if a band is a fad or not, before the truth is revealed. It doesn't always wok, but I hope it does. FAME CLIMB: ========== You see, artists who gain fame over time are likely to NOT be fads. Take Lady Gaga, for example. She became famous from Just Dance. Back then, people didn't know who was Lady Gaga. Then, Poker Face was released. More fans. Then The Fame came, which gave a slight raise in fame. She kept the fame, but then it started dying down. Before it was too late, she released The Fame Monster. Bad Romance brought her fame back up. Then Telephone kept it. Alejandro then made a small impact. Now, we wait for the next hit. I like calling it Progressive Fame. Artists who INSTANTLY are the most popular people are likely to be fads. Take the Jonas Brothers as an example. Since they signed up with Disney, They have INSTANTLY soared to the most popular band there is. Over the years, they are becoming forgotten. Throw cobwebs onto them. I like calling it Rocket Fame. Line Graphs of Popularity: PROGRESSIVE: .............../ ...............| ............../ ............./ ......_..../ ...../.\_/ ..../.... __/...... ROCKET: ......................../-\ ........................|..\ ........................|...| ......................./....| ....................../.....| ......................|.....| ......................|.....| ......................|.....| .______________/.....| Kinda looks like a rocket, eh? Tl;dr Version: You have to gain fame over time, not instantly become the most popular person there is. ======================== SONG UPKEEP ===================== If you noticed the graphs, you sometimes go down on the Progressive chart. That's because people get sick of the same song. You create another hit, and you are back on going up. It has to be a good song, that people like. That will get radio stations to play it, and your fame goes up. Stop making songs or start making bad songs, and radio stations know that people are sick of the same song, so they stop playing the song. When they see there's no new song, they abandon the artist. That causes you to lose fame, and you are penniless again, washing dishes for a living. Tl;dr version: Keep making good songs, and you maintain your fame. =============== CONCERTS =============== When you have fans, there are people who are willing to spend hundreds to see you sing. Profit for you. Do concerts, and you are good to go. Otherwise, people will think you use Autotune. Don't go on a concert when there aren't much people who know you, as concerts can cost MILLIONS. Be creative when organizing a concert. Don't do the typical "Pyrotechnics on the floor when you hit one certain note". It can get boring. Go ahead and put tesla coils, as long as it is covered. Get a Xenon Flash Lamp. Have giant lava lamps. That will attract people, and would want them spending money on your concert. REHEARSE. Nobody is there to here you forget your lines or notes. They're hear for you to flawlessly perform. Tl;dr Version: Organize creative concerts once you have enough fame. Don't forget to rehearse. ================= That is how you can stay famous, or know if someone will or won't be famous for long. ĜŁΔЯΪЛĞĐRДĢØЙ Verify my suit. NAO.
#25907724Tuesday, May 18, 2010 3:49 AM GMT

Is your theory trying to decipher whether or not the masses like an artist or a song which they made? I don’t exactly know what you mean by a “fad” so I am guessing you are inferring it to be a song which becomes super popular. Often people come to like a song and not practically the artist which produced it. One could make a single which everyone seems to like, the thing is do they like the artist or just the song. Example: I could like a song from Metallica, that doesn’t mean I like the band or even the genre. What I think you mean by a “fad” is when multiple people just like a song, and when the artist makes a new single that is apart from his “popular” (fad) song people don’t like it, because they only like the song and not the artist.
#25921680Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

1. get fame from some other source of media, eg tv shows, movies, ect 2. make generic song concepts and get alot of recognition 3. get alot of buys omgmgogmgmogmg 4. ??? 5. PROFIT thats actually a really good method, look at drake bell, miranda cosgrove, if it wernt for the tv shows they were in their releases wouldnt be anything noteworthy in popularity terms just disproving your little "progressive fame" theory: 1. be rich some way and be a greedy idiot 2. make album 3. put most of money into advertising your alb- WAIT I MEAN SHOVING IT DOWN OTHERS THROATS MY BAD LOL 4. get alot of buys because promotion and advertising there you go also mendezio is right here
#25928872Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

hehehehehehehe My dirty mind sees that rocket as something else.....
#25929312Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:26 PM GMT

lady gaga is mainstream you nimrod, she's going to lose her popularity in 2-3 years like every other pop artist
#25931981Tuesday, May 18, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

