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#26818355Saturday, June 05, 2010 8:07 AM GMT

Well, anyone from '08 or any earlier years has noticed that ROLBOX has been increasing their amount of items and things to use your money on. A probably reason: since more people are now playing this game, people are going to attempt to work for them(so what?)so they may have had to increase their income to pay their workers and make the game look much cleaner. In my opinion really '08 when I joined was great! No faces, no heads, and the game was just overall a great place to learn and discover new ideas. There is nothing wrong now, but people want what they want; and ROBLOX can make it happen "even if its not a great improvement". Users that have just joined the game think of it as the best thing that can ever come to ROBLOX. Older users usually think of it as improving something that never has or will need improving; but that's their ideas. Without the improvements ROBLOX wouldn't have all the users they have today. Even with the as~ortment of dedicated players, and not-so-dedicated players. So if your from any of the past years' ROBLOX players, don't be angry about the decisions made, always think of it as an improvement and even if you may think it's silly, acknowledge and improve people's ideas. - Respond to this post

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