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#29122515Monday, July 12, 2010 8:20 PM GMT

I think that the should be new shields but not that only deflect things but reflect them so say there's a rocket from a rocket launcher comin at you the shield should send it right back or maybe have a limit of how many times it can do that but only maybe and also instead of the gear in your hand it should go on the back of your torso like a hat but you know usable and a sword like that would be awesome they should make the for the left hand and right handed gear so you can have a sword and shield!
#29122549Monday, July 12, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

It wouldn't work. ~{Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one.}~ --Support my campaign against spam! Check my profile!
#29122750Monday, July 12, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

Shields don't reflect rockets in real life. You expect to be able to reflect rockets on ROBLOX? You need a specially scripted rocket.
#29133982Monday, July 12, 2010 11:12 PM GMT

if they have explosions that hit the rocket wouldn't there be a way for the shield to somehow do a type of roocket back?
#29134025Monday, July 12, 2010 11:12 PM GMT

Oh and it doesn't HAVE to do that exactly it doesn't matter as long as it's big enough to help at all.

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