#38880001Friday, December 17, 2010 5:24 PM GMT

Captin Keith: I don't know. We just do. John: *sigh*
#38889899Friday, December 17, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

Bloxxa Fett: This rip-off, as much as I love Star Wars, is going nowhere! John: I know... Bloxxa Fett: I blame you for it being boring John: Seriously, you blame me? Hat Thief: Yep, just like you made me evil [Insert Bloxlords New Name Here]: [Insert blaming John for being evil here] -Meanwhile, in a church on Corri.enation St. Tyrone: I hate you Kevin! -pushes into Molly's grave, which has turned into a ROBLOX teleporter- Kevin: Whoa, where am I? -the Priest jumped in, followed by Dreadry- Bloxxa Fett: Get out of here, where having a blame fest here Priest: I blame John for making Kevin do it with Molly and making the baby! Kevin: And I blame John for making me do it with Molly as well Dreadry: I agree Bobby Skywalker and co.: We agree! -does great dance moves in great chroegraphy (I know how to spell it)- John: I blame me to making you have great dance moves. (Sorry for the Random Post, I just wanted a long post like everyone else and I also wanted to stop the rip-off but a long post. BLAARG)
#38904732Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

Captin Keith: DAI! You don't Sigh at meh!
#39004225Sunday, December 19, 2010 12:09 PM GMT

John: Yes I do.... Captain Keith: Ok...
#39089604Monday, December 20, 2010 4:18 PM GMT

Darth Green: You don't sigh at me either! Jimbo: AH YEAH!? Darth Green: YEAH! Jimbo: *sigh* Darth Green: DDAAHH!
#39172862Tuesday, December 21, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

Bloxxa Fett: -sigh-
#39242237Wednesday, December 22, 2010 11:45 AM GMT

Darth Green:Jimbo I am your father! Jimbo Calrissian:NOOOOOOOOO- Wait your doing this to the wrong person! Darth Green I'm Bobby Skywalker's step-father. Jimbo Calrissian:Oh should we just contiue or- Darth Green:Yeah I think it's best- Jimbo Calrissian:Yeah- Darth Green:Yeah- Jimbo Calrissian:Ok- NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Darth Green:If I said Scott Bakula was your father you'd scream no. Jimbo Calrissian:ORLY? Darth Green:Let's see then Harrison Ford is your father! Jimbo Calrissian:NOOOOOOOOOO! Darth Green:Yeah your right he isn't. Jimbo Calrissian:Oh ok- Darth Green:Sparta! Jimbo Calrissian:AHHHHHHHHHH! Caretaker:Hi. Jimbo Calrissian:How did I survive that fall? Caretaker:There are so many people falling down here I thought I should put a saftey mat. Darth Green:GRRR! CARETAKER WHY DID YOU DO THAT! Caretaker:Sorry sir I can't hear you over Jimbo's non-existant death! Darth Green:Oh good he's dead. *Meanwhile on ice star... still* Bobby Skywalker:Hey where's Jimbo? StarBloxxer:*Sigh* NOOB-3PO:DON'T YOU SIGH AT ME FOO! *MeanWhile somewhere* Guy1:Wow that star looks like the star of Bethlehem! Guy2:It is we are in space after all. Guy3:Don't you think we are flying abit too close? Guy1:Nah! *Popcorn pops* Emperor Puffy:Haha! Christmas jokes for the win! Impearial Guard:Sir we ran out of cookies! Emperor Puffy:Darn it!
#39260848Wednesday, December 22, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

Bloxxa Fett: Where doing jokes now? Oh yay! I GOT ONE. Right, this guy walks in a bar, the the bartender said, "Why the long face?" Because I'm an elf! HAHAHA -cricket noise-
#39631062Monday, December 27, 2010 10:50 AM GMT