Bands that won't die. EVER!: Nirvana Red Hot Chili Peppers Pearl Jam Stone Temple Pilots Metallica Soundgarden Rage Against the Machine Green Day (They're mainstream, but they're still hardcore. Listen to thier older stuff) Smashing Pumpkins Led Zeppelin Foo Fighters (maybe) Queens of the Stone Age The White Stripes Our Lady Peace More to Come.....
#25948338Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

@Mendezio You don't really get it, do you? @Coolman Yes, she's mainstream, and she'll die down in about 4-10 years, but that's longer than the fad artists survived. @Darth Yes, they will stay popular.
#25948637Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

Reading it again, a fad is something that is popular for a short time.
#25948798Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:32 AM GMT

paramore has rising fame,they were nobody in 2005 but now five years later, they have hits and a platnium record.
#25948941Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:35 AM GMT

Metallica's most recent tour sold out all of it's tickets within in HOUR of them going on sale, making it the fastest selling event of all-time. I'd say that proves they're still popular. Anyway, I agree for the most part.
#25951314Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

@Scruffy That can explain @Gary Yes. Metallica is a classic, and they still are popular.
#25954491Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:59 AM GMT

rock suxs
#25984626Thursday, May 20, 2010 1:21 AM GMT

@Malik You have your opinion.
#25986076Thursday, May 20, 2010 1:46 AM GMT

Good theroys. I'd like to add my own though. Bands that are popular, but they change sound, and their "fans" can't accept change. Metallica is a great example. Graph: - ---------___ --------/----\ -------/------\___ ------/------------\-----------------____ -----/--------------\---------------/ ----/----------------\___---------/ ----|---------------------\-------/ ----|----------------------\-----/ ----/-----------------------\___/ ---/------------------------- -_/ That's kinda like Metallica's carrer. Top would be "...And Justice For All", next set of straight lines is the "Black Album" years, next is the "Load" years, then "St. Anger" and then "Death Magnetic." However, there would be different graphs for different bands.
#25986914Thursday, May 20, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

Wish there was an edit button. I would add that.
#26026391Friday, May 21, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

According to my theory: Justin Bieber is a fad Ke$ha is a fad Lady Gaga MAY be successful And such.
#26028637Friday, May 21, 2010 3:07 AM GMT

Remember the variable you are using is based on popularity. Like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber has also gained "fame" from his first song. Both his albums My World and My World 2.0 are number ones.
#26028929Friday, May 21, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

Also, be sure to remember that an artist's genre may be popular at one point, but once another genre becomes popular, the artist's "fame" goes down.
#26029560Friday, May 21, 2010 3:33 AM GMT

Justin Bieber is going to be like the JB. One year of annoying and pointless Music,Then a dishwasher. ROCK AND METAL SHALL OVERLORD TEH WORLD. Still.....I Think Mendezio kind of doesn´t gets the real meaning of "talent". Dude.....In This case you DO Consider NIRVANA talentless only because they disbanded and are old??? Jeez.
#26029659Friday, May 21, 2010 3:37 AM GMT

Mendezio, Justin Bieber had a rocket fame. he was INSTANTLY the most popular person there is.
#26034690Friday, May 21, 2010 11:34 AM GMT

Silversun Pickups is another example. People were like, silversun who-whats? And then, when Carnavas came out, they got big with the single 'Lazy Eye'. Then they died down again. When Swoon came out, they went straight back up with 'Panic Switch' 'Substituition' and 'The Royal We. They have sice died down a bit to mainstream listeners, but I have heard news of a new album, but I'm not sure if it's true.'
#26057428Friday, May 21, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

If an artists first album hits #1 then they probally had "Rocket" fame as you call it. The White Stripes first 3 albums hardly charted anywhere, The 3rd charted in a few places, but their 4td, 5th, and 6th all won grammys for best alternative album.
#26059228Friday, May 21, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

I agree for the most part, but here's another thought... Very popular Rock will keep fame alot longer than popular hip/hop and rap. eg:MetallicA(Rock)= amazing 15 years ago, and still amazing today. Savage(Rap)= had a couple of good songs about 2 years ago and now it's like... "Who in the world is that?"
#27612976Friday, June 18, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

Bump. I should be glad I tracked this thread.
#27613522Friday, June 18, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

lady gaga is a perfect example of your little 'rocket fame' theory.

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