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#28150075Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:45 PM GMT

Nation Signup Sheet Name: Current Ruler: Capital: Government: Economy: Military: # of units Area of earth Claimed (I.e Denmark, parts of austrailia): __________ Rules: Updates: only happen after all players have had a chance to comment, or at least 24 hours since the last update, whichever comes first. For the first turn only, exactly 24 hours must pass before an update, so stragglers have a chance to get in. NO NUKES OR UBER WEAPONS Claims: You are free to claim 5 territories per turn. Most territories cost 1, but larger ones like those in Canada, Australia, or Russia cost more depending on size. Overseas territories cost 2 to claim, but if you own 10 connected territories in any place overseas, you can claim more at only 1 provided they are small. Territories 5 pixels or smaller cost only half a point to claim. Most US states cost 2-3 points There is a United nations type organization This takes place in 2015. I will calculate everyone's GDP upon request, but you are expected to keep updating it yourself War battles: You are limited to three battles total per update, so choose wisely in major wars. If you only have one foe, however, you can attack them all three times. If you have two, you can attack one two times and the other one if you so wish. Regardless, you have three battle points to use, so choose wisely. Claims in war: When claiming territories in war, each one will count as half a claim point, conquered or non. So if you claim five territories but also take one province, you will only get four claims plus that one province you conquered. If you'd prefer claims first, conquests second, let me know Global events. Every update, I'll detail the economic climate of the world, natural disasters, etc. You're free to offer suggestions.
#28150666Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

Name: Confederate States of america Current Ruler: Lee IV Capital: Atlanta Government: Republic with Universal suffrage for everyone 17 + Economy: Capitalist with social help programs Military(100-1,000,000) : 1,000,000 Area of earth Claimed : Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama (On the Pixels part, that stands for 10 miles)
#28152150Sunday, June 27, 2010 9:22 PM GMT

#28217516Monday, June 28, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

Hoping so RTers will come
#28296077Wednesday, June 30, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

Please join

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