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#27160472Friday, June 11, 2010 2:05 AM GMT

In this world- Wait, that's not right. This DEAD world of ours, we've been overrun by monstrous beings. No one knows what happened, no one will. There were only a few survivors left, and you're one of them. Only the western part of the US, and Canada are still up and running. The rest was wiped out by...Well, no one knows what happened there, either. I've got four words for ya: Survive, kill, or die. ======================== Rules: Romance is allowed, just don't go to far. No ubering. The monsters are VERY hard to kill. Don't just go "Kills all the monsters.", and be done with it, alrighty? My word is law. Put: "I will obey the rules" at the bottom of your character sheet if you read these. Have fun[: ======================== CS: N.ame: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Clothing: Personality: Skills: Weapons: Items: Bio: Message me for any questions;]
#27161236Friday, June 11, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

Name: Nano A.ge: 15 Gender: male Appearance: long black hair covering one eye, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and a scar on left arm running from shoulder to wrist Clothing: black cloak with hood, black cargo pants, black tennis shoes, black shirt with dark angel on it, black hoodie Personality: Brutal, direct, shy, mysterious Skills: living in a dark room helps with near-cat-like night vision Weapons: minigun & dual chainsaws Items: first aid kit, duffel bag, crowbar (used for breaking things open, not as a weapon) Bio: Nano spent most of his life in a dark room playing video games when not at school. he's smart, but has played in the dark and keeps whatever past he has to himself.
#27161325Friday, June 11, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

quick change: weapons: stolen military sniper rifle & dual chainsaws
#27161583Friday, June 11, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

Ooc; r u there? *bump*... *leaves out cookiez*
#27161589Friday, June 11, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

N.ame: Alex Sileha. A.ge: 16 Gender: F Appearance: Golden blonde hair that reaches down just past her bum in soft waves, coral blue eyes, elfish face (NO ELF EARS! CALM DOWN!), a bit short, very muscular. Clothing: Grey tank top, blue jeans, sneakers. Personality: Likes laughing and making others laugh. Skills: Fluent in many languages (Including pig latin :D), very fast, great at making something incredibley useful out of nothing (I dont mean out of thin air, calm down) Weapons: Katana that she has tied onto her waist so it can easily be taken out and put back in. Items: Backpack full of provisions and a flashlight. Bio: She was seperated from her family when the monsters first attacked, she is still searching for them, she also enjoys singing to lighten the mood sometimes. I will obey the rules.
#27161647Friday, June 11, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

Ooc; Ahh... Alex also had a medkit in her backpack, and a few other useful things x3
#27161691Friday, June 11, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

Name: Nano A.ge: 15 Gender: male Appearance: long black hair covering one eye, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and a scar on left arm running from shoulder to wrist Clothing: black cloak with hood, black cargo pants, black tennis shoes, black shirt with dark angel on it, black hoodie Personality: Brutal, direct, shy, mysterious Skills: living in a dark room helps with near-cat-like night vision Weapons: stolen military sniper rifle & dual chainsaws Items: first aid kit, duffel bag, crowbar (used for breaking things open, not as a weapon) Bio: Nano spent most of his life in a dark room playing video games when not at school. he's smart, but has played in the dark and keeps whatever past he has to himself. i will follow the rules. i forgot to put that.
#27161833Friday, June 11, 2010 2:25 AM GMT

Ooc; ninja logged off, so it's just us. o.O still wanna RP? we can wait for more or start now.
#27162356Friday, June 11, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

N.ame:Jackson vancoover A.ge:16 Gender:M Appearance: kinda tall, dirtyblond hair that goes down to his eyes. hazel eyes. pretty tan. Clothing:gray hoodie, brown crago pant, black sneakers, blue t-shirt, Personality: Skills:nice, kind, bold. Weapons:knife, 42mm. pistol. Items:broken phone, gum, i-pod Bio:meep
#27174612Friday, June 11, 2010 11:31 AM GMT

(Accepted, Lynk and Bloxette. Shinyfrog, you need to fill in your skills and bio.)
#27175455Friday, June 11, 2010 12:21 PM GMT

