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#26132063Sunday, May 23, 2010 3:40 AM GMT

Within the past hundred years, everything has come into darkness. Many lead cities have turned to ruins, and the thousands of different races in them nothing but bones in the desert terrain. It has become a fight to step into city grounds for shelter, and travelers are stuck in all the chaos on the outside. But with all the trouble comes the need to survive. The travelers are the brave, and needed to stand up to win back their world from the shadows and fire that the world of Breallin has become. To do so, they need to find the three blades and the orb of Alitaro, the god of blessing and peace for Breallin. Maybe that is the only resort to save your lands. Live on as one of the travelers, and help find the 4 items to health and savior. Please Join and Have FUN ~Rules~ 1. Please no swearing, cussing, or finding loopholes into doing so. And please don't do anything abusive, and don't uber. 2. Pretty much the forum rules that need to be followed. 3. You can customize your character how ever you like, but you need to be one of the listed classes, and you need to PM me if you want to be different one, so I can think about letting you have it... And everyone's human unless I say you can be something different... 4. Please follow these rules, and just don't do anything you know you shouldn't. 5. Now listen carefully to me. Have.... Fun.... ~Classes~ -Controllers 1. Fire Control = Can control and minipulate fire. Can also warm objects and stuff like that. 2. Ice Control = Can control ice, or have the freezing ability. You can also cool objects down, and create things from ice. 3. Earth Control = Can move and shape small amount of earths, and can move stones. You could easily knock someone out with a stone, but it takes a lot of concentration to do so. You can easily build small buildings, of which most buildings are made from Earth Controlers. 4. Water Control = Can control and minipulate water, and also breath underwater for a very long amount of time. 5. Light Control = Can control sun light and holy light gathered from the air. Can light up dark places and are known to be able to heal small amounts of wounds. -Fighters 1. Warrior = Strong, regular fighter which is more common than other fighter races. Usually uses longswords or stuff to that matter. 2. Stabbers = A quicker than most fighter that has usually a large amount of small, sharp weapons. Are known to be able to withstand types of magic hitting their skin. 3. Cruel Crusader = A large armored fighter with no weapons, but usually fights with their fist swords, or blades fastened to other areas. Are known to not show mercy, and be strong enough to torture. -Healers 1. Priest = A healer that brings luck and mending into their friends. Can control healing light, but can also change it to weak burning light to harm. 2. Battle Healer = A healer that also has a good fighting weapon and strength. Healing ability is not as good as others, but has something most healers don't. 3. Sacrificer = A healer that is known to be the strongest of them all, but has lost something that they have sacrificed. Mostly something that is important to get their strength for healing. Isn't good at all with offence. Only defence and healing are what they are usually for. Lands of which the four items are located: Gyarra Artic (Large, Cold Snowland), Mianna Desert (Medium sized deadly desert), Leokonn (Land with lots of forests) and Hyusu'Lyan (A tropical type of land, located the most eastern most of Breallin). START: Land of Kyo's Port (Small, warm Island) ~Character Sheet Name: A\g/e (15+): Class: Appearance: Gender: Traits/Personality: Bio: Extra: ~My C.S Name: Tamera Shaye A\g/e: 15 Class: Sacrificer Appearance: Pale blonde hair down to waist in a ponytail with square bangs, pale skin, light green eyes with a brown starburst coming from the center, attractive and detailed face, thin, normal height for age, wears a faded green headband, with a darker faded green dress that comes down to above the knees with a tight pair of light brown cloth pants and a shawl the same color. Wears faded green boots with a silver buckle, and has her right upper ear pierced with a silver earring, and wears a silver necklace with a pendant shaped like a music note, passed down from generations of family. Has a light brown bracer on her right arm. Gender: Female Traits/Personality: Kind, Intelligent, Logical, Brave, Shy, Quiet, Overall Good person, Optimistic... Bio: Tamera is a smart, kind, and brilliant healer. She chose to be a sacrificer, thinking it wasn't to be that bad... but now she wishes she hadn't done it. She graduated the academy in one of the major cities before it was destroyed a few weeks later, and is well known for her intelligence and magic using abilities. She has lost all but a long lost brother who is or was a warrior for the military of Breallin. She comes from the Gyarra Artic, but moved to Kyo, where she is now. The rest you'll have to find out. Extra: Nothing, I think... ~Sorry for all the words, but I hope you join and enjoy!~
#26133762Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:20 AM GMT

