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#259727Tuesday, November 27, 2007 9:20 PM GMT

I'm looking for some scripts for these things: 1. A script for a brick to delete itself / shrink itself to a small size when its heath bar reaches 0. 2. A script for a named model to explode when it hits a named brick, but not to explode when it hits any brick that isn't correspondingly named. e.g 'Plane1' will explode when it comes in contact with 'Can'tCollideBrick1', but not any other bricks. (Unless it is shot or something. Don't get to picky here, just make it explode when it hits a certain brick) 3. Explosions in pre-determined places when certain miodels are all destroyed. E.g Model A, B, C, D & E have been destrroyed - Explosions appear from named bricks that are CantCollide & Transparancy 1. 4. Everything regenerates after 3 minutes of Script 3's explosion chain activates. 5. Three warp bricks named 'WarpA', 'WarpB' and 'WarpC', with each brick containing different tools. E.g 'WarpA' includes Pilot Tool v3 & Handgun. 'WarpB' includes bombs & a Shotgun , while 'WarpC' includes a Heal Tool & a Lightsabre. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'm planning on making a 'Dreadnought Vs. Dreadnought' type piloting area, with different ships piloting back and foreward between Enemy & Allied Drednoughts to destroy key models & defeat the enemy Dreadnought. Think 'Star Wars Battlefront II'. Anyone up to helping me?
#260072Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:27 AM GMT

2. Due to pre-existing code in Stealth Pilot's Planes v3, they will not explode on contact with any brick named "Safe".
#260687Wednesday, November 28, 2007 1:23 PM GMT

I was wondering why it wouldn't explode in his area when they exited the hangar through the CtC walls.. Thanks!
#260942Wednesday, November 28, 2007 8:41 PM GMT

2. I think I could make a script like that(put it in the brick that will explode a model) function onTouched(hit) e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Blast Radius = 10 e.BlastPressure = 100 e.Position = game.Workspace.YourModelName.YourBrickName.Position end script.Parent.Touched:connect(OnTouched)
#260944Wednesday, November 28, 2007 8:42 PM GMT

Whoops, forgot something. function onTouched(hit) e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Blast Radius = 10 e.BlastPressure = 100 e.Parent = game.Workspace e.Position = game.Workspace.YourModelName.YourBrickName.Position end script.Parent.Touched:connect(OnTouched) There
#261979Thursday, November 29, 2007 1:29 PM GMT

So, with this, when Model A hits CantCollideBrick, a small explosion will destroy Model A from the inside, correct?
#264233Friday, November 30, 2007 10:59 PM GMT

Right, so far, I can cross off script 2. I've built admin planes and am working on a transport and a bomber. Well, not the bomber, yet, unless someone wants to make me one... *wink* *nudge* The only script I really, really need is the 'Brick deletes itself/ bricks in its model when it's health reaches 0' one. If I had that, I'd probably be able to make everything else myself, and the one with the multiple explosions can be disregarded. I'll just have the models destroyed, then end the game with a message saying which team wins. everything else has been completed, so don't worry. Thats not to say I don't still want them, as my scripts can be a bit dodgey, but I dont need them.

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