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#27294039Sunday, June 13, 2010 12:31 PM GMT

~Chapter 1 - Introduction~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life wasn't very good even before the Mutations occurred. My only kin was my big brother, Frirad, and we lived together in a small house. We had to work very hard to make ends meet. Even though I was only 14, I had to take odd jobs and my big brother was a janitor in a small business office. This was how our house looks like: There were two mattresses laid on the corner on the floor. There was an old black-and-white television set on the opposite side of the house. A torn blue sofa was facing the television set. Just at the left side of the TV, there was a door that lead to the kitchen. In our kitchen we...didn't really have much in there. Only a microwave oven and a small fridge that couldn't function properly. Besides, the kitchen was too small to hold any more furniture. There was a door connecting the kitchen and the bathroom. At least the bathroom was well-equipped. Pathetic isn't it? Although we weren't very well-to-do, we knew many people. We live in the suburbs of Seyrington and everyone knew each other. There was John who lived right beside our home. He loved playing cards. He always had a deck of poker cards in his pocket. And then there was Freddy, Frirad's best buddy. They get along very well and they go out pretty often. There was also Sova. He was expert in vehicles and could make anything that had four wheels work. If he wasn't in the suburbs he would be in his own garage in the city, probably working on some new car or van. Last but not least, there was my best friend, Rad. He was a really quiet guy and would speak unless it was necessary. He loved nature and would be fumbling with a bush or playing with the grass. Together we would stick up for each other when one of us got into trouble. After working odd jobs, I would be stuck in a book. I totally loved reading. If I didn't have anything to do I would go to the library in the city to browse on some books. We actually had a small shelf in our home too. There were quite a number of books placed on each shelf but I pretty much read all those books hundred of times. I would stay in the library, enjoying the air-conditioning and the interesting books until 9 p.m which is when the library closes. Then I would slowly stroll towards home, or hang out in Rad's house until 11. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#27294158Sunday, June 13, 2010 12:35 PM GMT

nice start, I'll check again after church, good job man!
#27295324Sunday, June 13, 2010 1:08 PM GMT

~Chapter 2 - The factory~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is how Seyrington looks like. In the middle is the city and business districts. To the left is a farm. That's probably where all the food in Seyrington comes from. To the right is the suburbs, where I live. And to the north is the radioactive factory. The radioactive factory is a facility where they test the effects of radiation. They also possess radioactive materials like uranium and plutonium there. When I was in school we had an excursion to the factory. The factory seemed eerie, partly because I was small then and I didn't know much. But they were testing radiation on animals. Although we were forbidden to observe the whole process, I could hear the cries of pain of the helpless creatures. We were told that the factory was trying to find out what would we benefit from radiation. We were wrong. They were actually trying to create a biohazard. Creating a radiation bomb. One night, when I was heading back from the library to the suburbs, I heard an explosion. It wasn't very loud and so I assumed it was far away. But it was obvious enough. People around me were clearly stunned. I stood rooted to the ground for about 5 minutes but nothing happened. I calmed down and continued on my journey. As I slept soundly on my mattress beside Frirad, the construction of the radiation bomb in the factory had gone terribly wrong. Sunlight shined directly at my face. I woke up and felt groggy. Frirad shook me to wake me up as usual. I rubbed my eyes and looked outside the window. Amongst the peaceful clouds there was a trail of greenish smoke. It came from the radioactive factory. Usually the factory emits smoke, but it wasn't green. This was unusual. I called Frirad to look. He watched it and said it's probably some new process. Nevertheless I was wary. After he went out for work, I turned the TV on. I accidently tuned in to the news channel and saw the large words 'Radioactive Factory Gone Wrong'. The reporters said that the factory was emitting radioactive smoke but it wouldn't affect the city and suburbs as the factory was far away enough. Yes, they were partly right. The smoke wouldn't affect us. Not yet, that is. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I gotta go. Be back tomorrow.)
#27352166Monday, June 14, 2010 8:28 AM GMT

