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#27526932Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:16 AM GMT

this is VG Cats knock knock!I dont care if you dont know what vg cats is you can still play. examples of how its played you:*knocks on door*i have a package for leo Leo(me):*opens door* you:IMA FIRIN MA LAZOR!! Leo:AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!*duck* you:BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Leo:*closes door* or maybe... you:*knock knock*i have a package for aeris Aeris(also me):*opens door*hello? You:ZIGGY BUGGY D- Aeris:NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!*punches you* Aeris:*closes door* or even... you:*knock knock*I have a package for Leo and Aeris Both:*open door* you:im selling girlscout cookies! Leo:GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?!?!?!?!? THEY MUST BE MIIIIINE!!!*buys all of them* Aeris:THAT is why they never come here Leo:Thank you!*closes door* Both:*eat all of the cookies* so its like this: You:*knock knock*i have a package for Leo/Aeris/Leo and Aeris Leo/Aeris/Both:*opens door*hello? You:(package or whatever here) Leo/Aeris/Both:(insert reaction here)*closes door* next person! enjoy! [PS: If there is something like this,sorry if I'm copying! I didn't know!]
#27527178Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:37 AM GMT

Bump! Noob:*nock nok*i h4z a gift 4 L30z Leo:*opens door*Hello? Noob:1 h4z 4 muffinz Leo:and? Noob:u c4n7 h4z it!! Leo:ok...*closes door*
#27527284Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:45 AM GMT

Leo:{knock Knock} Noob:who is there? Leo:your mother want go somewhere with u Noob Noob:but my mothet died in a bomb Leo:exacly! KA-BOOM!
#27527473Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:03 AM GMT

plz read the rules.
#27528002Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:44 AM GMT

Ternaldo:*knock knock* a package for pink cat lady *drops letter and runs* Aeris:pink cat lady...oh*opens door* Aeris: i dont need to read this.*throws letter in trash* Aeris:*closes door*

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