(o.o sry) Bio: At 14 he and his family went to c.o in an R.V, They camped there for about 2 weeks. when they were about to leave they heard a growl in the woods. Some kinds of animals attacked there R.V and he fell out. Her tumbled down a cliff and never saw his parents again. He is pretty smart, Nows how to drive,He can really fast. But cant really climb very well.
#27176837Friday, June 11, 2010 1:27 PM GMT

N.ame: Katniss Acacia Greene. A.ge: 17. Gender: F. Appearance: She has long black hair that's kept in a neat braid down her back at all times. Her eyes are a violet color that seem to be glowing most of the time. Her bangs, which have a red streak in them, fall just over her right eye. She's quite lanky, and very tall. Clothing: She wears black skinny jeans, that have a few holes in them. Along with a maroon shirt. She wears a black jacket over the shirt, and gray fingerless gloves. Her soft gray cowhide boots, which she wears everywhere, have just a few holes in them from excessive use. A studded belt around her waste has a few 'secret' places for holding knives. Personality: Short-tempered, quiet, shy. Friendly if you get to know her well. Skills: She's quite good at healing, fighting, and surviving. Weapons: Her boots have pouches on the inside for two knives. She keeps two knives in each boot, and another four in her belt. Items: Her backpack, which is gray, holds a laptop, flashlight, another four knives, three water bottles, a pad of paper, and colored pencils. Bio: Her parents abandoned her at the very young age of four. She was taken in by a couple, who cared for, fed, and sheltered her. She had lived with them for 12 years...Last year they died, and now she's all alone.
#27630668Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

o.o are we starting D:
#27631638Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

(Guess so. Oh, and if you want, you can add a pet to your bio. Mine is a giant lizard, about twenty feet long-(o_O)-, named Frill. :3) I stalked along the street, making clicking noises. I was using echolocation, a very useful method. The sound bounced back to me, and I heard a hissing noise.
#27631760Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

Jackson~ I sat by a tree looking at the pale gray sky. Before it used to be bright blue and sunny. Now. Its just gray. I sighed and looked down and thought about the last attack on me. I winced a couple of times remembering it.
#27632337Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

Luckily, it was just Frill, trying to scare me. I flicked her, and she snorted. I tried to supress a few giggles that were forming.
#27632543Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

Jackson~ I stood up and walked down the abandoned road, glancing at some of the smoke funnels. I rounded and corner, I wasnt looking at when i was walking till i bumped into something scaly. (o.o)
#27633027Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:49 AM GMT

(Bum, bum, buuuummmmm! o_o) Frill hissed, and I clicked again. I flipped out a knife. "Who are you?" I snapped at the darkness that surrounded me.
#27633089Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

N.ame: John A.ge: 23 Gender: M Appearance: Um, avatar. Yeah, my avatar. No, not my Navi one, the- yeah, you get what I'm saying.. Clothing: Same. Personality: Smart, um, Strong. Yes, that'll be good. Skills: Intellegence And strength. Weapons: Time to kick some axe. Yes, I want a 9mm Pistol. Items: The pistol and a can of soda, 'cause they're awesum. Bio: I really don't know the point of this. Mmkay, Ima survivor, that.. was washing dishes on the day of the zombie invasion or whatever it was. Viruses happen to be my favorite, though. I will obey the rules, because only idiots don't. And this here is not an idiot.
#27633202Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:52 AM GMT

(Accepted. xD)
#27633421Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

N.ame: Revel (Most people just call him R) A.ge: 18 Gender: M Appearance: Brown long hair, Green eyes, 5'oclock shadow. Clothing:Torn jeans, Leather jacket, White tshirt, Black sneakers, Black fedora. Personality: Large ego, Nice at times, Scared but hides it. Skills: Knives Weapons: 10 throwing knives, swiss army knife, battle knife, pistol, shotgun Items: water, clothes, rucksack, extra food, some money. Bio: N/A
#27633590Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:58 AM GMT

Bio: His friend was one of the first infected and that scared him for life. now hes just trying to survive.
#27633676Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

Oh by the way I will obey the rules
#27633694Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

Jackson~ "gah!" I stumbled backwards and hit the ground.
#27633913Saturday, June 19, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

(Accepted.) "Who are you?!" I demanded again. Frill hissed louder.

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