~Chapter 3 - Downpour~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life and business carried on as usual after the incident at the radioactive factory. Many believed that the emitted smoke really wouldn't affect them much. Indeed, life was uneventful for the next 2 weeks. But what we didn't expect is the saying 'What goes up must come down' would actually apply to the radioactive smoke. The toxic smoke emitting from the factory was acting just like ordinary clouds. Evaporating from liquids, going upwards, condensing into droplets and coming back down as rain. Radioactive acid rain. This would change mankind forever. One beautifully boring Monday, I was walking towards the city from home. Taking odd jobs as usual. I began wondering when would I get a real job. A fixed job where I work in a routine. I was 16 then. I might get a job in the fast-food restaurants maybe? As a cashier? I always try to get my hopes high. I didn't want to be like Frirad, cleaning the toilets and corridors all day. Walking along the side of the road, my thoughts were disrupted by the sound of thunder from the distance. Ominous clouds were quickly spreading and heading towards Seyrington. I hastened my pace. If I got to the city in time I might get shelter early. I arrived at the city. It was dark. The thunderclouds were right above us. I looked around, searching for a shelter. At that time it was early, around 8.30 a.m. Many stores weren't open yet. Luckily, there was a restaurant that was open 24/7. I reached the restaurant and was inside before the heavy rain began. I got seated and was looking outside, watching the people rushing to get shelter. Suddenly, a waiter was beside me and asked if I needed anything. After a few seconds of thought I decided to have breakfast there. I ordered for some food and waited. No one knew that the downpour was radioactive and that the people who got into it would mutate into hideous monsters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#27352561Monday, June 14, 2010 9:19 AM GMT

nice :3
#27353260Monday, June 14, 2010 10:26 AM GMT

~Chapter 4 - Mutation~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just completed some odd jobs. Looking at my watch, it was already 8.30 p.m. I won't have time for reading at the library, so I headed straight for home. As I walked along the pavement, I put my hand into my pocket and took out the money I earned that day. "10....20...."I mumbled as I counted. Even though I was poor my arithmetic was quite good. I topped the class in geometry when I was in school. Suddenly I heard a ear-piercing scream. Right after that there was a shout. I stopped in my tracks and turned my head towards the scream. There was a woman and man on the opposite side of the road. They seemed to be petrified and were rooted to the ground. I looked further and saw a disgusting monster. It was a humanoid. Some of its skin were bluish-grey. Flies were flying all around him as his skin was gradually rotting away. He was bent backwards and was slowly dragging itself forward towards the couple. I was horrified. I, too, was paralysed with fear. Further away there was a group of adolescent delinquents that also saw the mutant. Their cries and curses somehow managed to get me back to my senses. I blinked. I saw the monster again. I quickly hid behind a nearby recycle bin. I stuck my head out and looked. The monster was still struggling towards the couple. Suddenly the man grabbed the woman by the hand and ran off to safety. The mutant groaned. Then, a man holding a pump shotgun came by and pulled the trigger at the mutant. The zombie was half-jerked by the force of the bullet and collapsed to the floor. I immediately grabbed the chance to escape. I got up and ran off towards the suburbs. When I arrived, the suburbs were deadly quiet. Don't tell me. The mutants had reached the suburbs too? I panicked and ran to my house door and opened it. Frirad was sitting on the sofa watching the black and white screen of the television set. He turned towards me. "Ah, you're home, Zayne." So this place was still safe. But not for long. I told Frirad about the mutant I saw earlier.
#27412931Tuesday, June 15, 2010 8:47 AM GMT

~Chapter 5 - Reality~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was expecting something like "Are you crazy" thing from Frirad. But he didn't. He had a serious face after hearing about my encounter. He simply picked up the TV remote controller and pressed the On button. The TV screen flicked and slowly gained the channel transmission. It was the news channel. Below were the words: Mutants attack Seyrington. I turned towards Frirad. He said in a slow voice," I was about to tell you that too. It seems you have already encountered one of those beasts..." He paused for a second and was about to speak when the TV screen turned into static. The signal was gone. "Come on, it's not going to be safe here,"Frirad said. We got out of the house. We checked every single house for anyone we knew. Only Rad was at home. We told him about the disaster and soon were planning for an escape plan. The three of us could go further away from the city in the direction of the suburbs if only there was a town or state there. The road only led towards the coast. The ocean. The only way was to go in the direction of the farm. First thing we thought was a detour around the city but... south of Seyrington is a thick forest that is practically inaccessible. It was also the habitat of lions and jaguars. If we detoured around the other way, that meant cutting across the path between the city and the factory. The mutants probably came from the factory. "Well then, the only way is to cut across the city. You two go and get some sort of weapon like a stick."Frirad concluded. I went to our small backyard and searched for a weapon. As I searched, I suddenly realised that this wasn't a dream. Usually when something big happens I would be in a sort of 'dream' mode where I think in a way that what was happening was fake. This was real. A stick.... ah there. I returned to the same spot with a metal crowbar. Rad came back with a rake. Frirad had a sword. Our blade. We had that in our house hung up on the wall. It was a genuine cutlass. Passed down from my great-grandfather. "Well that's convenient," I said. He smiled and we made our way towards the city.
#27415489Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:24 PM GMT