Harry Hill:Bobbymeow sounds like a duck in ROBLOX story christmas special! *Meanwhile in the clip shown by Harry Hill* StarBloxxer:I'm bored. NOOBERT-D2:Doo Dee Doo (Me too) NOOB3-PO:No you! *...* Bobby Skywalker:*Clears- *Quack* throat* Jimbo Calrissian:*MOAR ANNOYING TEDUS LAUGHS PL0X* StarBloxxer:Wait the noob is the narator! *OLOLOLOLOLOL* *Narator:Get out of here noob! NOOB3-PO:HAX!* Bobby Skywalker:Since when was Jimbo here! Jimbo Calrissian:Oh I'm back! Bobby Skywalker:I bet we arn't on ice star anymore. -_- Bloxxa Fett:Welcome to fire star! *Pew Pew* Bobby Skywalker:Urgh! Where are we? Emperor Puffy:WELCOME TO... HERE! Darth Green:He means the gift star. Bobby Skywalker:... Guys? *Meanwhile* Starbloxxer:What are we doing in the melenium bloxxer? Jimbo Calrissian:I dunno. StarBloxxer:Dibbs on being the pilot!
#39643302Monday, December 27, 2010 4:22 PM GMT

now its over
#39662597Monday, December 27, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

Last post was deleted for ruining the fun of the story.
#39663232Monday, December 27, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

Bloxxa Fett: I still think this rip-off is getting annoying.
#39714194Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:46 AM GMT

Yeah these rip-off's usually go on for like two pages and then stop now this rip-off is getting boring,
#39717002Tuesday, December 28, 2010 12:28 PM GMT

Bloxxa Fett: I'm drawing a line through it. Bloxxett7: Better.... Wait Christmas is over, which means so is this ark OMG this is s- Ark 9 (Ithinkz): A new ark because christmas is over for outer or inter to spell.
#39728104Tuesday, December 28, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

King:I don't what to call the ark and I can't talk to Outer because he's planning his birthday party so I'll try to talk to him.
#39728861Tuesday, December 28, 2010 4:55 PM GMT

Ark9:The non-existant storyline ark of LOL! Bobbymeow:Wow that was going nowhere! Jimbo:Yeah! King:If the ark randomly ended where are we? Noob:LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! Dunno... Noobert:OMG!... A MYSTERIOUS... THING! *And it turned out it was...*
#39732343Tuesday, December 28, 2010 5:43 PM GMT

Narrator: They where floating in space since everything to do with the star wars rip-off dissapeared which means the planets and ultimate death gift space stations they were on dissapeared. Bobbymeow: Wait, I CAN'T BREATH King: Yes you can you dumbo, where robloxians Bobbymeow: Oh yeah. How we get to earth? Bloxxett7: I know, the ultimate way of getting around, HEAD TRAVEL! TO FIDDLERADAM'S HEAD! FLEEP! -fat man swirls past- Bloxxett7: Oh it's you again Fat Man: We have got t- -fiddleradam's head- Bloxxatt7: FLEEP! -fat man swirls past- Fat Man: As I was saying before, we have got t- -come out the survive the disasters tornado-
#39736797Tuesday, December 28, 2010 6:35 PM GMT

Jimbo:I still wonder what this is? Bobbymeow:I don't- *The object gets snatched from them by a tornado* Noob:OH-EM-GEE! Bloxxett7:Have you see a tornado with a object in it? Guy1:Yup my friend went chasing after it. Bloxxett7:Do you know where he is? Guy1:NO MAI COOKIE! FLAMBDOOOODLE! EFRVEVWRRVVBRRRRRRGEWFRFRED! Bloxxett7:O-kkkkk! Head travel! Bobbymeow:Oh not again. Bloxxett7:FLE- King:Let me do it. Bloxxett7:No you can't- King:Whatever. FLEEP- Ermm. FLEEP- Why isn't it working? Bloxxett7:It's flambadoodlefredmcfredfredmorphic. King:You just made that up. FLEEP- Bloxxett7:FLEEP! *Fat man swirl past* Fat Man:We have got to- *In Guy2's head* King:It's flambadoodlefredmcfredfredmorphic. Bloxxett7:FLEEP! *Fat man swirls past* Fat Man:AS I WAS SAYING! We have t-
#39745103Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

