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#27005006Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:04 PM GMT

There are many stories about. alternate universes and super powered humans…But why? where did they originate from? Well I'll tell you. August 15th-20th, 1945 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWII ends and a hidden super weapon is found in Japan. The US government keeps it a secret for as long as possible until 1959 they reveal it to the Army and all US scientists. The scientists go to work to find out what it is and how it works and most of all who made it. June 19th, 1960 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dan Marcus Powers is born into the strongest army family on earth. His father is KIA 3 days after his birth and his mother dies from cancer the same day. A breakthrough happens with the super weapon found in Japan. August 6th, 1980 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dan Powers becomes a Sergeant of the US army in just two years. He then meets Alyssa Welsh (19). Alyssa is given the super weapon as a gift for a classified reason. Dan vanishes at the end of the year and is labeled KIA. December 25, 1989 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dan is rescued somewhere south of Germany. He goes home and him and Alyssa start a new life together. At the end of the summer the next year they have their first child. Winnie. She mysteriously gets kidnapped at the a.g.e of 2 and is never seen again. June 1st, 2000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The day to end all happiness. The super weapon explodes killing Alyssa, Dan and their eldest son Damian. Leaving the 3 ye.ar-ol.d Michael Powers an orphan and "permanently" destroying his leg bones. June 1st, 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael Powers turns 13 and moves in with his Uncle, Carl and he starts a new life in 7th Grade. Somehow his legs get fixed and he never has gone to the doctor for anything…Now this is where the story begins. Mike will meet many people now and many people WILL (you'll learn why I did that later) meet Mike. Maybe i left something out important...Eh oh well. Rules/Other Stuff. This isn't connected to anyone's power/alternate dimension things only mine. No random killing No guns (c'mon they're only Middle Schoolers) Good grammar Good Spelling No cursing No being in a ga.ng 3 characters per person. It gets to confusing. you must be accepted Just have fun. CS. Name: Ag.e:(11-14) (Not big I know but that's the normal ag.e for a middle schooler in my school) Gen.der: Appearance: Bio: Personality: Gra.de: (6-7-8) Secrets?: (If you choose to tell one only you know it...I just wanna know more about your characters) I'll post my CS after...2 Perople
#27005373Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:13 PM GMT

What kind of secrets can we have?
#27005767Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:23 PM GMT

Name: Mark Ag.e: 12 Gen.der: Male Appearance: A black sleeveless shirt, scarlet jeans, black shoes, a red cap with a patch of white on the front, pitch black hair. Bio: N/A Personality: Rather silent, and usually speaks no more then the ocassional few words. Gra.de: 6 Secrets?: There is a reason behind his silence, but he doesn't trust anybody else enough to tell. Not even his best friends... Is this OK?
#27006050Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:29 PM GMT

(Mark is accepted and any kind just not gross ones...)
#27006492Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:39 PM GMT

Name:Michael Powers Ag.e:13 Gen.der:M Appearance:My avatar exactly but not the skateboard. Bio:Everything from the top of the page Personality:Quit, usually smiles, nice Gra.de:7th Secrets?: He is different...I literally mean different
#27006570Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:41 PM GMT

Name: Jack Ag.e: 13 Gen.der: M Appearance: Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, white polo shirt Bio: Is slightly violent, and more than slightly nerdy, swims a lot, bullies pick on him a lot Personality: Nice, but short tempered and loud. Can be annoying. Good at programming Gra.de: 8 Secrets: Knows how to hack, has hacked police files before to erase a ticket off his friend's dad.
#27006825Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:47 PM GMT

(Lets start) I walked into the school and looked around. Nice job joining a school after being home schooled forever and it's May...So it's stupid jointing it now...And people will just push me around...
#27007132Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:53 PM GMT

(Sweet.) Mark took a deep, nervous breath as he walked into the school. He wasn't sure if he could trust anybody here, either. Ever since the incident when he was fiv.e yea.rs ol.d, he wasn't sure if he could trust anymore. Mark took another deep breath and walked further inside, nervously glancing around.
#27007236Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:55 PM GMT

I walk down the hall to my science class. I get a few nasty looks from bullies, but I'm used to it, and I ignore them. I walk into the science room, one of the only classes that the teacher enjoyed having me in the class...
#27007400Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:59 PM GMT

I caught the eye of a few bullies as I walked to my first class. One stopped me. "Hey guys look an new punching bag..." Him and his friends laughed as he slapped the top of my head. I just kept walking.
#27007473Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:00 PM GMT

I catch the billies giving someone a slap, I wince, they hit kinda hard...
#27007602Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

Then the guy shakes his hand. "Dude what the heck?" He said then looked at his hand. It was bleeding from his pinky. "What the heck?" he growled and punched me in the back knocking me over. He started yelling in pain. I looked back and saw all, but the thumb, of his fingers were bleeding. I stood up and said sorry then walked away.
#27007771Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:06 PM GMT

My eyes widen. THAT was weird. Maybe I could find a scientific way to explain that too...
#27007928Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:09 PM GMT