~Chapter 6 - GruesomeCity~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene was horrifying. Seyrington city is a zombie town. There were bloodthirsty mutants everywhere. But even though it seemed like all hope was lost, we believed that there must be survivors somewhere. Somewhere safe from zombies. Nevertheless, we must continue on our journey. We would only find a place to hide when it gets dark. When we got to a cross junction, it looked as if mutants were coming from all directions. however there was something odd. They were slow. Very slow. "So who had been infecting the rest of the people with the mutant virus?" I said as I swung my crowbar at the head of a mutant. Frirad shrugged and Rad barely responded. "We shouldn't be wasting our energy here. We must conserve energy and keep walking west." Frirad replied. We ran past the horde of monsters and then slowed down to a jog. I was wondering whether there was a stronger force of mutants. A horde of super-slow zombies couldn't barely lay a finger on anyone. My theory was right. There, from afar, was a light-green skinned mutant. It ran. Straight at us. "Oh no" was the right phrase. We prepared for the attack. I held my crowbar up high, as if I was playing baseball. When the zombie was near we all swung our weapons in unison. I was the first to hit. Its head jerked backwards and then came Rad's rake. Frirad's cutlass finished it all. It lay on the floor and a greenish-red pool was growing underneath. It was dusk. We needed to find a safe hiding place. We were sort of strolling along the pavement when we heard a "Psst". We turned towards the sound. It came from a McDonald's store. There was a barricaded window but we could clearly see someone in there. He peered through the barricades. "You guys seem pretty normal to me. Survivors?" The guy whispered. Frirad replied "Yeah. We came from the suburbs. Is that a hiding place?" He disappeared into the shadows. Then the barricaded door slowly opened. The guy inside looked around us. "Okay it's safe. Come on in."
#27415635Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:31 PM GMT

This is pretty good!Maybe I should post some of my stories on Roblox.Now that schools out none of my friends are around to listen.
#27415847Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:41 PM GMT

I might read your stories. By the way this is my first ever thread about a story. I might make a small sequel. XD
#27415934Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:44 PM GMT

You should make a roleplay about this. mate!
#27415997Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:48 PM GMT

Maybe. It's quite a good idea nonetheless.
#27416049Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:50 PM GMT

Well i wrote the first part to my story hope it gets a good response.But lycan you should continue this!
#27469741Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:05 AM GMT

~Chapter 7 - McHideout~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hideout was very dark because of the barricades blocking the sunlight outside, but somehow we could see that the store was considerably large. The movable tables and chairs were moved to the sides. The nailed ones still stayed on the spot though. There were quite a number of survivors indeed. We briefly took a glance at each of them and saw.... John the poker fanatic? He saw us too, "oh hey guys. Didn't think that you would be here." "You know each other?" the guy(called Yerdan) that brought us in said. We nodded. We talked for quite some time. Then, Yerdan intorduced each of the survivors. Soon it was nighttime. The store was completely dark since the lamposts outside were not lit. Yerdan lighted a log with a matchstick in the middle of the room and we sat around it. I wondered where did he get that wood. He passed us a few guns. I got a pistol, Rad got a sub-machine gun and Frirad, being the oldest among us three, got a assault rifle. Yerdan then said,"the pistol has five bullets, the SMG has 30, the rifle there has 10. Use em' wisely." I lay down on the floor. As I watched the flame slowly burn down the candle, it reminded me of the campfires I attended when I was a boy scout. I sighed. I looked up at the ceiling. Suddenly my belly growled. I was hungry from walking for so long. "Got anything to eat here?" John went to the back of the counter. He came back and tossed a piece of bacon at me. After I finished it, my eyes began to feel heavy. Pistol on my right hand and crowbar at the left, I slowly dozed off. I woke up to the smell of ashes. Frirad was already up as usual and was looking outside from a hole in the barricaded window. The others were all asleep. I was hungry again. The previous day's bacon didn't fill my stomach up well. I slowly staggered to the counter. A loaf of bread? I didn't know McDonald's had bread. Anyway, I took a munch on it. I searched for a drink. Coke? Not in the morning. Ah there. Apple juice is better.
#27470528Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:07 AM GMT