-fat man appears- Fat Man: AS I WAS SAYING! We have got t- -is crushed by tornado- BOOM! THE END! Narrator: Or is it? That was a new big bang, and everything returned normal. And now Bobbymeow is walking down a street in Down Town Robloxia. Everything is back to normal. Good good f- -is knocked out by rock thrown at head- Bobbymeow: STOP LYING!
#39800874Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:03 PM GMT

Jimbo:I thought the object was in the tornado? *Narator:You all are and you are dreaming* Bobbymeow:Really? *Narator:No.* Bloxxett7:Ok! Who are you really?! ~Why should I tell you?~ King:Tell us! Noob:NO U! King:I don't know who he is noob!? ~I'll never tell you~ Bobbymeow:Stop joking around and tell us! ~Snake:Fine I'm the snake~ Jimbo:We havn't seen you in 4 arks! ~Snake:I know- AHHHH! STICKY KEYS ATTACK!~ Noobert:Wut? Bobbymeow:Ok come to where we are and get rid of those squigly lines! ~Snake:But the lines make me look awsome~ Bobbymeow:Fine keep the lines. -_- *Snake teleports to them* ~Snake:I recomend going to centeral bank of ROBLOXia.~ Bobbymeow:Why? ~Snake:I'll be here whenever you need help with the plot! Bye!~ Bobbymeow:What?! Wait! *Snake teleports away*
#39815400Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:08 PM GMT

Bobbymeow: Where are we suppost to go? Bloxxxett7: -_- Come on guys Bobbymeow: Where are we going? ~Snake: Where I told you~ Bobbymeow: Which is where? ~Snake: -slaps self-~ Bobbymeow: Your a snake, how is that possible? ~Snake: I'm not just a snake, I'm THE Snake~
#39828290Wednesday, December 29, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

Bobbymeow:Who? ~Snake:THE SNAKE FROM SNAKE PILLAR THAT HAS APPEARED SINCE ARK ONE YOU IDIOT!~ Bobbymeow:I AM NO IDIOT IF YOU NEED AN IDIOT HIRE NOOB! Noob:AI ALREADY TULD U AI NAWT IDIOT AI NUB! Noobert:Ai iz idiot. DERP! Starbloxxer:STOP- AHHHHHHHHH! IT BURNS! RandomMcRandomnessIV:Wow such a pwnage name now as I was saying. STOP SHOUTING! ~Snake:Oh look we are here the ROBLOX central bank. White magic:SILENCE! Now who wants to play cherades? Noob & Noobert:(Oh meh! Meh! Meh! Meh! Ai lub cherades!) ~Snake:Ok.~ Noob:(Hou kan u reedz owr mindz?) ~Snake:Why did you think that?~ Noobert:(DUNNO! OLOLOLOLOLOL!) ~Snake:Begin!~ Bobbymeow:(A plot device.) Noob:(Mushmalowz! :3) Noobert:(Cookiez! :3) Jimbo:(Google sketch up.) King:(Moogle sketch up.) RandomMcRandomNessIV:(Pizza!) DinoGreen:(Being the villan again! >:) ) Bloxxett7:(Getting on with the story.) Noobert:(MOAR COOKIEZ!) ~Snake:Bobbymeow, you were thinking about cookies.~ Bobbymeow:(Wrong!) ~Snake:Fine White magic:ESUNA!~
#39830391Wednesday, December 29, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

den day die da end
#39888539Thursday, December 30, 2010 1:22 PM GMT

But then the snake removes the last post for being so stupid and fun ruining and subjects BILLYBOBJOEBOBHARIS to eternal torture just like everyone else who broke the rules.
#39903950Thursday, December 30, 2010 4:55 PM GMT

Noopey3811- What's happing? Roblox- Your face....... Noopey3811- ......... T.T Noopey3811- Srsly!?!? Roblox- .....No.... Im not roblox. Noopey3811- Then who are you? Roblox- I'm Telamon. Noopey3811- WHO ISH TAT POSSIBLUR!?!?! Roblox- I'm magic. Noopey3811- Oh!! :D U MAGIC!! Roblox- Yep! :O Noopey3811- Your not magic, *Takes out a Noobtube* Roblox- Bye I hope you like my storey!!!