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#26076516Saturday, May 22, 2010 5:12 AM GMT

In the beginning of Roblox the creators had given their creations a way of life by bricks. But no one could ever figure out how to build anything other than shelter to survive in. All except for one group called The Shadow Assasins. They fumbled with the bricks at first: tripping over them, getting hit on the head by them at attempts of building their homes, and even mistaking them for the delicous form of food called Studs. But they were the only ones who progressed in this new technology. The creators had tried to give the people the most help they can by sending down golden stones with instructions on them but they were just to complicated. So the Shadow Assasins traveled the globe recruiting people with even the slightest ability to build and turning them into skilled brickmasters. The creators saw and were threatened by this new society of Shadow Assasins since their own creations had been better then themselves at building. So the creators sent down an unstoppable force called the Destroyers. The Robloxians(the creations of the creators) had tried to build a way to defend themselves but the Destroyers had a power to delete every brick they stacked. Soon the remaining population of Robloxians had all taken shelter in the stronghold of the Shadow Assasins. The Shadow Assasins worked as hard as they could supplying everyone with the knowledge to build weapons of defence but they hardly scratched the Destroyers. So the Shaodow Assasins sent their best team of builders on a mission to scavenge the land of Robloxia for something to help them. The squad of Shadow Assasins had struggled through hardships such as tempting bags of Studs candy that would trap them in nets, Trucks of bricks that were armed with deleting bombs, and even a field of explosive spam mines. But soon the Shadow Assasins had found the Temple of Scriptisu. The temple was just a legend that would be told to low grade builders of a creator that felt sorry for the Robloxians so he gave them a chance to fight off the Destroyers but was then sent into the Realm of Ban. The temple had ancient pieces of stone writing full of complicated words hidden in shrouds of jibberish. But eventually the squad of Shadow Assasins learned the power to get normal brick creations and turn them into machines that had 10 times the strength of the creators. Soon the squad of Shadow Assasins returned to their stronghold only to be greeted by attacking Destroyers that were about to make it past the last barrier of bricks. The Shadow Assasins tested out their new creations on the Destroyers. The brick weapons fired sparkling rays of pure Deletion Energy that destroyed an entire army of Destroyers. After waves of enemies the Shadow Assasins finally conquered the Destroyers and won the respect and worthiness of the creators. But centuries passed and the knowledge of the Shadow Assasins had blown away in the dust left behind by the great creations of the future Robloxians. THE END So you like it? :)
#26076572Saturday, May 22, 2010 5:14 AM GMT

It sort of goes into roleplaying cause of the ninja part but their wasn't a Stories section of the forums so i put it here. PLEASE DON'T BAN ME ROBLOX JUST TELL ME TO PUT IT DOWN.
#26076593Saturday, May 22, 2010 5:15 AM GMT

Or you mods could just erase it.
#26078241Saturday, May 22, 2010 6:15 AM GMT

PLEASE GUYS! JUST AT LEAST COMMENT unless it's mean. I'd just like mah story to get to ppl
#26078283Saturday, May 22, 2010 6:17 AM GMT

Wow. Not bad.
#29288617Thursday, July 15, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

Really good story though when I saw the message I thought it would be like a long story that required lots of posting, but this is better.

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