Lack of Plot, Shorter Chapters. Just keep working on it and putting more into the storyline.
#27526579Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:35 AM GMT

This IS my first 'story' thread so I might not be good in it.
#27526623Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:40 AM GMT

#27527565Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:10 AM GMT

Lycan i had the same problem. look at my thread:VG Cats:then on.its already popular!just keep trying and you will get the hang of it
#27527735Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:23 AM GMT

True I just startes and my Dark World is already kinda popular.
#27527790Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:27 AM GMT

my trick was this. 1.ALL chapters on a story are cliffhangers EXCEPT the end 2.put comment breaks ie. 3 chapters then a 10 minuite period where others can talk. 3. say you will report trolls and rule-breakers.it really helps 4.dont listen to trolls,just report and keep going
#27528113Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:52 AM GMT

MY rules 1.Ignore the people who cant appreciate your story.Most of them are idiots who can read only cause theyr'e parents made them. 2. All ways challenge yourself to out do your last chapter. 3. Build up your charactars main personality and if thier important characters give them more personal detail later.
#27528165Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:55 AM GMT

nice.if you want me to make a third vg cats story get the replies on my vg cats knock knock game to 50
#27763203Monday, June 21, 2010 1:45 PM GMT

~Chapter 8 - On the run~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly there was a heavy knock on the barricaded wall. I stared at Frirad and he did the same back at me. Another loud knock. By then everyone was up. I peeked through the window. A whole horde. Approximately three dozens. "More than 30 of them." I said as I kept my eyes at the window. John was eye-wide then. We had to do something before the mutants break through the door. The barricade may not last any longer with more than 10 people pushing against it. The hideout's back door was locked but it had a roof and so, John, Frirad and I went up. We slowly crawled to the front end of the concrete roof. We couldn't fire our guns as the ammunition was very limited. What were we to do? We could hear a loud hum in the distance. It got louder with each passing second. Suddenly there was a shadow in the sky. We looked up. What was that? The sun was directly behind it so we couldn't see very well. Then, a plume of smoke began coming out at the front of it. I squinted. "MISSILE!"I shouted. We took cover as the two fired missles hit the horde of zombies and instantly incinerated all of them. It flew past us. "What the heck was that?"John commented. "Should be from the Flevarn Air Force,"I replied as I saw a distinctive blue/green stripe on the fighter plane. The city Flevarn was only a couple of hundred miles away from Seyrington. However, we could get their help if we sent a signal. So who told them? Another monotonous hum disrupted my thoughts. A fighter plane again? I was wrong. This time it was a helicopter. "Attention all survivors. This is from the FAF(Flevarn Air Force). Please proceed to the city center. We will rescue the hostages there." a voice shouted via a megaphone. "What the in the world? City center? Rescue us here and now man!" Frirad muttered. Indeed, why didn't they rescue us right at the spot? We soon got an answer. The helicopter was ridiculously small. I assumed it could only hold two or three people. We had no time to waste. Very soon we were fully equipped and on the run. I felt safer with a bigger group. I was at the end of the crowd and was right behind John. Frirad was at the front end. Amongst the sound of our footsteps, I could hear moans and groans. But it didn't come from the group. I looked back. Oh crap. "We got company. Big company."I said. Everyone looked back. A whole horde of sprinting mutants. Twenty multi-coloured beasts running straight at us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#27764846Monday, June 21, 2010 2:39 PM GMT

Nice job

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