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#27192376Friday, June 11, 2010 7:40 PM GMT

It's a quiet evening; you're sleeping home alone. It's 2:07 am, as you wake up randomly. You open your eyes and see a shadow on the wall. "It's nothing." You say as you try to go back to sleep. A few minutes later, you're awoken by loud footsteps. "I'm probably dreaming." But this is no dream. - The next morning, you wake up and see a bitemark on your neck, which is pale. It could've been you're cat... no, he's at the vet. You run to the bathroom and look into the mirror. You cannot see yourself. "What's going on?" You ask yourself. This could only mean one thing... you're a vampire. Rules: No ubering Use correct grammer No godmodding Don't go on a killing spree Do not control anyone's character without permission Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Human or vampire?: If vampire, how did you become one?: Gender: Apperance: Personality: Powers (only one, vampires only): ~ Name: Elizabeth A.ge: 13, 101 in vampire years Human or vampire?: Vampire If vampire, how did you become one?: Her best friend was secretly a vampire, then one day they got into a fight and her best friend bit her Gender: Girl Apperance: Bleach blonde hair, curly and long, blue eyes, sometimes purple, pale, tall Personality: Shy, mysterious, nice but kind of agressive Powers (only one, vampires only): Hypnosis We need 3 people to start
#27192619Friday, June 11, 2010 7:44 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#27192780Friday, June 11, 2010 7:47 PM GMT

BUMP *darn floodcheck >_>*

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