#26133884Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:23 AM GMT

I wanna join, but I'm SO lazy right now! I'll make a CS tomorrow :D
#26133903Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:23 AM GMT

#26133951Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:24 AM GMT

Name: Jeremy Night A\g/e: 20 Class: Stabber Weapon Appearances: Concealed dual swords hidden under a camouflage robe (a bit more unique than the one in the Ranger's Apprentice series) with a vial of poison concealed to the right, and a small pack of throwing knives next to his left sword. The swords are handcrafted by Jeremy himself (explains in bio) and a short stab will leave a punctured hole with blood dripping out. The hilt is leather black with a J insignia, and the blade is an odd metal. It is a mix of several strong metals/ores to create one metal. Now the poison on the other hand is a type of snake venom, it will make the person extremely ill in ten minutes that it has been added to the blood stream, and kill them in twenty four hours if no cure is applied. The cure is only known by a few doctors, and to even get a cure you need to know what poison it actually is. The throwing knives are nothing special either, just regular one's (if they were sharper, and he ran, the knies would pierce the small sack they are in). Yet they can be thrown with such precision that it doesn't matter how sharp they are if they land in your neck. Sometimes he can be seen with a backpack on his back, inside are several supplies like rope for climbing up or down things, or tying people up. Some pure water in containers, and berries if he can't find any food. He also has a few firebombs, but only uses them on large groups of people he needs to eliminate and only if he needs to. The rest of the items are unknown, for Jeremy isn't a known man. Physical Appearance:Hazel brown hair that goes a bit over his eyebrows, and halfway down his neck, mischieveous hazel eyes with an evil glint in them, but also a caring one too. His body is sickly thin, and pale with an average amount of muscle for Jeremy kept to stealth and speed. If he was stuck to a corner in hand-to-hand combat with a huge intelligent man, he wouldn't have a chance. If he was dumb he'd use pressure points and techniques to his advantage. He's about 6 foot 5 and hunches a bit sometimes. His posture is always in a prepared, defensive, stance, and his eyes seem to be thinking of trouble to create. Gender: Male Traits/Personality: Helpful, intelligent, nice, energetic. Bio: Jeremy was raised in a warrior-like village. His father was the chief, and pushed him harder than any other trainee. All though most of the warriors were strong, they lacked intelligence and would run head on into battle with no plan while Jeremy formulated a plan, and kept to stealth. His father called this, "The coward's way" and tried to push the intelligence out of him with brute training techniques and if he did something wrong, the back of the hilt of a sword into his face. At twelve he ran away and found a small blacksmith's shop in the middle of a dark forest. The owner was a nice burly man in his fifty's. Although he was getting old, he was as fit as any twenty year old, and kindly let Jeremy in. He did chores around the house, and was apprenticed in blacksmithing/fighting. The blacksmith, unlike the warriors of the village was intelligent, and taught him how to stealth, than started creating something. It was secret so Jeremy knew nothing about it. A year later the project was revealed to be a the cloak with a hood that excellently concealed Jeremy. He thanked the blacksmith so much who he now considered his father, and trained more and more. Learning to be a better and better blacksmith. Years passed, and at fifteen horror stroke. Jeremy had just created his dual swords, when he heard a loud explosion. Outside fire covered the trees, and on the floor was his "father" with flames leaping all over him. Goblins were holding firebombs (similar to molotovs except with a small bang), and throwing them. Jeremy was filled with rage, and killed the goblins. Then ran off, exploring. As days went by exploring Jeremy never realised the chief was not his father... But he was an orphan from a dying breed, the Hualf. They are a species that take on some animal (mythical or not) characteristics when needed, it can be visible or something like instinct/speed. The only way to tell apart a Hualf from a human is to find him with the animal characteristics or a birthmark someone on their body in the shape of a wolf's head in something that looks like a half moon half sun thing. When he found out he was Hualf he just thought his father was one, he never knew for he never came back to that village. He kept exploring, and exploring... If you pay close attention you can see a cat-like creature in the shadows near him, this creature is called a, "Lupin" it has the ability to transform into any feral creature (cat, cheetah, etc.), but usually sticks to a form unless needed to change. Jeremy's Lupin is usually in cat form and is called, "Fern". It's a dark gray color with a brown underbelly, and cute yellow eyes. Its small in size, but beware when it needs to transform it will, and the cute little kitty will rip your face off. Extra: Nothing, I think...
#26134030Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:26 AM GMT

