#39904901Thursday, December 30, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

Bloxxett: As I was saying, s- ~Snake: You we're thinking it~ Bloxxett: Yeah, as I was sayi- ~Snake: THINKING!~ Bloxxett: SAYING ~Snake: THINKING~ ???: Hey guys, my name is fixed! I'm !!!. ~Snake: No, your ???~ !!!: No, !!! ~Snake: ???~ !!!: !!! -Meanwhile, in a place unknown- ??? L: How is it going, S5? ??? S5: His name is fixed. We can't get him to join ??? A. ??? L: Orly? ??? S5: Yarly ??? L: -breaks name- -Back to Bobbymeow and Co.- ???: !!!, wait, it's broke again! NOOOO! NOT F- -is teleported away- (I'm working on a new villian, make the Villian Army, the ??? A, for now, until more is revealed, I shall we they're only controller)
#39993929Friday, December 31, 2010 12:09 PM GMT

???:!!! Where am I?! Who am I exactly?! ??? L:Spoilers. ???:What?! ??? S5:Recruiting is so easy all we have to do is break they're names! ???:Why did you bring me here!? ??? L:So you can be part of ??? A of course. ???:Do you have any idea who you're dealing with!? ??? L:No tell us. ??? S5:Please do. ???:I'm... I don't remember. S5 & L:MUHAHAHA! ??? S5:Here's some magic not used since ark 2. BLUE MAGIC: YOU COULD NOT GRASP THE FORM OF GYGAS' ATTACK!!! *S5 teleports through time* *In 07'* Clockwork:I'll make a mysterious object cusade shirt to make sure people know about the mysterious objects. ??? S5:Hello... BlUE MAGIC:NAME BREAK! ??? C:Wha- ??? S5:Hello my plan is to get people to join ??? A with an admin recuited we'll be unstopable! BLUE MAGIC: YOU COULD NOT GRASP THE FORM OF GYGAS' ATTACK!!! *In 11'* ??? S5:Now that I'm here any newbies who become famous are all called ??? because the writers can't tell the future! *A plot device activates*
#40004036Friday, December 31, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

Disclaimer: I do not own any video games, video games characters, movies, movie character, books, book character, TV shows or TV shows characters I used in this tread. I also do don't own The Annoying Orange (I do not reccomend it to you).
#40004292Friday, December 31, 2010 4:07 PM GMT

Oh and the disclaimer was not in the story. Nethier is this.
#40008758Friday, December 31, 2010 5:03 PM GMT

(King, can you not control ??? A, I was going to build up, since no-one but I know who they are, thanks. -deletes Kings post-) ???; WAA! WHERE AM I! ??? L: The ??? AB ???: What? ??? S5: The ??? Army Base ???: And who are you? ??? S5: I am ??? Scientest 5 and this is ??? L ???: And what do you want to do. ??? S5: Make you join as ??? SL and break everyone's name. ???: ??? SL? ??? S5: ??? Supa Lord. ???: Thankz, now Mawio tewepowt! -Mario appeares- ???: Mawio and Co. tewepowt! -??? and Mario dissapear and appear....- ~Snake: The Monolouge Cave~ Bobbymeow: You sure, I thought it was the Fish Cave Bloxxett7: No, no, no, it's the Disagreement Cave -various other suggestions- ~Snake: HOW ABOUT WE JUST CALL IT THE CAVE!!!!~ Bobbymeow: K -Mario and ??? appear- ???: Mawio tewepowt -Mario dissapears- ???: Guys, theres the- -is teleported away- ~Snake: To The Monolouge-Mobile~ Bobbymeow: You sure, I thought it was the Fish-Mobile. Bloxxett7: No, no, no, it's the Dissagreement-Mobile -various other suggestions- ~Snake: HOW ABOUT WE JUST CALL IT THE MOBILE!!!!~ Bobbymeow: K
#40011109Friday, December 31, 2010 5:29 PM GMT

*not in story* I mean I don't reccomend The Annoying Orange. *back to story*
#40052121Saturday, January 01, 2011 12:50 AM GMT