I walked into 7th&8th grade science. I sat down away from everyone else.
#27008175Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:14 PM GMT

Name: Nero Black Ag.e: 14 Gen.der: Male Appearance: He wears a long, black overcoat, which covers his body, apart from showing his black skinny jeans, which hug his athletic, but slight waist. Around it are 3 loose-hanging 3-line studded belts, which hang at different angles. He wears a loose black and white cotton sweater, and underneath a silver necklace, with a beaten gold, Omega, Sigma, and Alpha Greek symbol trio. He has pale skin, ghostly, which contrasts against his pinkie red eyes. He has elfin features, thin lips, and an aristocratically formed nose. He has long white flowing hair on to his waist, with a black bang over his left eye, and a black stripe down his back. He has black tribal symbols over his wrists. Finally, he has black denim converses, and high black and white striped socks. Bio: Nero is an orphan in his own right, although he doesn't look like it. Apart from his relativley skinny look, Nero lives ina mansion sized house, due to his father, and mother's great inheritence, and 'luck' dpending on how you look at it, of being an only child. He is extremley intested in creative styles like art, music, and english, but isn't very good with academical studies, like maths. Although he likes blowing things up in science. He seems to have a natural attraction to reptiles. He will know where to find them, anywhere, and they seem realtivley calm around him. Although, even though he won't admit it, he knows he has a reptilian scent around him due to his grand total of 10 lizards, snakes, and tortoises. Personality: Sarcastic, and Arrogant, although quite Quiet. Gra.de: 7 Secrets?: The one thing even the owner can't know. Nero has split personalities. Whenever Nero get's angry, he occaisionly 'switches' into someone the doctors decided to call Cain. Cain is extremley violent, and dangerous, and hard to calm down.
#27008868Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:26 PM GMT

(Okay but a 14 ye.ar o.ld 7th gra.der? Ummm was he held back?) I swallowed and looked around the class. A few guys looked at me and smirked and some girls did too.
#27009010Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:28 PM GMT

(Actually make that 13. A weird 13 year old.) I hissed at all the smirkers and whisperer's to get a life, and looked up at the kid in pity, and empathy. "You alright?" I mouthed.
#27009122Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:31 PM GMT

I smiled like someone crying would if they didn't want anyone to think they were sad...But at least I wasn't crying...With how my life was. "I'm okay..." I whispered.
#27009310Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:34 PM GMT

I nodded and smiled reasurringly. A boy at the back was going to spitwad the new boy, and I waited till the teacher wasn't looking. I threw a rock right at his head, and he was knocked out. Right on cue, to teacher turned around, and shouted at the boy for sleeping in class. I smiled mischeivously.
#27009683Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:41 PM GMT

I smirked then the principal walked in with the bully who tried to hurt me. The principal talked to the teacher for a second. "Michael you need to go to the office right now..." She said. I swallowed and grabbed my backpack. I followed the principal out of the class.
#27010736Tuesday, June 08, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

I'm sitting in computer class, hacking into classified files, when I SHOULD have been researching a topic that I learned years ago
#27011246Tuesday, June 08, 2010 5:11 PM GMT

I stood in the hall listening to the principal. "Mr. Powers what did he ever do to you?" He asked pointing to the bully. "He tried to punch me..." I said "That's a lie!" The bully yelled. "Calm down Joe...Now Mr. Powers i know you are new to school but you aren't allowed to-" "Hurt people? Then why do you let him all the time?"
#27011547Tuesday, June 08, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

I hack into the school system and notice a very interesting conversation in the principal's office. hmmm, why not listen in?
#27011793Tuesday, June 08, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

"I won't be-" "Talked to like that? Well sorry and by the way..." My ears twitched. "I think someone is hackingn your computer." The principal laughed and looked at his computer. He typed in a few things and his face pailed. "Y...You're right?" "What no he's no...huh!!?!?" Joe said lookig at the computer then me in shock. "How did you do that?" He asked. I smiled. "You'll learn later bloody hand..." "Well this doesn't change a thing....Both of you have Saturday detention...You both may go..." The Principal said. I left with Joe behind me.
#27011930Tuesday, June 08, 2010 5:25 PM GMT

Name: Una (Oo-na) Snow A.g.e.: 13 Gender: F Appearance: She has wavy pure white hair with blue tips that reaches the end of her shoulder blades. She has bright yellow eyes and a pale skin tone. She's extremely skinny and her bone structure is very fragile. She wears a long sleeved white shirt, loose white pants, simply white shoes, and her silver dog-tags that show her information for when she was in the mental hospital. Bio: Una is an orphan and she knows nothing of her past. She was stuck in the hospital for three years, and then moved to the mental hospital for one year. She's normally called mentally ill because of the strange symbols she draws everywhere. No one understands them, or knows what they mean, but she understands them perfectly, it's just hard for her to explain them. Personality: Quiet, Talented, and Strange. Grade: 7 Secrets?: The secrets behind her symbols and her 'mental illness'. (That good enough?)

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