(I'm joining. Don't worry.)
Top 25 Poster
#26134110Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:28 AM GMT

Name: Calico A\g/e (15+): 18 Class: Stabber Appearance: Wears a dark black cloak, which shrouds him. Gender: Male Traits/Personality: Mysterious Bio: He's always been quick. He grew up on a farm, and whenever he went to go hunt fish, his brothers always beat him. So he trained himself to be fast. Very fast. Extra: His brothers are now dead.
#26134187Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:30 AM GMT

(Wait until Lightning's done to start...)
#26134213Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:30 AM GMT

(Woops forgot to edit my sheet, leave out the not human part if I can't have it, my "save my own RP sheet since i'm too lazy to make a new one on every RP" plan didn't work :P)
#26134250Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:31 AM GMT

(lol. As long as it's too uber, you can be a Hualf. (Or however you spell it. XD))
#26134281Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:32 AM GMT

(*its not too uber* I iz too tired to use proper grammar. T.T)
#26134320Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:33 AM GMT

(Yay :D He can't have wings though, that'd be way too uber. Imagine: Me: *Gets wings on* *THrowing things then flying away* :DDDDD Everyone: *Dead*)
#26134337Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:33 AM GMT

#26134495Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:37 AM GMT

(Just have the Bio left. :P I'm not good a Bio's. That's what Character Development is for.. ._.)
#26134606Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:39 AM GMT

(It's optional...)
#26134674Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:41 AM GMT

Name: Luke Luttingham A\g/e (15+): 15 Class: Fire Control Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, skinny, about a normal height, brown jacket, dirty white shirt, brown pants, sandals, and he keeps a dagger in his jacket pocket. Gender: Male Traits/Personality: Clever, Sorta Brave, probably won't do anything too life threatening, Can be Sarcastic, Is Usually Kind. Bio:N/A Extra: He likes to fight with a sword even though he has Fire Control.
#26134804Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:44 AM GMT

(Alrighty... start.) I was at the port of Kyo, an abandoned place with plenty of 'Free' boats in stock. I was surpossed to meet up with my section of the group here, where we'd start to go searching for the four items.
#26134988Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:48 AM GMT

I punched the pirate in the face and he fell to the floor. The other's gathered around me as I took out my dual swords. THey stank of fish, and looked like they never washed themselves. Most of them barely had any teeth left. Many took out cutlasses, other's daggers. I stabbed one in the neck, then jumped through the gap he created, and grabbed the captain. I put the sword to his neck. "Tell your crew to get us to the port of Kyro or else." I ordered. The captain although strong, was a coward. He immediately told them to do it. *PRESENT DAY* I jumped out of my hiding place and ran to the port. It had been three days, and hopefully the pirates had stopped looking for me and continued stealing from other ships. I looked around for the rest of thr group.
#26135080Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:50 AM GMT

I saw another person, and I waved to them with a questionable look on my face.
#26135173Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:52 AM GMT

I saw somebody wave to me, and ran to them. "You part of the group?" I asked when I met up with her
#26135192Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:53 AM GMT

I nod.
#26135293Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:55 AM GMT

"Great." Suddenly Fern hopped from the shadows and purred. I petted her and picked her up. "So we gotta wait for the rest?"
#26135329Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:56 AM GMT

I nod, and go to look at all the different boats, seeing which could travel the farthest.
#26135344Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:57 AM GMT

Luke I slowly paddled my small boat. My stomach wasn't settling all that well. I had never felt right around water. Maybe it was because most of my family had died in water.
#26135374Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:57 AM GMT

Maybe I should of tried to kill all the pirates in their sleep and steal their boat... None of these boats seemed as good as the pirate ship.

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