~Meanwhile, at ??? AB~ ???: Mawio, tewepowt ??? G1&2: We disabled teleporting. ~Then, at The Cave's Car Vent's~ Bobbymeow: Is it just me or is the Large-Mobile small? ~Snake: FLIPPIN THE MOBILE!~ Bobbymeow: Why are you all a sudden such a main character? ~Snake: I'm the person who's correcting you, thats not that main of c- You're right, I am such a main character...~ Bobbymeow: Whats that supposed to mean. ~Snake: Nothing...~
#40482365Friday, January 07, 2011 4:36 PM GMT

Bobbymeow:Ok the fish-mobile is done! ~Snake:Just the mobile. T_T~ Jimbo:So what did you mean by being such a main character? ~Snake:I didn't say that.~ RandomMcRandomnessIV:Oh you did! ~Snake:Please just forget it!~ Noobert:LOLZ NU! Jimbo:Where are we going? Bobbymeow:King can't remember so we are wandering aimlessly. Bloxxett7:We just crashed into mount ROBLOX. Noob:OMGEH! A TEAPAWT! *In the air* Harry Hill:Poor Bobbymeow atleast we didn't fall into the blackhole hey Knitted? Knitted Character:I guess so. Harry Hill:Oof hey we are on mount ROBLOX road! Knitted Character:Oh no Harry it's the break dancing flies from Grimefighters! Harry Hill:Hey there's Bobbymeow and his friends get over there!
#40492209Friday, January 07, 2011 9:09 PM GMT

Some guy shoots the main character!
#40493389Friday, January 07, 2011 9:26 PM GMT

Bobbymeow: Which one? ~Snake: Me... AAH! THE PAIN!~
#40535082Saturday, January 08, 2011 9:44 AM GMT

~Snake:Why did I sign up for this job?! T_T~ Bobbymeow:You didn't we were so stupid we didn't know what to do so you had to help us every step of the way there by becoming a main character for this ark. ~Snake:How do you guys survive this being a main character lark?~ Jimbo:We don't we die and respawn. ~Snake:Well thats not bad.~ *The snake dies* Noob:Oooooo A SHINY FLOATING JEWEL LOLOLOL IT MOAST HAZ TIX IN IT! *The noob touches it* *The snake respawns* ~Snake:Ahhh! It feels good to be back!~ Harry Hill&Knitted Character:VERGE EMERGE!
#40609122Sunday, January 09, 2011 11:43 AM GMT

Bloxxett7: Wait, what now?
#40613539Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:35 PM GMT

*About 10 hours of explaning later* Bobbymeow::Ok so just a second ago you saw us fall into a black hole from ark 6? Harry Hill:Yes. Jimbo:And then you were attacked by the break dancing flies from grimefighters? Knitted Character:Yep. Noob:An den you were shawt bai a nub wif a gun? ~Snake:Yes... Wait what!~ Bloxxett7:And then it's been ten hours of explaining about something that happed a second ago? Bobbymeow:I guess so. King:Hey where's DinoGreen? Noobert:Yesh... Wai' wut! Bloxxett7:Good point where is he? Noobert:OMGEH HE CREATED MAH CHARACTER! OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!! *DinoGreen taps Noobert on the shoulder.* DinoGreen:I'm right here. Noobert:Hoo r u?
#40684038Monday, January 10, 2011 7:20 PM GMT

Bloxxett7: Wah, wah, mwaaah.
#40729712Tuesday, January 11, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

#40748431Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:37 PM GMT

Then roblox ate a taco with lots of beans and started farting, he must be stoped...
#40782854Wednesday, January 12, 2011 5:08 PM GMT

Roblox isn't a character in the story right now the last post has been deleted.
#41004656Sunday, January 16, 2011 9:28 AM GMT

Bobbymeow:I wonder what's up with Bloxxett? ~Snake:I think they've lost common sense again.~ Common Sense:Ok I'll jump back in. Bobbymeow:Thats better. Jimbo:Hey that filming place by telamon is just around the corner. Bobbymeow:The church is on fire! Harry Hill:THE CHURCH IS ON FIRE! Jimbo:The church is on fire! Harry Hill:THE CHURCH IS ON FIRE! Bloxxett7:The church is on fire! Harry Hill:THE CHURCH IS ON FIRE! Noob:Teh biskit iz awn firez!111 Noobert:LOOL!11 Harry Hill:AND THE KNITTED CHARACTER'S IN THERE! Knitted Character:I'm right here Harry. Harry Hill:Oh ok Knitted. Bobbymeow:Hey the noob was right a biscuit is on fire the church isn't on fire at all. Noob:OMNOMNOM ROAZT BISKIT! Bloxxett7:What was the point of this post anyway? King:BUMP!
#41019871Sunday, January 16, 2011 5:31 PM GMT

I think the church is on firez.
#41117692Monday, January 17, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

Innocent Bystander: What the? AAAAAAAAAH! (explodes in a fireball).
#41141167Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:14 AM GMT

fireball turns into pie
#41154822Tuesday, January 18, 2011 5:12 PM GMT

Noob: Epuk randan roblox fizikz Bobbymeow: Shut up noob, that Pie is trying to eat us. Pie: OMNOMNOM *Meanwhile at the Unknown location* ??? S5: At least our plan to mess up roblox physics is coming together. ??? L: That wasn't one of our plans ??? S5: Yes but this post was wrote by Outerwebs and he felt too lazy to go back and read any posts before this page. ??? L: Oh, OK, but that still doesn't explain BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *??? S5 goes flying once around robloxia*
#41203838Wednesday, January 19, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

King:In ROBLOXia pie eats you. Bobbymeow:Ahhhh! Don't eat me you're doing this the wrong way round! Pie:OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!! *Sniff* *Sniff* I smell deleter must eat. *Pie runs away* Jimbo:Oh it's finally morning and a red sky no less. Bloxxett7:Red sky at night bloxxers delight, red sky in the morning noobs warning. Noob:OMGEH!!!111 DinoGreen:Got that right! Noobert:Ohnoes! Noob&Noobert:AHHHH! RandomIV:Now they'll never come back. King:Let me finish writing. Noob&Noobert:Oooh! Two convenientaleh plaiced cookehs! Luk we fownded cookehs! Bobbymeow:Nice! Noob:GET OFF MAH LAWN! Jimbo:What? Noob:Iz mai cookeh! King:Thats a peice of dirt your cookie is over there. Noob:NO U!
#41307411Friday, January 21, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

Bobbymeow: GOING OF COURSE -In a place- ??? W1-10,000-: WE ARE READY -back at Bobbymeow and Co.- ??? W1-10,000: CHARGE!!!!!!!! Bloxxaett7: W's haha! ??? W1-10,000: WARRIORS -charges-
#41525175Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:34 PM GMT

Bobbymeow:Run like scared idiots! Bobbymeow and Co. (Exept noob):AHHHH! Jimbo:Hey why isn't noob going anywhere? *At the noob* Noob:LOLZ I LIKE TIX IT TASTEZ LEIK ROBUX! ??? W1-10,000:Out of our way! *Noob pokes ??? W1-10,000* Noob:DONATE PL0X?! ??? W1-10,000:Grrr... NAME BRAKE! ??? N:LOL MAH NAME IZ BROKENZ LOLOLOL! ??? W1-10,000:Wha- IT SHOULD HAVE WORKED! ??? N:U FORGAWT 1 fing... TIIIIX! ??? W1-10,000:Ok if that will help... TIIIIX! ??? N:ONLEH NUBZ SAY TIX! HAHAHA U IZ NU- TIIIIIIIIIX! ??? W1-10,000:Grrrr... ALRIGHT NAME FIX! Noob:It wasen brokenz... LOLZ! ??? W1-10,000:Idiot. Noob:DAT IZ WHERE U IZ RONG SIR AI NU- ??? W1-10,000:Quiet! NOW WARRIORS! CHARGE! Bobbymeow and Co.:AHHHHHHHHHH! (And now a disclaimer from the noob) Noob:TIX!